I have a special love hate relationship with young first love shows lol.

Me too! I'm waaaaaay too far away from that era to be able relate anymore and those are often the ones filled with the dead fish kisses I despise, too... or the whole unrealistic/virginal mindset of we only hold hands and don't ever kiss, even after being together for months or even years. *insert eyeroll here*. But when one is done well, it's done REALLY well and cherished.

Definitely not worthy of a rewatch tho, that's for sure. 

(re "Battle of the Writers") I'm thinking I actually will rewatch it when it's finished so that I can make more sense of the garbled storylines (especially the virtual collaboration and the story-within-the-story). And despite the many flaws of this series, I'm lovin' Tutor and Yim (pitter patter goes my heart).

Day 28. If you could have ONE BL character (not actor) as your partner who would you choose and why?

None, because they're all gay.

As one of the few guys in this group, I don't have this problem.

The problem I do have, however, is with the oppressive wording of this question. American Fan is denying my basic human rights by forcing me to choose just one from my harem (currently at 38).

But if you're really going to force me: Pharm. Because he's an adorable cinnamon roll ... and he can cook.

Well I have just entered adulthood and I have never held hands much less a kiss but then again I avoid all romantic advances like the plague lol. My dream is to die as a wealthy, virgin bach


I have a feeling we are going to get along just fine. (no one say anything let that side of me be discovered gradually *evil laugh*)

Oh definitely! I'm extremely innocent *nods lots* no dirty minded side whatsoever. *whistle*

Right! It was an insult to a NC scene enthusiast such as myself. I am still pissed.

OMG it so was! Only the comment section kept me sane and watching. That and the fact that once I start a show, it's hard to drop it because sometimes they surprise you...and sometimes I just wish I dropped it. LOL!


Jack and Joker is less than two weeks away! WOOT! *Doin' the Snoopy Dance*

But it was rather entertaining in a train-wreck kind of way. This is what happens when BDSM scenes are done by people who learned about BDSM from Wikipedia.

Exactly! LMAO! It was such a wreck that you couldn't stop watching it. But I stg if they do in fact end up making a season 2, I will NOT start it...lol!

I think already now, KBLs really excel at delivering consistently high quality. Unless one places a high value on snogging or NC scenes, it's rare that a KBL disappoints. Thailand: Quantity. Korea: Quality. Japan: Originality.

My thoughts exactly. The only thing KBLs are missing is the skinship. They're still mostly too conservative about it, second only to CBLs, tho Jun&Jun was a break through for them in that area for sure. The only complaint I have about JBLs is how short the epis are and how some characters are waaay to over the top in their reactions... which like the hairstyles (ugh!), stems from their Anime/Magna origins. Everything else is top notch to me.

I see you are developing my long post syndrome
No worries. You remain unsurpassed, the "cordon bleu" of long posters.

I may give you both a run for your money in that area... 😁


Me too! I'm waaaaaay too far away from that era to be able relate anymore and those are often the ones filled with the dead fish kisses I despise, too... or the whole unrealistic/virginal mindset of we only hold hands and don't ever kiss, even after being together for months or even years. *insert eyeroll here*. But when one is done well, it's done REALLY well and cherished.

LOL i'm like actually the exact opposite!! Im still hurting from that first love breakup ngl - I do truly hate the virginal mindset thing that some shows do. It's a plague running rampant esp in the straight kdramas!! I am an NC scene appreciator at heart like why pretend it doesnt exist?? they are so fun to watch!! smh. About the dead fish kisses. they suck but yk what also sucks when theres wayyyy too much tongue!!! like why tf can we see ur tongue in his mouth. gross. I actually gagged after my first kiss with my first boyfriend ( a real foreshadowing moment i ignored) maybe I should start dating girls instead

I have never had candy corn. I have always wanted to try it.
 American Fan:
This reminds me that my fav thing about Halloween is the candy corn!! Yum! Yum!

LOVE candy corn. It's just not Halloween if I don't have any around.


LOVE candy corn. It's just not Halloween if I don't have any around.

I've got real mixed feelings on it. I enjoy it like once a year and no more than that. I like the big pumpkin ones the best (least likely to be stale)

(re "Battle of the Writers") I'm thinking I actually will rewatch it when it's finished so that I can make more sense of the garbled storylines (especially the virtual collaboration and the story-within-the-story). And despite the many flaws of this series, I'm lovin' Tutor and Yim (pitter patter goes my heart).

Oh I do that lots of times because you often miss things when you have to watch them sectioned off and a week apart can make you forget deets too. I meant more of a rewatch as in down the road just because you liked it kinda rewatch. I also like T&Y which is probably why I'm still enjoying it and I'm able to overlook stuff I normally wouldn't/couldn't.

As one of the few guys in this group, I don't have this problem.

The problem I do have, however, is with the oppressive wording of this question. American Fan is denying my basic human rights by forcing me to choose just one from my harem (currently at 38).

I'm not a guy nor gay, but I don't care anyway cuz I have a harem too. BWAHAHAHA! So for me, off the top of my head Imma say, either Boun or Boss. There's just something captivating about Boun and his smile and Boss... well he just has that 'it' factor for me. You can't even begin to understand how upset and disappointed I was to hear that he was no longer going to be staring with Boun in The Vampire Project aka ReVamp. It was gonna be a dream come true. 😭 Lastly one of my newest faves who would be in the running too is Song Han Gyeom aka Do Yoon from Jazz for Two. The blue haired cutie stole my heart from epi one. How on earth can anyone choose just one???

LOL i'm like actually the exact opposite!! Im still hurting from that first love breakup ngl - I do truly hate the virginal mindset thing that some shows do. It's a plague running rampant esp in the straight kdramas!! I am an NC scene appreciator at heart like why pretend it doesnt exist?? they are so fun to watch!! smh. About the dead fish kisses. they suck but yk what also sucks when theres wayyyy too much tongue!!! like why tf can we see ur tongue in his mouth. gross. I actually gagged after my first kiss with my first boyfriend ( a real foreshadowing moment i ignored) maybe I should start dating girls instead

Right?! There is such a thing as a too much of a good thing. Like when they show someone licking up the side of someone's face.... is that supposed to be sexy? Or are you just part dog? The neck (and obv other body parts) sure, but the face or licking someone's nose is just gross to me. Don't give up on the tongue kiss just yet... cuz like everything else it has to be done right to be good. But yeah when they're just wagging their tongues all over the lips and face, count me out. LOL

I have a harem too. BWAHAHAHA! So for me, off the top of my head Imma say, either Boun or Boss.

Although I greatly respect both as actors, neither is in my harem, so you're fine. No cease-and-desist order will be forthcoming from my lawyer.

How on earth can anyone choose just one???

Exactly! Can you please explain this to American Fan?

The only complaint I have about JBLs is how short the epis are and how some characters are waaay to over the top in their reactions... which like the hairstyles (ugh!), stems from their Anime/Magna origins.

Good point. I don't particularly like manga or anime, so I've never explicitly recognised how the JBL overacting thing for certain characters stems from these. As to the short episode and series length: "brevity is a virtue".

Although I greatly respect both as actors, neither is in my harem, so you're fine. No cease-and-desist order will be forthcoming from my lawyer.

LMAO! Physically, Boun is not my type whatsoever, but when he smiles..... just picture me with my elbows on the counter, face/cheeks resting on my fists, having hearts for eyes....and a lot of sighing going on. And Boss with his hair pulled back and then add a him in one of those muscle defining close fit shirts....somebody pass me a napkin for my drool. Another newest addition to my collection (I'm calling dibs rn) is the actor who plays Takara as he looks in Takara's Treasure. When I first saw him, I was like wowsers, he has to be one of the most handsome looking Japanese men I've ever seen. His MDL pic does him zero justice and hardly looks like him at all.

As to the short episode and series length: "brevity is a virtue"

Sorry, too short will never be a virtue for me *ahem, anywhere, ahem* and that's coming from someone who is just 5'2"...lmao!

I can't keep up, waaaah!!!

@jadeheart - High five on the candy corn!! The pumpkins were mentioned and yeah they are delish! So is the chocolate candy corn combo. Guess what I'm looking for next time I'm at the market!

@RXinw No I'll never come close to your long posts. And your latest update is sending me over the edge. Can you hear me screaming as I free fall over the cliff?

The problem I do have, however, is with the oppressive wording of this question. American Fan is denying my basic human rights by forcing me to choose just one from my harem (currently at 38).

Well, (huff huff). Last time we were asked to choose JUST one bias you insisted on your whole (illegal, btw) harem, so what's stopping you this time? Go ahead and commit bigamy. (Your poor hubby, does he even know about this side of you?) 

Boss... well he just has that 'it' factor for me.

I hope you aren't talking 'bout MY Boss from LITA...

I like the big pumpkin ones the best (least likely to be stale)

I love the pumpkin ones too. I always get the Autumn Mix by Brach's that has the pumpkins, the traditional candy corn, and the harvest corn.

Exactly! Can you please explain this to American Fan?