yeah i dont get that either, why say that they are sorry and didnt want to go shutdown without saying anything, but then really not say anything as to why they had to shutdown? and then ask us to support some webpage on facebook?
kestrel wrote: DC said in their web that they didn't want to just shut down without saying anything to people, but, come on, to say such a thing on the same day? :( Didn't they make this decision earlier? What a shock!
Now and then I've watched some dramas on other sites (youtube and gooddrama) but those were just 1/20 of the dramas I've watched. I watched my first asian drama on dramacrazy about 4-5 years ago. I'm really going to miss DC.
Sakakibara wrote: Long live asiatorrents!

i feel really depressed is that normal?
Asiatorrents, D-addicts, I missed you guys. I have to go back to download dramas from you now. Not only movies :(
shaz22 wrote: I'm sad..........can't access DC anymore!
I just wanna hug someone and cry!

*hugs shaz*
i feel the same, there goes my summer plans of watching asian dramas :( i have a really long summer to seeing as im off to university and dont start until october :( im sitting here now confused and bored, i planned to spend my evening catching up on some dramas but well nothing now so my brain doesnt understand and cant comprehend not watching asian dramas?
TiaRianne wrote: i feel really depressed is that normal?
I may sound harsh but guys, do you really as they say in Jdrama want to accept this? I do not accept this. I do not accept them shutting this down like they just thought to shut it down. We deserve answers, we deserve a lot. Obviously as members we did not mean anythign to them or they could have warned us for a lot longer. My only other idea is that they got cuaght by the government and are running but I don't think so since they are leaving it up for a "few hours" and if the government was after ya you'd be running now right? XD Anyway, I'm just going to suck it up and move on. Since it's out of our hands. At least we have this place to connect! *trying to think positively but really just too upset and shock and angry and other stuff*
just a thought, if dramacrazy planned to shutdown today, why did they upload more dramas episodes today? surely it would have been pointless if they are closing down?
I swear, if this has anything to do with DF again I am going to send my mental laserbeam on top of their heads and set them on fire! A la Galileo style!
i've just introduced my mother to them ad she loves, them she's going to be so dissapointed when i tell her :(
JeliTots-N-SmeliSoks wrote: just a thought, if dramacrazy planned to shutdown today, why did they upload more dramas episodes today? surely it would have been pointless if they are closing down?

i thought that as well it didnt make sense
JeliTots-N-SmeliSoks wrote: yeah i dont get that either, why say that they are sorry and didnt want to go shutdown without saying anything, but then really not say anything as to why they had to shutdown? and then ask us to support some webpage on facebook?

Ah, now I can see the link. After a long time the page has finally loaded again, I couldn't see it before. "I Love Asian Drama Forever"?

zas wrote: ???????????????????????????????????wth

yes, that's the feeling for most people here.
i can't beileve this i'm still trying to access at dc i'm so mad right now.. :(
Is it April 1st by any chance???