I CLAIM PLAN THANAWAT P43425. If ur willing to share Nut, I’ll share Plan or someone else on my list 

Darn, I should've been faster. OK, deal: We can do a swap one day each week.

 American Fan:
Good luck at uni!!

Thanks, I'll try my best!

 American Fan:
I have never watched a GL, but I'm willing to try one out...but only a really good one for my first time. Any recs?

These are my favorite GL titles, but some of them I haven't seen yet. I only added them there because I want to see them and I heard so many good things about them.

Recently though, I've finished Ayaka-chan wa Hiroko-senpai ni Koishiteru (it's on Gagaoolala). I recommend it if you want something fun, an office romance. If you want something more on the thriller side, The Handmaiden is brilliant (you can find it on kisskh). As for Chinese GLs, this one's censored but it's supposedly really good: Couple of Mirrors. You can watch it on Youtube. And I can't leave this list alone without adding She Makes My Heart Flutter. It's shorter than the others, but so cute. It's also on Youtube.

Day 2. Your favorite fall foods?

Do apples count? Anything that has been taken from the earth and is at the store, is it a fall food? Unless that's pumpkin spice latte in which case, I never tried that.

Hey Emrys! Have you seen GAP? It's the one Ive heard a lot about! 

Hey Emrys! Have you seen GAP? It's the one Ive heard a lot about!

Hi Pluto! I haven't seen it completely, only the first 3 episodes. I will watch it this year for sure. My priority right now is to finish the GLs from Gagaoolala I have added to my bookmarks (they're like 20 or so). After that, I will go into GAP as well. ^^

 American Fan:
I have never watched a GL, but I'm willing to try one out...but only a really good one for my first time. Any recs?

i highly recommend those 2 gls:

"reverse 4 you" its airing rn i always look forward to it, and  "the secret of us" 

Day 2 ~ October Challenge

What are your favourite fall foods?

~ Hmmm, figs and apples I guess. I love apple desserts, or anything with vanilla. Cinnamon is more of a winter flavour to me. Autumn is a good time for sweets. I don't like chocolate much though. For meals, I guess that would be roasted vegetable stews, like squash and beets.

Boyfriend ~ Him

I watched "Heavens x Candy" (70-minute JBL movie newly posted on Gaga). I can't say that I liked it, nor that I recommend it. I'm not even sure why I watched it, other than curiosioty because one of the leads is a real porn actor* playing the role of a porn actor. Needless to say, there are a lot of softcore sex scenes - and the opening feels almost like a cheesy Japanese "pink film". Although there are some substantive story elements which could, in theory, have made a good overall story, the weaknesses and flaws were too much for me. Meh.

*Yeah, I confess: I googled him for the real stuff. Also meh. Sorry, although I love JBLs and most things Japanese, pixelated Japanese porn just doesn't do it for me. 

*Yeah, I confess: I googled him for the real stuff. Also meh. Sorry, although I love JBLs and most things Japanese, pixelated Japanese porn just doesn't do it for me. 

Japan pixelates their porn? lol doesnt that defeat the purpose?


Japan pixelates their porn? lol doesnt that defeat the purpose?

Just the privates (under Japanese censorship law, i.e. anything for domestic distribution). To me, it's irritating as heck (not that I care so much about seeing people's stuff, it's just really distracting), but it seems that Japanese viewers don't mind because they're so used to it (?).

Off topic but something random as hell happened to me and now i'm just sitting here laughing and confused. 

I havent been sleeping well lately so i'm just a sleepy hot mess and this morning, I was running some errands. And as I was walking along with my little bag of groceries, and this tatty oversized sweater and I seen a couple in front walking. The path is narrow so I stepped aside to let them past. They were holding hands and had to part to get past me and as the woman was walking past, she said to me 'yeah, looks good doesnt it?' and walked on.

And I have no idea what she meant. Was I meant to respond about the street? the weather? did she think i was checking out her man? her? I have no idea. But it was so random and confusing, I cant help but want to share. 

Back on topic. I'm going to miss The On1y One airing in the middle week. I need to find a good show airing on  a Wednesday. I appreciated the reprieve lol 


Japan pixelates their porn? lol doesnt that defeat the purpose?

Yes. There is a cultural reason behind it, too.  I watched a documentary about it and it's fascinating.

 Chun Mo Rionnag:

Yes. There is a cultural reason behind it, too.  I watched a documentary about it and it's fascinating. 

ohh, well, the more you know lol

Today is a very special day. It is a very special girl's birthday. A happy birthday to my nong, the amazing @OnyxTheHedgehog!!!

"Heavens x Candy" (70-minute JBL movie newly posted on Gaga).

Yes, I have this one to watch today. I am looking forward to it as I have enjoyed his previous work in the movie The Shortest Distance Is Round and all its sequels. I do not watch porn so I have no comments on that side of his career.

P.S Coming here and seeing porn being discussed caught me off guard lol. I would have thought that if any porn related topic is being discussed I would have been the culprit lol, but I love it; shows smutty progress lol

And I have no idea what she meant. Was I meant to respond about the street? the weather? did she think i was checking out her man? her? I have no idea. But it was so random and confusing, I cant help but want to share.

LOL She must thinks she and/or her man look all that good and a bag of chips. She could also mean it looks good having a boyfriend, who knows lol. 

Knowing me I would have responded and said, "Not really, I have seen better in the mirror lol", anyway, sometimes you just have to ignore such people.