Tina Turner was a great singer. Her song "The Best" is my fave of hers. <3
I love her too. I am an old soul when it comes to music. My favourite song from her is What's Love Got To Do With It; I also love Private Dancer because it holds a lot of childhood memories.
American Fan:
The eye candy is everywhere. Sure you can handle it?
The real question is, can they handle it because I don't chase I attract.....HAHAHAHA
American Fan:
I can see it now: Suspicious character gets arrested for perverted behavior. Seen drooling while goggling hot men with binoculars.
Judge - What do you have to say against these allegations.
"Your honour they are simply that, mere allegations. I feel attacked. There I was in the airport waiting on my fight to take me to Brazil so I could explore the Amazon, when I realised the lens of my binoculars were in desperate need of cleaning. I was just testing out them out after cleaning to see if they were properly cleaned."
Judge - For forty-five minutes?
"The dust accumulation was unprecedented. I move this court to dismiss these false and gross accusations that are only aimed at defaming my upstanding character. It is even further insulting that the man who wrongly accused me looks like a product of 19 generations of incest"
End of Act 1 Scene 1
*Curtains close*
American Fan:
I'd have to look up her songs, as I don't know many of them. If I heard a few I would prob know.
I strongly encourage this. The youth of today have lost their way in listening to music, lol I sound aged.