1. GIVEN - watching the live action drama after anime version wasn't a good thing. Everything was great led down. 

2 . History 3 - MODC - everything from start was so Good in the series that made me think that it will be greatly successful but Climax was when everything went down hill. 

3. Bite Me - except Thai cuisine, nothing to say that show was worthy watch 

4. Enchanté --NO COMMENTS 

Others are;

  • Nobleman Ryu's wedding 
  • My sweet dear
  • Tinted with you 
  • Wish you
  • You make me dance
  • Tonhon chonlatte 
  • Cherry blossoms after winter (sorry I'm manhwa fan)

Thankyou,  I was searching this song for days :) 

You're welcome I'm the master at finding songs so just ask me and I'll most likely find it :)

Day 18: BL Drama that was a Major Letdown 

every HIStory1. they were just - no. but my expectations for BLs are never really high so i don't really get disappointed, like nobal man ryu's wedding- I wasn't expecting much so i wasn't letdown. but HIStory1 was just bad.  also 2gether was a major letdown because it wasn't all that, like it wasn't bad but people talked it up so much that my expectations were high but when i watched it, it was just meh -basic. 

Please come join us on the Discord server I made for this club as well. Here is the link:


Please come join us on the Discord server I made for this club as well. Here is the link:

I've  joined I'm not really on discord but I'll try be active if you guys talk there

day 18: BL drama that was a major letdown
blue of winter

I expected it to be good and I tried to hope they would make it good even with the little number of episodes but it was a complete mess.

May I join? lol all i watch is BL's 

D19 - BL drama that was better than you expected
Because I try to keep my hopes down, there are quite a few BL dramas that were better than I expected, but because I have a bad memory (like fish Dory) I won't tell you their names. From the latest ones, it's definitely Secret Crush on You. I'm really surprised to say this, because when it started I was expecting to suffer through it, but it turned out to be actually entertaining and enjoyable.


I'm like 99% sure that all of you are already tired of me talking about it, but bear with me for a little more time. BAD BUDDY.

(I know, I know, I love it too much but I just can't help it. I'll keep the explanation short because there's one more drama that was better than I expected)

BAD BUDDY - Basically, I watched the first teaser trailer and loved it, but because the release of the actual series was way off from this release, my interest was diminished. The actual trailer felt underwhelming when it was first released. Needless to say, I love it now, and I got hooked when I watched the fourth part of episode 1.

HISTORY 3 : TRAPPED - When I first watched it, I couldn't wrap my head around all the rave reviews, because I thought there wasn't anything special about what I was watching, and stopped watching it around halfway through the first episode. A couple of months later, I decided to give it another try, and forced myself to watch the entire first episode. Long story short, I finished it in one sitting.

Day 19 :

BL drama that was better than I expected - Bad Buddy

I did not go in expecting to be absolutely blown away hahaha

"I'm like 99% sure that all of you are already tired of me talking about it, but bear with me for a little more time. BAD BUDDY."

LOL I understand because I'm like that with Not Me.... Can't help it I just freaking love it so much. With that being said.: :P

Day 19: BL Drama that was better than you Expected:

1)*Drumroll* *cough* Not Me- I went into it mostly because Offgun is one of my favorite pairings and I was ecstatic about seeing them again. I didn't expect to fall in love with the story as much as I did.  Since, I'm not into political themes that much I thought: "hey Offgun is here so I'll give it a try." In the end though the plot exceeded my expectations. I ended up falling in love with the themes, the characters, everything. I came for OG but stayed for everything else(their chemistry helped a lot too).  The amount of hours I spent thinking about this series, let me tell you not healthy. Now it's my #1.

2) Secret Crush on You-Just started watching and I got to say I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Didn't expect that since the trailer made it look like it was super cringy. And, although it is in some parts  it is,  it's more than that. For the most part, I really like Nuea and Tor and how their story is being told. It's also been a nice surprise.  

Day 19 BL drama that was better than you expected:

For this, I'm definitely saying Secret Crush On You I watched the first episode and fell madly in love with it the cast and couples are all perfect sure it's cringy at times but that's what makes it so addicting.

Day 19: BL Drama That Was Better Than You Expected

Bad Buddy: Before the series even started, I was really anticipating it and didn’t want to be let down but watching it from week to week… it just kept getting better and better. Ohm and Nanon’s dedication to their roles just takes it to another level. I think that show might be the best GMMTV has ever put out. 

Blueming: I went into this show not knowing what to expect at all. I didn’t know the premise or anything. I was pleasantly surprised by the story and the topics addressed. I loved the chemistry between the actors. I also loved the cinematography and coloring of the show as well. It turned out to be a great watch for me. 


Day 19 BL drama that was better than you expected:

For this, I'm definitely saying Secret Crush On You I watched the first episode and fell madly in love with it the cast and couples are all perfect sure it's cringy at times but that's what makes it so addicting.

Yes! the second hand cringe is rough and i didnt think i would make it through ep 1 or 2 but so glad i did. Absolutely loving this show. It is so good. 

Hii~ I just came here to promote the taiwanese bl DNA Says Love You,  its so so cute and well written and it might just be my new favourite taiwanese bl. the chemistry between the 2 ships is very good, theres elements of mystery and its just a fun watch !