Raining Sunshine:

Day 20

Character Trope/archetype you hate

  • Jerk Male Lead - not to be confused with cold male lead. I hate the ones that never have a character arc.
  • Player - example is Alex from UWMA. Hated him with a passion the moment he showed up lmao
  • Doormat Character - the one that lets the male lead and/or everyone else just walk all over them because they can never stand up for themselves. Like the first one, if there's a character arc I don't mind it as much. 
  • Possessive/Overly Jealous Character - the one that controls their love interest because of their own jealousy issues. Again, if this just stays at a cute level I enjoy it until it starts becoming toxic.
  • Cheater - haven't seen this much at all but any infedelity is a no for me lol
  • Internalized Homophobic Character - this should be ironic in a BL but this trope is way too common I'm tired of seeing it please choose another character trope thank you <3

Character Tropes I hate:

  1. Self Deprecating - they don't think they're good enough
  2. Playboy
  3. Depressed/pessimistic 
  4. Airhead
  5. Not over Their Ex - I could not stand Wayu in Gen Y
 Raining Sunshine:

Day 20

Character Trope/archetype you hate

  • 'I don't like boys I just like you' - for obvious reasons i dislike this trope and find it irritating
  • The type of character thats just WEAK, to the point its pathetic. like when they never fight back and always rely on others to get them out of a situation (e.g haebom from cbaw)
 Raining Sunshine:

Day 20

Character Trope/archetype you hate

  • OVERTLY JEALOUS CHARACTERS - and these characters being portrayed as "protective"
  • WHITE KNIGHTS AND THOSE THEY PROTECT - characters who think their love interest needs protection all the time, and characters who can't stand their own.
  • THE SHIPPERS - the characters who violate the leads privacy in the name of shipping.
  • MOODY CHARACTERS - who bring absolutely nothing to the story, their whole personality is being moody.
  • Jerk Male Lead - not to be confused with cold male lead. I hate the ones that never have a character arc.
  • Player - example is Alex from UWMA. Hated him with a passion the moment he showed up lmao
  • Doormat Character - the one that lets the male lead and/or everyone else just walk all over them because they can never stand up for themselves. Like the first one, if there's a character arc I don't mind it as much. 
  • Possessive/Overly Jealous Character - the one that controls their love interest because of their own jealousy issues. Again, if this just stays at a cute level I enjoy it until it starts becoming toxic.
  • Cheater - haven't seen this much at all but any infedelity is a no for me lol
  • Internalized Homophobic Character - this should be ironic in a BL but this trope is way too common I'm tired of seeing it please choose another character trope thank you <3

Same but i would 3 more to the list 

  •  Ultra naive / innocent character that everyone treats like a child yet is supposed to be in an adult relationship. 
  • Dont touch me /look at me relationships - i.e. they get together but then the thought of actually being together is just too much so every touch and look turns into a mini drama and its almost like they dont actually want to be near each other.
  • Toxic Female Characters - Its an over used trope that i am so sick of. I am sure there are small % of women who would react that way but seriously come on.
  • OVERTLY JEALOUS CHARACTERS - and these characters being portrayed as "protective"
  • WHITE KNIGHTS AND THOSE THEY PROTECT - characters who think their love interest needs protection all the time, and characters who can't stand their own.
  • THE SHIPPERS - the characters who violate the leads privacy in the name of shipping.
  • MOODY CHARACTERS - who bring absolutely nothing to the story, their whole personality is being moody.

I was with you until the Moody Characters lol. I love grumpy things! But the other 3 yes are so awful i hate when I watch a BL with them in it. 

  • 'I don't like boys I just like you' - for obvious reasons i dislike this trope and find it irritating
  • The type of character thats just WEAK, to the point its pathetic. like when they never fight back and always rely on others to get them out of a situation (e.g haebom from cbaw)

Oh yes .. it's 2022, really time for Industry to get over the "i'm not gay i just like you" stuff


I was with you until the Moody Characters lol. I love grumpy things! But the other 3 yes are so awful i hate when I watch a BL with them in it. 

I do like characters who are grumpy to a certain extent, I just can't stand those characters who wallow in their pity and misery for the entire series, like Ae from Love By Chance 2. 

Maybe I should have worded it better LoL

I'm unable to quote your response but please tell me what dramas have the don't touch me relationships so I know to avoid them LMAO. I have yet to see that trope and I'm honestly glad I haven't.


I'm unable to quote your response but please tell me what dramas have the don't touch me relationships so I know to avoid them LMAO. I have yet to see that trope and I'm honestly glad I haven't.

It's more the ones where like they start dating and every kiss is a surprise or like they panic every time the person they are dating tries to kiss or cuddle them. Its like you expect me to buy that they are continually spouting their undying love to each other but a kiss on the cheek is just a step to far. I get being a bit shy but seriously come on! 


I do like characters who are grumpy to a certain extent, I just can't stand those characters who wallow in their pity and misery for the entire series, like Ae from Love By Chance 2. 

Maybe I should have worded it better LoL

Maybe I was an Emo in a past life or something because I love the angst lol. But like if you have ever seen Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy , Marvin the depressed robot is my favorite character. The exception is if they are really whiney with no other personality like Wayu. He drove me nuts, just wanted to slap him. 


Oh yes .. it's 2022, really time for Industry to get over the "i'm not gay i just like you" stuff

Lol I was reading something and a guy was like just because i am dating and sleeping with a guy doesnt make me gay........excuse me sir, then what does it make you?


It's more the ones where like they start dating and every kiss is a surprise or like they panic every time the person they are dating tries to kiss or cuddle them. Its like you expect me to buy that they are continually spouting their undying love to each other but a kiss on the cheek is just a step to far. I get being a bit shy but seriously come on! 

Oh Okay here I thought you are talking about Leads distancing themselves from each other because they don't want the other person to know that he is into him.


It's more the ones where like they start dating and every kiss is a surprise or like they panic every time the person they are dating tries to kiss or cuddle them. Its like you expect me to buy that they are continually spouting their undying love to each other but a kiss on the cheek is just a step to far. I get being a bit shy but seriously come on! 

Oh yeah I definitely agree. I can understand that maybe a couple of times in the beginning especially if they've never dated anyone before but if it continues it just makes the entire drama feel awkward.


Oh yes .. it's 2022, really time for Industry to get over the "i'm not gay i just like you" stuff

I loved Pa's line in Bad Buddy when she was with Pat & Pran. Pat had just admitted to being bi and Pa said something like 'I thought you would say you didn't like guys, you just liked Pran.' 

Good job calling attention to this nonsense plot device!