American Fan:
What's left are my top picks:


Jack and Joker

The Time of Fever (movie and spin-off of Unintentional Love Story)

I haven't seen Love Sick 2014 so I'm wondering if I should watch it before Love Sick 2024 or wait? I'm not even sure if I'll like either version. The story plot sounds a bit like MSP, which was just okayish for me.

Has anyone watched the first ep of Live In Love? What did you think? 

Your top picks are also my top picks. 

I haven't seen Love Sick either and I'm also torn cuz the original is usually better, but then because of that, it usually ruins the remake for me if I've seen it first like in the case of 'True Beauty' and it's Thai version 'Beauty Newbie'. While I didn't mind BN, TB is an all time favourite, so I think that tainted my enjoyment of it, just like the current 'Addicted Heroin' is tainted by my love of 'Stay With Me'. So like you, I'm torn about which to watch first.

I'm very meh about 'Live in Love' and it didn't capture my attention until the very last scene. I'm not liking the whole throw back to the pandemic and mask wearing or the confusion of Boy A liking Boy B, but Boy B, likes Boy C and so on. I'm finding the cast too big with too many characters and friend/sub friend groups, so it makes it difficult to remember who is who, who is friends with who, and who likes who. It's enough to give you a headache. I'll give it my minimum 3 epi chance cuz not every first epi is stellar or great off the bat, but if it doesn't drastically improve, I'll be dropping it.

Fourth's new song "Alright" is so fun, catchy, and addicting.

I love it! It's gonna be stuck in my head too. Better see if I can find it on

I got mine from GMMTV.

OMG I didn't know you can get stuff from shows like that! It's absolutely adorbs! I love it!

Yeah I might try that next time I watch; now that I've had time to watch more than just thai bls. I think I'm better prepared for the way the show is set up. If that makes sense. 

Alrighty, I can only control my binging if I'm pace watching with someone else. It's a big test of my willpower, but for you I'll do it, just say the word. *grin*


speaking of!!! I tested positive for covid today!!! (I am so tired of being sick, I had the flu literally 3 weeks ago)

probably infected my entire dorm <3

Oh that sucks large! Sorry to hear. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Ok this week’s ep was honestly better than the others 

I thought so too. I'd love for it to continue on this way, but we all know it won'

Read the above. You might change your

I think maybe we're going to get all the missed BL couple time, with little else, for the rest of the show and it might be able to appease those missing it... if it's done right. *shrug* Who knows? Either way I like enough to see it through so I'll let anyone not watching the rest know how it turned out.

RE: The Trainee - I'll await your final verdict. :-)

I do hope we will see new talented writers and new original stories continue to emerge amidst the other muck being pusehd at us.

I've been thinking about the new Gay Marriage Law in Thailand and how that might affect BL drama stories in the future.  Would it change character behaviors, expectations, dialogues, endings...etc.

What about irl gay couples in Thailand that have been living together for some time and now can marry. But...what might that look like? 

Some will be excited and happy. But what if one of the couple has been content with the status quo, (maybe secretly or unconsciously not wanting marriage?), and the other partner is like really ready to tie the knot...and now there is no one stopping them, except now possibly internal relationship issues. No more hiding behind legalities. 

 American Fan:
I've been thinking about the new Gay Marriage Law in Thailand and how that might affect BL drama stories in the future. Would it change character behaviors, expectations, dialogues, endings...etc.

Exactly! They have so much more now to work with in just that one aspect alone.

How big of a mistake will I be making if I watch Tonhon Chonlatee? lmao

I liked it!!

Your top picks are also my top picks. 


I'm very meh about 'Live in Love' and it didn't capture my attention until the very last scene. I'm not liking the whole throw back to the pandemic and mask wearing

Yeah, I started it but I'm not thrilled about it. I don't feel like reliving covid era. Too many bad memories and losses that affected me personally. It's prob a no-go for me. :-(

Alrighty, I can only control my binging if I'm pace watching with someone else. It's a big test of my willpower, but for you I'll do it, just say the word. *grin*

Want to try and watch it this weekend? I'll do my best not to let you down. 

 American Fan:
I liked it!!

I loved that series lol. The couple moments were just too much for my heart at the time *cough* Gangstas don't melt that was back then lol

omg ok! I guess I'll give it a go! 

 American Fan:
Some will be excited and happy. But what if one of the couple has been content with the status quo, (maybe secretly or unconsciously not wanting marriage?), and the other partner is like really ready to tie the knot...and now there is no one stopping them, except now possibly internal relationship issues. No more hiding behind legalities. 

Sounds like a BL plot to me...remember this day! When this is turned into a BL you thought of it first.


Ive just finished it in total. Overall, yes, it's just short and sweet. 

Yeah I finished it just now. 

I just finished The Rebound and I have words

LOL! I can't wait to catch up and see what those words were!

Final Rating : 7.5/10 (As you can tell I'm being more judgmental than this show probably deserves (in the review above, this is obviously me venting because I'm still a little angry), but my rating takes the parts I did enjoyed into consideration.)

Ha! Glad I didn't have to wait too My feelings are about the same as you, despising the same characters and for the same reasons etc., although I was able to suspend almost all disbelief as I usually can, and enjoy the storyline a little more than you did. 

Oh, and then he conveniently returns three months later. They bang hard under the covers. The end. (To be fair I freaking snorted because grandma had to put on headphones not to hear them moaning.)

Yeah this part irked me somethin' fierce (and also had me snickering at GMa too) and for me, it also seemed really out of place with the way it was filmed given how explicit the other CP's NC scenes were. It's like I was watching two different rated shows at the same Still, overall I enjoyed the series for the most part.

Your top picks are also my top picks. 

I'm looking forward to Kidnap. I will watch anything with Ohm in it....I hope it's good :)


Sounds like a BL plot to me...remember this day! When this is turned into a BL you thought of it first.

Right?! It's one of the first things that came to mind, as I don't want to marry, and ended two dating relationships due to the other person changing their mind or maybe they were never really on board to begin with.

It will be interesting to see whatThai producers do with this new opportunity.

I haven't seen Love Sick either and I'm also torn cuz the original is usually better, but then because of that, it usually ruins the remake for me if I've seen it first like in the case of 'True Beauty' and it's Thai version 'Beauty Newbie'. While I didn't mind BN, TB is an all time favourite, so I think that tainted my enjoyment of it,

Just a clarification, Beauty Newbie is a remake of My ID Is Gangnam Beauty and not my favorite True Beauty. 

Laws Of Attraction Ep 7: JESUS how did nobody warn me about this man (Nawin).  

That WAS some fine eye candy wasn' t it?

Has anyone seen 4 Minutes? Is there a big different between the regular one and the sultrier version?

I've only seen the uncut version so I can't say what's different, sorry.

Me, too. As long as one doesn't try to judge it as a remake, it's a winner. And yes, Only & Kitty (Newyear & Jur) are just 100% pure cuteness!

I'm trying hard, somewhat succeeding because I never saw the original AH, but somewhat failing too because of my love of 'Stay With Me'

Anyway, these were my random thoughts lol. If you read all of that you must be really bored lol but thanks for reading.

I wasn't bored at all because we share the exact same thoughts. I'm new to BL (just this year) and have only watched so many because I'm stuck at home with torn ligaments and meniscus on either side of my knee, and therefore can't do much else, but I've been having the same thoughts and probably why my opinions on fan favourites are so different from most. I've guess I've been spoiled by the good stuff coming from elsewhere. 

While I agree, broadly speaking, with your thoughts (which reflect what many others out there also say), I would qualify them a bit:

You've raised some very valid points and I too for all my lamenting, still tend to enjoy ThBLs for the most part. I just don't go into them with the same expectations or mindset as ones from other countries so it allows me to enjoy them a bit more than most or than I probably normally would otherwise. That said, I still have some faves of my own like 'Between Us', 'LITA', and "My School President', as well as newer ones like 'My Stand-In', 'The Sign', and 'Century of Love'. I also have high hopes (fingers crossed) for 'Revamp', 'Jack and Joker', 'The Next Prince', and because I'm Boss biased, 'The Boy Next World', so I doubt that liking ThBLs will ever change for me. I got me a big ol' heart that has room for everyone! *Nods lots*

P.S. @FlukeNatouch, in case you're reading this: My offer is still open.

ROFLOL! He is an adorable little sweetheart, isn't he?

When I started rewatching BLs that I had seen before I noticed that the product placement in shows

Omg the product placement freaking kills me and so often it's done so awkwardly that it pulls you right out of the story. Annoying AF, not gonna lie. It's probably one of the reasons I liked 'The Sign' so much... cuz there wasn't any! LOL!

Lol I know, me neither 

I think I've only done it twice. Once for the show cuz it was just painful to watch and once because the subs were so bad that I couldn't enjoy the show so I gave up trying. Otherwise I usually see them through. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that several times a show started out as one I wasn't caring for very much and ended up being one I enjoyed for a variety of reasons, so I'm always afraid I'll miss a hidden gem if I give up on it too soon. Plus I have a lot of cat traits to my personality and curiosity is one of them so, I can't get past the curiosity of what happens next either and not finishing drives me batty.

The Rose

I freaking LOVE them! The lead singer's vocals are so incredible and unique to me.

Ep 5 of The On1y One today. Whoop

I seriously love this show rn.

Is The On1y One, a Chinese production, or Taiwanese? I don't want to start watching only for it to be canceled mid way--

Taiwanese. You're safe. *grin*

I release my claims into the wild LOL Be free my sons <3

You're a better person than I. LOL!