Raining Sunshine:

Day 21

First Korean BL and Last Watched Korean BL drama


Last watched K - BL - OCEAN LIKES ME

And both of them star Han Gi Chan  ◜‿◝

 Raining Sunshine:

Day 21

First Korean BL and Last Watched Korean BL drama

First Watched - I think it was You make me dance or Where your eyes linger

Last watched - Ocean likes me


Day 20

Character Trope / Archetype you hate

  • Grumpy/Sunshine pairings - I know this is a beloved one, but it is not for me
  • Cheating - includes kissing someone that is not your partner and I don't care about whatever excuse or explanation they come up with
  • Secret pining - chances are almost 100% that the other person is also secretly pining... 

Oh wow the first one hurt damn

Day 21

First - Where Your Eyes Linger

Last - Ocean Likes Me

 Raining Sunshine:

Day 21

First Korean BL and Last Watched Korean BL drama

First: Color Rush

Last: Wish You

Day 21 - First and Last Watched Korean BL drama

First: Long Time No See

Last: Color Rush

I've a lot of catching up to do with Korean BLs 

Day 21

First Korean BL - Long Time No See / Method 

Long time no see was pretty much one of the best BL drama from Korea and Method was really good movie (evnthough it was just Method acting still chemistry between the leads was good and enjoyable) 

Last watched K-BL drama  - Love  Class 

Till ep 5 it was fluffy and good and Ep 6 it was kind off dragged the whole Ep1-5 strength. 



Last watched K - BL - OCEAN LIKES ME

And both of them star Han Gi Chan  ◜‿◝

This is the same for me.

Off  Main Challenge question

Which would you prefer from below - 

  • Where your eyes linger ( or ) Ocean Likes Me 
  • Where your eyes linger ( or ) My Sweet Dear
 Raining Sunshine:

Off  Main Challenge question 

Which would you prefer from below - 

  • Where your eyes linger ( or ) Ocean Likes Me 
  • Where your eyes linger ( or ) My Sweet Dear

Where your eyes linger for both of them hahaha it was just so good. The dynamic between them, the story, everything.


Where your eyes linger for both of them hahaha it was just so good. The dynamic between them, the story, everything.

True, even for me WYEL is one of the better (if not best) korean bl drama we have till date. 

Even though the both leads acted in other bl dramas but still WYEL stands undefeated from these two actors.

 Raining Sunshine:

Off  Main Challenge question 

Which would you prefer from below - 

  • Where your eyes linger ( or ) Ocean Likes Me 
  • Where your eyes linger ( or ) My Sweet Dear

Where Your Eyes Linger simply because I haven't seen Ocean Likes Me lol

Controversial but I liked My Sweet Dear a little better (and by a little I mean I rated one 7 and one 7.5). I definitely need to rewatch Where Your Eyes Linger again because it was my 3rd Korean BL and 3rd BL overall, so I went in with high expectations after hearing the ratings and it ended up feeling rushed. I also just finished My Sweet Dear last week so it's still fresh in my mind and might contribute to my rating. But most of the Korean BLs that are compiled into movies feel incomplete to me in general. 

 Raining Sunshine:

Day 21

First Korean BL and Last Watched Korean BL drama

First should be - Wish You: Your Melody From My Heart (I am not sure)

And recent one was - Tinted with You

 Raining Sunshine:

Off  Main Challenge question 

Which would you prefer from below - 

  • Where your eyes linger ( or ) Ocean Likes Me 
  • Where your eyes linger ( or ) My Sweet Dear

I'd have to go with Where Your Eyes Linger on both. I liked all three of them, but there's just something about Where Your Eyes Linger that makes me love it a bit more.