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The Effect

Lawd this one had me in tears

Well Intended Love

Leverage - underwhelming, especially as a fan of the original. Kim Sae Ron was the standout.

Catch The Ghost (I'm backlogged on my dramas)

The lies within ... I miss it so much :(


The lies within ... I miss it so much :(

Ashes of Love...... I want to cry it was just phenomenal. Deserves all the hype it gets imo. Hats off to those who watched while it was airing I would have absolutely died if I had to wait for the next episodes 


Triad Princess ugh!

bad? was thinking of giving it a try

 Junmyeons Wife:

bad? was thinking of giving it a try

That link is to my review :)

Queen's classroom  இ﹏இ