that is an invitation
I found it quite humorous because I intended to demonstrate common courtesy towards those in your vicinity. And that was most definitely an invitation.
Dangerous Drugs of Sex while many persons could not stomach it.
Is this the one you're referring to? I'm always open to exploring new series. This season, I've noticed a surplus of lighthearted content in the romance genre. While I do appreciate and enjoy this kind of content, I need something different to cleanse my palate. If this is the drama you're speaking of, I am interested in why the ratings are so low. I've never seen ratings this low, but that doesn't scare me away; it piques my interest.
. I am a perfectionist
Welcome to the perfectionist Club ! I am your Club member!
I cannot drop a series
Over the years, I've only ever dropped 16 shows out of all the dramas I've watched. There's something inside me that compels me to see the journey through to completion, no matter how challenging it may be. It's almost like I see it as a personal defeat if I don't finish what I've started, even though some of these shows have been quite torturous to sit through. However, I am always driven by a deep-seated need to understand the reasons behind the events in the storyline. It's as if I crave closure and answers, even if it means enduring some discomfort. I find myself genuinely distraught when a show concludes without offering the resolution I was hoping for. It's as if all the hardship I endured while watching was in vain. Nonetheless, I still hold onto hope that things might take a positive turn, even after a rocky start.