First Note of Love Ep 6 ~ Mr Whale Man keeps jumping from english, taiwanese and thai and my brain doesn't know how to process it all at once LOL

That was cute. Kind of a bridge episode but I always enjoy seeing Sea. He's so damn cute <3

Battle of the Writers Ep7

We start of the episode with Tongrak, a writer, who-- scratch that, wrong show-- Sin, a writer, who travels to an island to gain inspiration, and falls in love with the cutest island boy. Jingjang! I just met you but I love you, and I get why Sin loves you too-- jokes aside-- these two are a dream together. 

Then we jump back into Ob-un and Shan who are being weird-- but finally end up dating. We get some fantastic kiss scenes from these two. TutorYim of course, DELIVERED and a win is a win. 

Then we're momentarily back in Ozone's court-- who just got dumped by Min (I guess?), but he's fine because let's be honest he doesn't like him that much. *cough* Not as much as he likes Pie, at least.

Then we end the episode back in the book (yay for the kiss), and in the real world, where readers are once again dragging our group of writers. Much like I imagine people are talking about this drama--

In short, the editing is as whack as ever-- but there were a lot of enjoyable parts and I have a new ship. 

Takara No Vidro Special EP

I don't have much to say except that I could watch 10 more episodes with these two and wouldn't get bored. I'll miss you Taishin & Takara <3 

For anyone who's interested, the English translation of the manga will be out for purchase tomorrow in the USA. (Takara's Treasure)

@heretherebedork on tumblr


Takara No Vidro Special EP

I don't have much to say except that I could watch 10 more episodes with these two and wouldn't get bored. I'll miss you Taishin & Takara <3 

For anyone who's interested, the English translation of the manga will be out for purchase tomorrow in the USA. (Takara's Treasure)

@heretherebedork on tumblr

I feel the same way. Is the special episode out now? :O :D


I feel the same way. Is the special episode out now? :O :D

Right, I love them ;; and YES!


Takara No Vidro Special EP

I don't have much to say except that I could watch 10 more episodes with these two and wouldn't get bored. I'll miss you Taishin & Takara <3 

For anyone who's interested, the English translation of the manga will be out for purchase tomorrow in the USA. (Takara's Treasure)

@heretherebedork on tumblr

I have this on my ptw list. the guys look really cute, as is expected from japanese actors LOL


:) Omg!! First episode of Jack and Joker was amazing. It is gonna suck waiting every week for a new episode. :( YinWar are so freaking hot!! ♡♡♡

I loved it! I missed them so much!


Right, I love them ;; and YES!

Just finished was too short *crying* then again "people can be greedy" (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ )

I was taking it a little too seriously LOL

We're enjoying this!!

We're enjoying this!!

I'm glad to hear because I was genuinely questioning myself today LOL

i wish to join too 

 JISOO fanboy:

i wish to join too 

Hello. Welcome. 

 JISOO fanboy:

i wish to join too 

Welcome. We're a rowdy bunch, quite opinionated, but quite respectful group. Hope you enjoy it here.


LOL You know, I have been overcome with embarrassment about it today and wondered what on earth I was doing as it was just a random dream and I was taking it a little too seriously LOL

I have part 2 ready to go up now, I'm just finding pictures to break up the text. 

Lol u can never take a dream too seriously, especially if it’s a BL XD 

 American Fan:

RE: Battle of the Writers....I forgot! 

Looked at my drama schedule and Monday's are a busy day with BOTW, First Note of Love and now Jack & Joker.

I haven't started any yet.

Ahh I’m too busy to watch anything during weekdays lol 

That was cute. Kind of a bridge episode but I always enjoy seeing Sea. He's so damn cute <3

He's adorable! But I agree, this one was pretty much just a set up for episode, if the preview is a true indicator-- I'm excited for next week!