Has anyone claimed Liu Dong Qin yet? Lol ♡

(3) For all the criticism of GMMTV (as the dominant force in Thai BLs), I (mostly) love it. There's nothing wrong with fluffy crowd-pleasers with good visuals. It's not arthouse cinema, nor does it try to be.

Same here. I eat their shows up. This is not to say there isn't anything wrong with GMMTV. I could make a list. BUT-- I like their shows and I like their artist. 

I like fluff and I like happiness lol


Has anyone claimed Liu Dong Qin yet? Lol ♡

Me LOL Nah I kid. The joke isnt funny to me anymore. Go on ahead lol


Me LOL Nah I kid. The joke isnt funny to me anymore. Go on ahead lol

I am willing to share ♡


Has anyone claimed Liu Dong Qin yet? Lol ♡

omg you're telling me he is in The On1y one. I need to start that show like today. I've seen him in C-dramas but I didn't know he had a BL out *omg omg*


I'm just excited lol

Is The On1y One, a Chinese production, or Taiwanese? I don't want to start watching only for it to be canceled mid way--


I am willing to share ♡

haha, I was meaning to put both only one ML's one my favourite list i just havent gotten to it. I honestly dont mind anymore, it's not going to stop me like the show or their work in it LOL 

I release my claims into the wild LOL Be free my sons <3


omg you're telling me he is in The On1y one. I need to start that show like today. I've seen him in C-dramas but I didn't know he had a BL out *omg omg*


I'm just excited lol

Is The On1y One, a Chinese production, or Taiwanese? I don't want to start watching only for it to be canceled mid way--

Lmao yes plz start watching it. It is so freaking good ♡♡♡♡ it is Taiwan so they already kissed twice :)


Lmao yes plz start watching it. It is so freaking good ♡♡♡♡ it is Taiwan so they already kissed twice :)

Yasssssss ok ok definitely starting today \o/ 


haha, I was meaning to put both only one ML's one my favourite list i just havent gotten to it. I honestly dont mind anymore, it's not going to stop me like the show or their work in it LOL 

I release my claims into the wild LOL Be free my sons <3

I would say It is for sure in my top 3 bls of the year so far next to Love For Love's Sake and My Stand In. ♡


Yasssssss ok ok definitely starting today \o/ 

:) ♡

If I may add my 2 cents. What do people want from the Thai BL industry exactly? The Thai BL industry is light years beyond any comparable market in any other country. It's like the whole world expects perfection and greatness, when all they can do is just improve year by year (it is not an old market to begin with, and if you compare the first big BLs a few years back, there is already a world of difference). Where is that energy for the media in our own countries? Non-existent, because the market does not exist. 

I imagine Thai bosses arent sweating what foreigners think and it is ultimately up to the thai watchers, sure but this is like saying, hey, lesbian porn is lesbian content, they'll improve. LOL

What I meant in my post, and I interpreted Rx's post as saying, that the trend for Thai BL's now, is to just reduce gay people back down to a caricature for visual pleasure, rather than giving us something to stand on. Thai Bl's arent completely bad, there are those that do get it right, but it's just an observance that the visuals are becoming more important and I find that quite sad. 

The west hasn't got the catalogue that asia has but we are trying to build it on and if the same trend started, i'd still have something to say lol

What I meant in my post, and I interpreted Rx's post as saying, that the trend for Thai BL's now, is to just reduce gay people back down to a caricature for visual pleasure, rather than giving us something to stand on. Thai Bl's arent completely bad, there are those that do get it right, but it's just an observance that the visuals are becoming more important and I find that quite sad.

The west hasn't got the catalogue that asia has but we are trying to build it on and if the same trend started, i'd still have something to say lol

I totally understand what you're saying, and you're right. I hadn't read your post and was just replying to Rx. Often, the criticism online is  excessively focused on cute, happy, or young shows, so I assumed that was what being referenced-- It's often part of the whole GMMTV shows suck angle, I see from people. 

I went back to read your post, and honestly I hadn't even thought of that, because I don't enjoy those type of show's either. So yes, I understand where you're coming from!

Spamming with another Emblem Gif Badge. 

Alrighty, The On1y One episode 5 ~ Live Thoughts. 

Is my son about to be left in the gutter?? *drum rolls*

ohh, we are starting in science class for some reason? OK Taiwan, what effery is this? LOL

OK I actually had to go back to the end of 4 to see if I have skipped the episode LOL we're are jumping into a sub teacher. Mmmok

Why do I feel like I know this actor?  ok this is the 2nd time I've stopped this show and its been 1 minute LOL

uggg, I knew I was going to hate this guy....does our boy know that he was set up in the last ep?

Ok i cant remember the girl's name, with the little bob cut, but 's really cute lol

ohhhh,,,,why the teary eyes? are we going to have to go back and see what the heck happened?

ohhh, there it is, yes baby. I hate him too lol

OHHHH YEESSSS. CALL ME A LOSER AND DEFEND YOURSELF.....that's absolutely the correct answer to this scene *slow claps*

you see, this is where the culture clash happens because I would have been screaming all the way back to my classroom LOL But nice answer. Great. So he's already missed part of the exam. There's a whole section points gone already. 

Come on sweetie, I believe in your brain <3 or your ability to analyze a paper LOL

ha, i think the teacher lied lol

Yeah, it was the prat at the other end of the table being REALLY quiet 

.*through gritted teeth* .......I....don't....like....you....

Someone trying to make you fail your class would be a really good guess

Please tell me your future husband is about to go John Wick on someone's ass....please LOL

Boyfriend looks really peeved at not being there to pick his man lol

shouldnt this shop have cameras somewhere?

BOOM. Yes. That. Ask for the footage.....or not.....i guess it would get back to the principal? Unless ofc wetwad reports it anonymously?  


hhhmmm, you didn't think of him at all LOL

HAHAHA he's going to recognise his future husband by his shoes. OH, I wish they had showed that scene. Retribution for his man <3 LOL

Yeah, he did. He kicked them back 10 fold just for you LOL

hhehehe, I think he likes this position. when the dominate one gets dominated 

because he's pretending that he doesnt care. classic move for the tough guy 

the glory of a personal trial stitching together an end goal <3

You've never had anyone defend you before? ....oh ofc, continue to withdraw LOL

ohhh,,, or that LMAO

say yes.......say yes............say yes? .........*waiting*  oh you asshole, YEAH! that's my move! LOL Just jump on them

now carry your prince upstairs....also a sneaky way to get a hug in lol

hehehe ..................sorry mom, they have a romantic arc to get on with....dinner will have to wait 

is that a stub burn?

LOL DO IT .....HAHA, even he's laughing lol

and some bruised knuckles yeah. Judging by those pictures, he hit them at max rage strength lol i'm sorry i missed it 

what is with this ridiculously music over this scene? LOL

hold still....he's mending you and stealing your heart while you're not looking hahaha

hahaha, it's like a cat and a puppy clip. The cat doesn't want to like this adorable silly guy but he can't help himself LOL maybe that's why the music got really cute all of a sudden lol

he's not going to.....hmm, yeah....sure LOL

And he LOVED every minute of it LMAO look at his eyes. His vengeance was merciless  LOL

and this music continues .....

Wait....why was he sick?

This is the english competition wetwad was trying to sabotage for our boys? I shall wait to see if they even make it there? 

LOL Hey grandad, that's his way of saying, the guy i'm falling in love with 

see... grandad already gives his approval

ya see? LOL grandad gives his approval LOL


It was in the name of love grandad, don't worry about it. there'll probably be more

doesnt like the be touched....like a cat....falling in love with  a puppy who wants to chew on his ears lol

except someone who has also been alone for a long time

Look after him? ohh, not quite, but still sweet. i suppose to be fair, he wouldn't need anyone to look after him and most certainly wouldnt want it lol

now...what effery is happening at this competition? 

Ha. And there he was ringing them, right on que. Something tells me that isn't the end of him. What's going to do?

has he clicked yet? Or your boyfriend? I mean they very smart guys, surely they can work this mystery out? Your friend is a turd in the grass waiting to spoil your new shoes.

Ok it's an exam. My subs said competition so I was expecting something public on stage

God, I'm having flash backs. I was top in my english class so I got picked for a debate exam in my final year. And how well we did as a group, was the mark for everybody. It was awful LOL 

It'll make him feel better 

They we go...Good boys, get those brain cells going. This asshole is not your friend. 

ohh, here comes the montage LOL he can feel your eyes upon him boy

ohh, have you finished or just given up? lol awwww, they were waiting for each other, cute

my first reaction here is laugh in this effers face but we all know he's going to do something to get himself at the top now since our boys are the only 2 over 90. So they both beat him.

he's going to say they cheated isnt he? because they both left together

god, he scared me LOL

sheng was it? stop. my girl just asked for a book lol

kitty isnt used to being laughed at baby. 

oooooffff....These two are now Kitty and Puppy because dammmn,,,that was cold. he waited for him to answer first and then attacked out of nowhere

yeaah, it was a small amount but it was just enough to pull him down. that's the worst anxiety about an exam. one mark is all it takes. 

you didnt fail honey. No effort is wasted. You just have a love arc the writer has decided is more important.  

Today's wisdom ~ Often our failures are not failures. They're detours to somewhere better. 

Yeah, do you regret saying that to your boy? Dont be push people away and then complain about it lol

physics was my most hated science LOL

now, is he actually there, or is this an imaginary conversation? we're starting to clip back and forth. are we back at the start judging by those balls?

See today's wisdom. I use to think the same way. It's not true at all. Nothing is ever wasted. We don;t realise this until later most of the time. 

He's not trying hard honey, he's straight up vindictive and jealous. It doesnt matter why. That's not real effort. Anyone can be an asshole. 

It's real effort from you to not retaliate. Now that's real effort. 

ahh, in his head. ok

why does this living room look really 70s to me? lol

Wait....how long have they been putting little paw prints with Jiang Tian's moments LOL

Is it that he can't stay...or he's afraid to?

Wangsnack? What does that mean he changed his thread and name? Did he unfriend him? LOL 

This is a really pretty song but I dont remember this being a continuation of anything. Can we see the end of this scene tomorrow please? 

A storm is a brewing and I am ready for some feelings to spill

Also, today's episode reminded me of my favourite quote.

"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards"

We have to remember the industry, despite the international fanbase and audience, primarily produces for their people. We just reap the benefit of whatever they are consuming.  Without money, there is no industry. 

You made some valid points.