Raining Sunshine:

Day 21

First Korean BL and Last Watched Korean BL drama

First KBL = Long Time No See  (If not, then it might have been Where your eyes Linger)

Last KBL = Ocean Likes Me/ Love Class

First Watched Korean BL - Semantic Error

Last Watched Korean BL - Blueming

Day 21 - 1st KBL & Most recent KBL

First - Color Rush.....first KBL i fell in love with - To my Star

Last Watched - Blue of Winter.....most recent i really liked - Blueming


Oh wow the first one hurt damn

I'm so sorry! I know it is a universally adored pairing; I don't even understand why I don't like it... 


I'm so sorry! I know it is a universally adored pairing; I don't even understand why I don't like it... 

There is nothing wrong in liking  and not liking a thing.  It all depends on your taste and preferences so no need to be sorry is what I felt. 

I may like Wei Wuxian to core but you may like Lan Zhan or Jiang Cheng. It's completely upto you to like or not like. 

But seriously Wei Wuxian is the best for me in TU.

 Raining Sunshine:

There is nothing wrong in liking  and not liking a thing.  It all depends on your taste and preferences so no need to be sorry is what I felt. 

I may like Wei Wuxian to core but you may like Lan Zhan or Jiang Cheng. It's completely upto you to like or not like. 

But seriously Wei Wuxian is the best for me in TU.

Wei Wuxian is the best... and so is Lan Zhan! XD  They complement each other so well I can't separate them in my heart. WangXian forever!!!

Day 21

First Korean BL - Wish You

Last Watched KBL - Love Class

*Wish You and To My Star are my all time favorite Korean BLs. When I need the comfort of a familiar drama these are the first two I look for.

 Raining Sunshine:

Day 21

First Korean BL and Last Watched Korean BL drama

First: Where your eyes linger

Latest: Mr. Heart

Tbh I think those are the only 2 I've watched so far...

Day 21

First Korean BL - Semantic Error  

Last Watched KBL - Color Rush 


I finished it, and then realized it seemed like there might be more to the story? Lets just say it’s incomplete for now, because (my guess) is that the main couple will pop up in the second part of the story. 

Now i finished too.

I need to say that i'm a little unsatisfied with the second half :-/...

i'd like to join too :o

 Raining Sunshine:

Day 21

First Korean BL and Last Watched Korean BL drama

First was Long Time No See

and the last was Ocean likes you but i still try to forget it as fast as possible XD

Day 21:

First Korean BL Drama - Where Your Eyes Linger

Last watched Korean BL Drama - Semantic Error

 Raining Sunshine:

Off  Main Challenge question 

Which would you prefer from below - 

  • Where your eyes linger ( or ) Ocean Likes Me 
  • Where your eyes linger ( or ) My Sweet Dear

wyel cleared them both easily. ocean likes me and my sweet dear are 2 of my most disliked kbls like im sorry but they're really so bad