Day 20

Character Trope / Archetype you hate

  • Grumpy/Sunshine pairings - I know this is a beloved one, but it is not for me
  • Cheating - includes kissing someone that is not your partner and I don't care about whatever excuse or explanation they come up with
  • Secret pining - chances are almost 100% that the other person is also secretly pining... 

I loved Pa's line in Bad Buddy when she was with Pat & Pran. Pat had just admitted to being bi and Pa said something like 'I thought you would say you didn't like guys, you just liked Pran.' 

Good job calling attention to this nonsense plot device!

Yeah I love this line, and then Pat was like maybe I have always been gay but didn't realize it until now.  LOVE BAD BUDDY


Yeah I love this line, and then Pat was like maybe I have always been gay but didn't realize it until now.  LOVE BAD BUDDY

Me too. I might be due for a rewatch...


Me too. I might be due for a rewatch...

I have already rewatched it sooooo many times. So i fully support you in your rewatch journey


I have already rewatched it sooooo many times. So i fully support you in your rewatch journey

Thanks for the support ;) Maybe I will book this for the weekend.

Has anybody watched Star in my mind?

I'm at Episode 5 and now already desperate that it just has 8 Episodes :-/

whyyyyy wähhh

I was so happy to see Joong again and Dunk is like winning the BL Cast Lottery XD


Me too. I might be due for a rewatch...

I finished my re-watch the day before, and you know that feeling you get when you want to erase something from your mind, just so you can experience it again for the first time? Each re-watch of Bad Buddy feels like a new experience. I knew what was coming, and yet I was surprised. God, I love Bad Buddy.


I finished my re-watch the day before, and you know that feeling you get when you want to erase something from your mind, just so you can experience it again for the first time? Each re-watch of Bad Buddy feels like a new experience. I knew what was coming, and yet I was surprised. God, I love Bad Buddy.

This is exactly how I feel about The Untamed. Every time I watch it again, read the book , or watch fan videos I always find new things to love. 

I am really excited about this Bad Buddy rewatch since it will be the first time I am going to watch the whole thing again. 


Has anybody watched Star in my mind?

I'm at Episode 5 and now already desperate that it just has 8 Episodes :-/

whyyyyy wähhh

I was so happy to see Joong again and Dunk is like winning the BL Cast Lottery XD

I finished it, and then realized it seemed like there might be more to the story? Lets just say it’s incomplete for now, because (my guess) is that the main couple will pop up in the second part of the story. 

Day 20 - Character Trope / Archetype you hate 

  • Overly jealous characters
  • Playboys
  • Weak/innocent/naive characters
  • Cheaters
  • Controlling/manipulative characters
  • The shippers

I'm sure there's more but I can't think of any atm


This is exactly how I feel about The Untamed. Every time I watch it again, read the book , or watch fan videos I always find new things to love. 

I am really excited about this Bad Buddy rewatch since it will be the first time I am going to watch the whole thing again. 

Yeah i am trying to hold myself back from rewatching UnTamed already! But the edits on YouTub and Instagram keep making me want to go back to catch all the stuff i missed the first time but 50 episodes is a big commitment when there are still other things i want to watch. The struggle is real!

The struggle is real!

50 episodes is a big commitment and there are a lot of other amazing things to watch... One time I just watched the first 3 episodes and then skipped to 33 to avoid the flashback portion. I was desperate for some WangXian content!

 I have watched the entire thing 3 times and watched the special edition. The special edition has fewer episodes, but they have a longer runtime. I don't recommend that, FYI. The editing is a bit of a mess unless you are a diehard fan and can fill in the gaps...

Happy Pride Month Everyone 

Day 21

First Korean BL and Last Watched Korean BL drama

Day 21

First Korean BL: Where Your Eyes Linger - not just my first Korean BL but first BL ever. Had heard so much about it that finally watched it for a “challenge” and thought it was great. 

Last Watched Korean BL: Blueming - It wasn’t entirely clear to me what the plot was going to be when I started watching, but I was spiraling down a rabbit hole at that point so watched it and ended up enjoying it as well.