Lmao I'm actually the opposite, I'm super clingy and love hugging people and hanging onto their arm lol

I will bring you one of my many stuffed animals for you to cling to

This going to be you : 

 American Fan:
I'll DM you later!

Sure thing :)

 American Fan:
While you're sinning, I should have mentioned TharnType as well! Get on it, Gurrrl!!

Ah yes of course of course, I must make sure to watch all the BL classics lol, I gotta catch up XD

 American Fan:
Oh yeah...I'm appreciating!! Who is it, btw?

It's this guy and I absolutely LOVE him- he's just so handsome XD


I looked it up I hope I can give it a read. Currently I'm reading Are you Addicted

I'd totally rec Boy Girlfriend, although I'll warn u that it's all childish and stuff at the beginning but it's gets serious and emotional soon enough- atm, it's very intense

My first webtoon, which was also a BL, was Castle Swimmer, which just recently finished its 3rd season and will come back in probably a few months for the last season- I'll really miss my beautiful Kappa and Siren TT 

A few other BL webtoons I'm currently reading r Our Walk Home and Here You Are, both r awesome!

oh my god i lovelovelove that webtoon , when i first saw your username Onyx is whom i thought about (weird..) also i haven't read a couple episodes ever since the appearance of kai. Also keane is such a sweetheart. lets stop right here before i start gushing about them, Also I too have been reading BG from 2020-2021 . 

DM ME RN (lol) we have a lot to talk about

Honestly, Kai is really nice (to Onyx) and he doesn't really affect Keane and Onyx's relationship too much (except for the fact that Onyx lies to Keane that Kai is his bf

Things between Onyx and Keane r still pretty much the same and I'm just dying for them to COMMUNICATE already TT

Oh really? I'll tell my mum (I cant cook to save my life just can do basic omelette , noodles, rice and salads(lol is that even cooking?) )

Lol same here XD

Lmk how it tastes if u do make it at home!

Speaking of Indian cuisine, is anyone else on here Indian or part Indian too? (I'm a British Indian as my parents r from India but I'm from England)

"Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night, I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast..."

This song is playing and I am currently belting it out to the gods as I am typing this.

omg that is so cute I love it-- I used to watch that show when I was a kid and loved it, and I've always meant to go back and watch it in one go-- maybe it's time!

It warms my heart to find fellow watchers here *wipes stray tears*

I have a strong connection to this show,

Musa's season 1 transformation theme song is one of my favorites.

I did not even bother to watch the Netflix version after seeing clips and reviews; I have my self respect as a fan to maintain.

The Trix were THE villains. I love Icy!

I must be careful with the dark mafia sometimes because it can get too dark for me.

I have no limits when it comes to dark romance. I will be a little wary of blood play though but that has not stopped me from reading a story though. 

Thanks for the recs!

Yeah, today's episode left me feeling good.

Yep, and we've still got 3 more eps of Atom and Kongthap being lovey dovey so yay!


You are killing me this afternoon. I am so ready for this series!

I am so excited!

Look out for my DM. 

LOL I will not say what came to my mind at first because it is too early in the afternoon and I have work to do. 

Waiting for ur DM :)

I would love to know what ur dirty little mind was thinking of Hia ;)


I love u lol cuz same XD



I'm posting this because I need mental support, because this just confirmed (once again) that Joong is unhinged and I can't deal with him. He's worse than the fans lmao Like his dude really found a post, reposted, and then made his own collage

This. This is why I love Joong.  (lol u know what I mean)


I will bring you one of my many stuffed animals for you to cling to

This going to be you : 

Aww yay! That gif is so me

We're experiencing a heatwave in my area of England atm and even though it's boiling hot, I still randomly hug my mum and lean on her and she gets so annoyed lol 

Lmao I'm actually the opposite, I'm super clingy and love hugging people and hanging onto their arm lol

Why am I thinking of Tan from We Are rn!?!


I can not escape stray kids no matter where I go lol if we all start talking about hannah I will have to leave this thread lol

You're tempting me...but no, not a word from me! 


I didn't get the chance to have kids, so now I have 8 sons and I'm so proud of them.

Aw, that's so sweet. 

My first webtoon, which was also a BL, was Castle Swimmer, which just recently finished its 3rd season and will come back in probably a few months for the last season- I'll really miss my beautiful Kappa and Siren TT 

I'll be sure to look it up.

 American Fan:
Why am I thinking of Tan from We Are rn!?!

Oh I'm definitely like him, but only when I'm around people I'm close to/comfortable around

Anyone who I'm not as close to will never see my extroverted side lol 

I would totally bother my partner 24/7 like Tan does to Fang lol


I'll be sure to look it up.

U should! It's amazing <3

Thanks for the recs!

Anytime, If you end up reading, as I mentioned, I would love to hear your thoughts.

I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast..."

 American Fan:
Why am I thinking of Tan from We Are rn!?!

GURLLL don't even bring him up. You gave me the chills with his name.

she gets so annoyed lol 

It is too hot for her, haha. It's thundering and lighting outright; I'm guessing it's pouring. LOL. Sounds like it is. We need the rain because it's been way too hot for my liking. Here in New York, the humidity has felt like 100.

 American Fan:
Why am I thinking of Tan from We Are rn!?!

Because, like Taichi with Kohei, Tan makes the perfect gold retriever for Fang. Haha.

Actually, it's just random. I was trying to be mysterious and alluring.

Oh, and here I was ready for sm special, lol.

I must confess that my absolute favorite sub-genre is mafia romance. There is an inexplicable allure to the world of organized crime that I find endlessly fascinating.

Me too!! 

I don’t think about this show or even look forward to it during the week

This is me! Only I don't have an inner clock and I don't remember to sit down and watch it. I figure I'll catch up to it soon. I'm still having a hard time completing most dramas I start.  :-(


Oh really? He sure caught my attention now.



I keep hearing how good this drama is. How are you liking The Rebound?


Source: X (Twitter)

Some Hot Stuff here

I am officially feeling anxiety overtake me when I see your update posts.  Waaaah.  J/K...kinda, sorta, lol

This song is playing and I am currently belting it out to the gods as I am typing this.

This sounds very interesting! What is the song title? I wanna look it up.

I would totally bother my partner 24/7 like Tan does to Fang lol

Oh my. You need a clone of you, haha.

Because, like Taichi with Kohei, Tan makes the perfect gold retriever for Fang. Haha.

Wouldn't a dog be quieter though?


GURLLL don't even bring him up. You gave me the chills with his name.

Ooooo, so right!