winnie19 wrote: Drama slumps I think will happen even for hard core addicts. I'm still new to drama (3 months) so it's all exciting for me as I get to pick the best drama to watch. My nightmare would be that I can no longer get access the drama I want. I can't even begin to know how I would react. The worse thing is no one in my family would even remotely understand how I would feel. I'm the only one in my family and friends who watches drama and I have no one to talk to about them except here on MDL. However many years down the line I don't know maybe my interest in drama might fade but I hope not for a long time.
Being new to Dramaland is good because it allows you to watch all the great dramas out there and you get recommedations from drama experts so you will naturally feel charmed and happy this period, I hope that it will last and don't take my case as an example because there are many other addicts who still enjoy watching dramas even after three, four or even seven years.
As for me, the main reason is my over-critical sense that ruined many dramas for me and I became so hard to satisfy which lead to this result so my advise is: try to enjoy dramas whithout thinking too much about the little details.
Good luck with your drama addiction :)