I am in agreement on the discussion about Fourever You. My thoughts last night where between Pond's neck and we are still on this couple? LOL I assumed last week they were going to do a LITA with the plot and we'll see the couples separately, which kind of dampens the friendship between the characters. I remember in my review for Lita, heck, even watching it, thinking, these guys are meant to be best friends?  or am I just that clingy? LOL 

Anyway, yeah, as I expected, the Ter and Hill plot is pretty classic, straightforward thai bl stuff. It's the cream and syrup of the story line. Nothing exciting, nothing new. Just sweet and mindless. But at least we have 3 other couples to choose from. 

Day 18 ~ October Challenge

Do you have a favorite sport that you like to play or watch?

Absolutely not LOL I am a nerd. Sports and me are like the opposite sides of a magnet LOL

Absolutely hate ball sports. There's a prickly sensation I get when I see people watching football. Think it's a culture thing. I instantly feel repelled and that I must run to my book corner LOL

I love swimming but I dont sit and watch competitions. Physical activity has always been recreational for me and for the most part, I'm not a competitive person. I prefer to chill and just have fun. 

Day 18. Do you have a favorite sport that you like to watch or play?

Not really, no. I'm not into sports, individual or team ones.

I'm choosing to drop Eccentric Romance. I have no issue with the 2 languages but I'm starting to find the characters annoying LOL Any one else watching it?


I saw clips of them with the dogs a while ago, might be what you were talking about. 

from 18:22 for reference~
(ouroad closefriend ss2 ep 6)

 American Fan:
Wow they look hot!

i was losing my sanity yesterday, screaming and all lmao then i saw offroad's new haircut and completely lost it! he said it's a wig (might be a joke smh) and i got war flashbacks from love syndrome ꉂ(σ▰˃̶̀ꇴ˂̶́)σ


I can’t find anything about it anywhere 

we're still at the veeeeeery beginning of it so there's no script yet and filming might start mid 2025~
offroad (khun peem) will play as a rich young master and daou (khun tan) will play as his bodyguard!
here their live performance from yesterday to give you an idea of what it will be hehe
for now we're only getting very good crumbs, please look forward to it! ₊·*◟(˶╹̆ꇴ╹̆˵)◜‧*・

(full video of the screenshots above is here)


Just completed the first episode. It's pretty intense. So many recognizable GMM actors. Mark Pakin (support role) is amazing as usual.

RE: High School Frenemy

Just realized this is likely not BL.

Day 18 - Do you have a favorite sport that you like to watch or play?  I like watching basketball. When I was younger, I played badminton and volleyball. Now, I mainly rock climb.

then i saw offroad's new haircut and completely lost it!

AAAAAH! People with magnificent hair like that should not be allowed to get haircuts.

Day 18 - Do you have a favorite sport that you like to watch or play?

I love watching baseball and hockey. In high school I was in color guard, winter guard, tennis, and softball. ♡