
It's SOOOOOO good.

But don't watch past episode 7 minutes of ep 24 if you want stay happy. We thought we would get a Season 2 and ep 24 ends where Book 1 of CJD's novel ended. It's just pretty dramatic and not happy. If we had gotten a S2, it would have been a HEA. 

Nooooooooooo say it's not true! They're so cute....i can't handle anymore tragedy. 


Speaking of hold on let me dm you, I have a picture I got from twitter but I have no idea who it is though

OH! MY! WORD! I wasn't prepared for that. 

 American Fan:
It's waaay more than On1y One!

I've never seen someone so happy to get cut off by their parent. <3 I'm loving this series.

Yes it is well worth it :) ♡

You were correct and I'm only on Ep 5! 

OH! MY! WORD! I wasn't prepared for that. 

You are most welcomed *wink*


hi~ nice to meet you!

oh you bet i do, it’s called ˖✧ obsession ˖✧ jk lol but how could you not ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ♡

Aww, that's such a sweet GIF. I also love Daou & Offroad - and especially Offroad's beaming smile. "Century of Love" was great, and "Love in Translation" was a very nice watch, too.

I know this is going to be controversial but I just finished ep4 of Bad Guy, My Boss and… I don’t hate it lmao

Like this pair is a mess, but I’m invested and entertained.

 American Fan:

Since I'm waiting to binge watch I have to skip these posts. It's sooo tempting to read the spoilers, but I won't DO IT!!!!

Got my answer about the hunk! 

"PG" how ironic.

I know what you mean!  I've had one hour sleep nights. It's really another day lived instead of sleeping, lol.

Quoting one phone so ;;

I was thinking of binge watching BUT I couldn’t help myself! 

I wonder how all these pairings are going to work?

(re "DMD Friendship the Reality: It Takes Two") You ask some good questions. I guess we'll just have to watch the series! After the first episode, my initial reaction is "seven cuties, yeah - but I feel somehow less invested than with last season". On the other hand, I probably didn't get invested last year until after a few episodes.

Regarding FirstOne (from last season): I'm pretty happy with how things worked out, as he and Tle really seem suited, especially in terms of their shared musical inclinations.

Regarding Latte, I didn't know about the promotions with Kim, thanks - so maybe he'll make a purposeful appearance in this series. He's a hottie, so I wouldn't mind.

I'm also wondering what will become of TeeTee, who still doesn't seem to have any announced roles - or maybe they'll try to pair him up with a Gen 4?

Finally, Por and Patji are both in "Your Sky". I re-watched the official teaser to see if there's any hint that they'll couple up - but other than the moment at 2:25 when Patji touches Por, I didn't see any suggestion of it. Or does anyone have differing information?  In any case, the past experience with FirstOne and Latte shows that it's no guarantee that they'll pair up in this series.

Has anyone watched Stay with Me? I need to know it's good enough to binge all 24 episodes...

It's a bit long to binge, but it's excellent - in fact, a BL masterpiece, despite the censorship.

Speaking of which*, I'm annoyed that, after five days and several messages to WeTV, they still haven't fixed the missing English subtitles in episode 8 of "Addicted Heroin" (uncut). Grrrr. WeTV is getting more and more BL content, but as a technical platform it leaves something to be desired.

*Disclaimer: I've been avoiding any direct comparison of "Addicted Heroin" to "Stay With Me", which sets an impossible standard. I'm loving "Addicted Heroin", but in a different (lighter and very Thai) way.


(re "DMD Friendship the Reality: It Takes Two") You ask some good questions. I guess we'll just have to watch the series! After the first episode, my initial reaction is "seven cuties, yeah - but I feel somehow less invested than with last season". On the other hand, I probably didn't get invested last year until after a few episodes.

Regarding FirstOne (from last season): I'm pretty happy with how things worked out, as he and Tle really seem suited, especially in terms of their shared musical inclinations.

Regarding Latte, I didn't know about the promotions with Kim, thanks - so maybe he'll make a purposeful appearance in this series. He's a hottie, so I wouldn't mind.

I'm also wondering what will become of TeeTee, who still doesn't seem to have any announced roles - or maybe they'll try to pair him up with a Gen 4?

I feel like I totally went in blind last season because I knew nothing about any of those boys. I think I had only seen Thomas in Bed Friends but I didn’t know his name. It also took me a few episode to get invested.

For Gen4 I know Kim because of Latte, JJ because of Net, and OhmKrit because of Jimmy. (I actually think LatteKim might stick, NetJJ too because Net is putting in the work, but idk if Jimmy and OhmKrit will stick past LastPrince.)

I totally agree on TleFirstOne, they are my fave pairing out of the show (even if it happend later, I still count it lol)

It’s kinda funny that Kim is the one who said this because it was basically LatteFirstOne. Ditto on Latte’s hotness lol

I’m also worried about TeeTee and similarly about PatJi in this season, like he’s way too young and feels way too green. I feel like they might be trying to set up a pair with Por (because of Your Sky) BUT I’m not feeling it—

and similarly about PatJi in this season

I share your sentiments. Patji feels like this season's TeeTee. On the other hand, Patji's acting performance in the "Your Sky" teaser seems fine adequate - so maybe he's not quite so green.

I have a second friend inviting me to talk off of MDL. Is there some kind of trend on MDL I haven't heard of? 

Or maybe people are reaching out for a more personal connection and needing friends?

ETA: Is anyone else getting invites?  

Another ETA: I just looked back at my really old messages and this person and I had a convo  9 months ago, after friending. I haven't heard from him since then. So maybe I'm experiencing coincidences lately.


I know this is going to be controversial but I just finished ep4 of Bad Guy, My Boss and… I don’t hate it lmao

Like this pair is a mess, but I’m invested and entertained.

I think it's interesting that the same drama can strike each of us differently! There's plenty of dramas to go around and give entertainment for everyone, lol.


I share your sentiments. Patji feels like this season's TeeTee. On the other hand, Patji's acting performance in the "Your Sky" teaser seems fine - so maybe he's not quite so green.

I hope so! Maybe he’s a great actor. I guess we’ll have to wait and see ;;