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tried to make some couple emblems for OnyxTheHedgehog with OffGun.

The Trainee Final Review

Rating : I loved this show. Easily a 9/10.

Everything about this show felt fresh and creative. From the sets to the characters, to the editing. Fitting for a show set in the world of production. 

Like other's have said, this wasn't a BL-- and if I was to rate it solely on that it would be lacking-- but I don't rate shows that way. A good show, should be a good show all around, no matter what genre it is. Do I wish there was more JaneRyan? OF COURSE. 

These two characters are some of OffGun's best. Gun, like always, became Ryan. His micro expressions are always so captivating to me. He's so interesting to watch. Jane is my favorite character that I've seen Off do. He is just such an attractive character, and so nice to look at. I would have watched a show solely based on those two, and would have been beyond happy.

But-- despite JaneRyan being the heart of this show-- this show was in reality the story of 5 trainee's (and their mentor Jane) and their journey from inexperienced bumbling kids, to adults who found their path in life. 

Although there are parts of this show that felt annoying to watch (Yes, I'm talking about the trio.), the story lines usually felt relatable and the conclusions satisfying or at the very least understandable. All the actors in this show did a great job because they had me reacting appropriately 24.7. I felt annoyed, angry, happy, empathetic, and all the emotions possible. 

This is going to  sound weird but-- It was a pleasure watching these kids grow up.

Gif Credits (X)

I like Korean ones too but I've seen very few

Have you seen "Love for Love's Sake," "Semantic Error," "Sing My Crush," or "A Breeze of Love" yet?  I'm pretty ruthless when rating my BLs, but I've given these a rating of eight or higher, so I recommend checking them out if you haven't already. 

I've found that KBLs can swing between being really good and really bad. 

In this genre, storytelling often jumps through short episodes with lots of time jumps, leaving some plot holes. Instead of slowly building up, it heavily relies on emotional angst and explicit scenes, lacking the fundamental emotion that would help me fully immerse myself in the story. 

On the other hand, there are also full-length series with incredible writing that immediately grab my attention and excite me for the next episode. These series also have killer music and top-notch production, stirring up strong emotions in me. 

I appreciate these series more because you can tell how much love and effort went into creating them.

Rik and Wen as a couple

N0, but seriously, are we going to get a part 3? It can't end like that. I need answers LOL

I finished The Time of Fever yesterday so of course I had to rewatch Unintentional Love Story.

Have you seen "Love for Love's Sake," "Semantic Error," "Sing My Crush," or "A Breeze of Love" yet?  I'm pretty ruthless when rating my BLs, but I've given these a rating of eight or higher, so I recommend checking them out if you haven't already. 

Can you explain me what's that exciting about Semantic Error? I saw many people talking about how good that drama is but I find it quite boring and characters (especially Jang Jae Young) were so annoying

First Note of Love ~ episode 7 ~ AKA MA SOOOONNN!!!

ahh, yes, that's right, invited over........oh, so they were brothers?


Yeah, it's a lot to take in baby it's ok. You seen private footage of your idols, kissed your idol and then that idol confessed to you. It's ok hun, momma's behind, run!

Ohhh, hello Whale Man.......Listen, you can be sexy in the shower all you want, I still don't like you.

Also, there's a beautiful little gay taking full form in my imagination right now, and if it's the cool anime character look you're going for, I'm sure he'd be happy to help. I mean, we both can see the extension line in your hair and may have laughed into our tea cups. 

Anyway....moving on ...

Whats wrong? Are you waiting for whale man in a robe??

Now he's naked on your couch ...... he's getting his ball sack scent all over your cushions, what do you think?? LMAO You were waiting in a robe and you dont know why he's naked? LOL

that's nice...can we go back to my son because.....i dont care LOL

NO. 1 eww 2..he's asleep ..3 I really dont care 

A part of me died a little, Wen.... come help momma baby ....

FKN LMAO !! I unpause and the next scene.....that was Wen shouting, I'm here MOM! LMAO

Well....my my my....should I be watching this being my son and all?? 

Protect your neck, protect your lips, protect your butt.....just going to bubble wrap you  ...

awwwwww, my baby having little wet dreams LOL it's ok hun....

do you want momma to smack him for you baby?

I love Mei. I need to see more of her.

Yes. Mei too fabulous to buy into your bullcrap Neil LOL

Mei so fabulous she tricked you into outing yourself in like 30 seconds LMAO 

ohh, I forgot about this girl

Hi Son ........ ohhh, baby LOL My little boy is growing up so fast <3

My son is so sweet he just told on himself to this girl 

yeaaah, ya see honey, you hesitated. That means you are unsure sweetie.

what?? your feelings of love can be put on hold?? Now, I clearly missed the memo for this LMAO

deep breaths hun

Yes Mei, smack him for me LOL


ooooooo, he gave you the old stink Neil LOL 

he dont want to talk about

Mei just checking that you aint talking about it

He's going to be all shy and uncomfortable now ....I mean the impulsive kiss was bad enough 

What do you mean what's wrong? My boy is 19 and probably never kissed anyone before and now he's having his gay panic with his idol 3 ft away from him. Get a clue Neil. 

Forget my baby's stink eye, I'm giving you stink eye now Neil

I'm about to smack that smile right off your face Neil. No. This is not a stroke your ego moment. My boy is under pressure.

motherfker.........Neil....you are on thin ice

That was like an mini MV lol

Why is he asleep ? My Son should be the one sleeping?

ahh, the gift of the artist <3

are we about to repeat whale man and reese's scene earlier?

awwwwwww, my son <3 

ohhhhh, sort of....but that's ok. I prefer my son's version.

Awwwwwww, Look at his great big heart eyes <3 A sweet episode and a little more romantic progression. It is a slow mover though and with one episode a week, it feels like snails pace. I wonder if I rewatch it all, will it 'feel' faster binge watching the episodes?


N0, but seriously, are we going to get a part 3? It can't end like that. I need answers LOL

I'm flattered you asked LOL

Yes, there is should be another 2 or 3 parts. Ive got to the in between part that was very vague and my brain was like, yes this happened anyway, and I hit a wall. Then life happened, so I just took a break and watched some shows. I havent forgotten it. I have ai~ing the hell out of them LOL

"So no badda come ya wid yuh gali gali trend
Just ease off breeze off
Yuh no hear sey skettel bomb no dey a road again
Through yuh get me now, yuh waan look mi friend
Just ease off breeze off"

Yes, I am in a mood lol. Anyway:


I finished The Time of Fever yesterday so of course I had to rewatch Unintentional Love Story.

I hope you enjoyed it. I loved it.

Re: The Trainee

After reading these reviews I am on the fence; should I or should I not watch? For now it will stay  on my PTW list.


Likely not gonna happen but I voted for GagaOOLala to be added to lists of services // where to watch


I did too.

Battle of the Writers Ep8

I feel like I'm loosing brain cells watching this lmao

Like, the reactions aren't appropriate to the actions and everything is so conveniently solved. Then we have the jumping from one thing to the other by telling not showing. What are we doing for the next 4 episodes???

I'm seriously just sitting here laughing--

I havent forgotten it.

Your health is the top priority; make sure to tend to your mental well-being and return to it later. Catching up on some dramas might inspire more ideas in you regardless.

I have ai~ing the hell out of them LOL

Hey there, just wanted to confirm if you were the one who shared those awesome AI mermaid photos in our group. I really love seeing them in our chat - they're so inspiring! 

The colors, the location, and their facial expressions all make me wonder: What are they doing? Where have they been? How do they feel, and where do they want to go?

The conversations they spark are fantastic! Please keep them coming. Maybe one day we could even create a BL story  as a group - it would be amazing!


Your health is the top priority; make sure to tend to your mental well-being and return to it later. Catching up on some dramas might inspire more ideas in you regardless.

Hey there, just wanted to confirm if you were the one who shared those awesome AI mermaid photos in our group. I really love seeing them in our chat - they're so inspiring! 

The colors, the location, and their facial expressions all make me wonder: What are they doing? Where have they been? How do they feel, and where do they want to go?

The conversations they spark are fantastic! Please keep them coming. Maybe one day we could even create a BL story  as a group - it would be amazing!

I believe it was Jadeheart that posted the mermaid ones. Mine are the ones with the couple, black hair and blonde haired couple.

Battle of the Writers Ep8

Members are still watching it?????

I thought we all called it quits during the mushroom episode. LMAO

Can you explain me what's that exciting about Semantic Error?

Got your message and just wanted to let you know that I've seen it. I need some time to write a thoughtful reply, but I promise I'll get back to you. Thanks for being patient!