Have any of you guys started High School Frenemy and if you have what do you think of it so far


Have any of you guys started High School Frenemy and if you have what do you think of it so far

Oh I forgot that started lol I need to go watch. XD

Day 16. Is there something that you do not like about Fall?

One thing I do not like about Fall is illnesses. I usually tend to get sick every October or November with either the flu, upper respiratory infection or bronchitis for like 2 weeks straight every year so fingers crossed I do not get sick this year.  


Day 16. Is there something that you do not like about Fall?

One thing I do not like about Fall is illnesses. I usually tend to get sick every October or November with either the flu, upper respiratory infection or bronchitis for like 2 weeks straight every year so fingers crossed I do not get sick this year.  

oh damn that sucks

Although it's same for me, I have a glue ear condition (since I was like 6) and during winter it gets so much worse and my hearing just malfunctions lol

I've already started feeling the ear pain and now I'm like dreading when it gets even colder in winter TT


oh damn that sucks

Although it's same for me, I have a glue ear condition (since I was like 6) and during winter it gets so much worse and my hearing just malfunctions lol

I've already started feeling the ear pain and now I'm like dreading when it gets even colder in winter TT

Oh no :( I am sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. ♡

DAY 16

I like everything about Fall except the days get shorter and darkness comes sooner.

Battle of The Writers - episode 11

I wanted more of Pie and Ozone *sobs* they really hooked me with their confession *heart emoji*

Addicted Heroin (Thai Remake) - Finale

The post I had made many pages ago when I was asked why I am not for this series, still holds true for me so there are no new sentiments to add, hence no finale review. I will not be doing an in club rating for this one either (I would probably start ranting lol). 

However I do agree with @American Fan; it is criminal for this series to have a lower rating than Battle Of The Writers because, make it make sense. However the uncut version has a .1 rate higher than BOTW.  It was not a horrible series it just did not have any purpose in my opinion. 

I am on break yayyyy it is Hero's holidays so I get three days plus the weekend off.

Chadjen(Mark) in High School Frenemy is just so freaking adorable. I love him. ♡

 American Fan:
I know there's controversy about this version, but honestly, I don't give a frick. I haven't seen the oh-so-perfect original series, and don't plan to. I don't feel the need to judge this series based on other versions before it. The key word is "adapted from", and I like this adaptation just fine. It wasn't perfect, but by far better than quite a few recently released BLs that will be left unnamed, except for...

I'm glad you and anyone else that watched it enjoyed it. Although I can't bring myself to watch it, I'm very glad to know it was appreciated by some. I'm sure many of the actors there will have this to add to their acting portfolio, and I may enjoy them in other series in the future.

Look! Here is the character chart for Perfect 10 liners! It seems like this is the mentor line by class year (Perfect10 Line), so it makes sense that ForceBook’s story goes first ^^ and then the other two follow.

 American Fan:
I know there's controversy about this version, but honestly, I don't give a frick.  I haven't seen the oh-so-perfect original series, and don't plan to. I don't feel the need to judge this series based on other versions before it.  The key word is "adapted from", and I like this adaptation just fine.  It wasn't perfect, but by far better than quite a few recently released BLs that will be left unnamed, except for...

I know others have different opinions (and that's their right), but I agree with you completely. "Addicted Heroin" is a loose, light, very Thai adaptation which is  soooo different from "Stay With Me" in both story and style, and thus I've found it ever easier to stick by my early decision to not compare them and to judge "Addicted Heroin" on its own merits. I've not yet watched the original "Addicted" nor read the novel.

I loved "Stay With Me". Aside from the ending and lack of S2, it's a masterpiece. "Addicted Heroin" is definitely not a masterpiece, but I greatly enjoyed it, too.

 American Fan:
I would like to point out it is currently rated ONE point below Battle of the Writers.

Hmm? I'm seeing an average MDL rating of 7.4 for "BOTW" (no separate entry for uncut) vs. 7.3 for "Addicted Heroin" (7.5 for uncut), so almost identically rated - and not especially low (below 7) for either.

Given the amount of hate and moral crusading we saw regarding the ages of Mac and August right from their first announcement, before anything was even known about the series itself (and for goodness sake, this isn't a porno!), I'm actually surprised that the "moral disapproval effect" on the average MDL rating isn't more. From certain MDL comments from the haters, I got the impression that some hadn't even tried watching the series before pre-judging.

Here is the character chart for Perfect 10 liners!

Thanks for sharing - this chart will be really helpful.

Taming the Bad Boy teaser

 American Fan:
Taming the Bad Boy teaser

I get the impression that this will have a lot of heavy bullying - or am I reading too much into it?

So far, I rather like "Eccentric Romance". It's not great art, but it's cute 'n fluffy. As to the language issue, it suffers a bit from the laziness of "Cat" in terms of rationalising how other characters perfectly understand Save Saisawat speaking Thai, while he perfectly understands everyone else speaking Korean - but so far, it's not nearly as glaringly lame as "Cat", and at least Save attempts "hello" and such in Korean, which is more than Mew Suppasit in "Cat" (i.e. absolutely zero attempt to learn anything in Korean).

So, as I continue with today's episode 3 of "Eccentric Romance" (average MDL rating 7.2), I'm starting to realise that, although it's cute and nowhere near as generally awful as "Love Is Like A Cat" (average MDL rating 5.8), it is indeed just as lazy in terms of how it handles the language issue: It seems that everyone that Jay (Save) runs into at university is coincidentally a Thai language major and can thus understand Thai perfectly, despite not speaking a word of it. 

Nevertheless, I'm enjoying it. It's flimsy but cute 'n fluffy, and it doesn't try to be more than it is. And one other minor little factor which might influence me a tiny bit: I'm in love with Save Saisawat, who is such a cutie - I call dibs! (@Save: Welcome to my harem!)