It was very interesting reading some of these posts. The first few I read about fantasies brought my mind back to the BossFort fantasy of mine but I guess it was fulfilled through Bible who now plays a different role in 4 Minutes from what he played in Kinnporsche. Anyways:

August BL Group Challenge - Day 14 - Your favourite foods.

First and foremost let me just say - CHEESECAKE & COFFEE

Now moving on lol. I am a proud meat eater; beef, pork, chicken, goat, etc. My family has owned a jerk shop for decades so I do know how to prepare jerk pork, jerk chicken, make sausage from scratch etc. I also know how to make seasoning from scratch. I also know how to and have slaughtered pigs. (okay I feel like I am giving someone a heart attack). I also love love love fruits. My favourite fruit is strawberry (maybe that is why I am sweet to the taste). Another fruit I love that is currently in season is guinep - non Jamaican name is Spanish Lime:

I also love apples and Rambutan:

Also nesberry:

Also sweetsapp:

Also June Plums

Also Jamaican apples:

I actually have a few of these fruit trees and a lot of other fruit trees including mangoes in my yard. My yard is huge.

Yup so I love fruits.

For fast food, I love of course KFC because Jamaica has the best KFC branches (I am not being biased, tourists come here and buy just to bring back with them to their homes) 

Juici Patty:


Pizza Hut pizza

Burger King

I also love ice -cream with my favourite flavours being, strawberry, fruit basket, coffee, coffee and rum, rum and raisin, schoolers' blue (renamed to blueberry swirl), Cherry Pineapple.

I love shrimp fried rice. 

I love all seafood. 

There is not a single thing that I am allergic to yet. 

For sweets I love all but for ones made at home it is Tambourine and sugar with rum as well as stewed jumbiline mixed with sugar and rum (okay I consume a lot of rum lol). 

Yes, I am a foodie. There is so much more to talk about as Jamaican regarding food; I have not even touched on the classic dishes but that would take a while so let me leave it here. 

P.S You have no idea the self control I had to exercise when I was talking about meat lol

Question are the pics in my post showing?

Like in what world do they have the reason to be that mean to a literal stranger? A stranger that has similar interests as you and also like saved you once? Do they have no manners??

In my opinion, Neil and Sea are both stuck in their own comfort zones, whether it's positive or negative. Neil is still mourning the loss of his brother and seems to be in a state of depression, lacking motivation and needing external encouragement to make changes. It seems that he's not yet ready to make those changes. I think his treatment of Sea is his way of shutting himself off from the possibility of moving on from his grief and attempting something new that he's afraid of.

Sea reacted defensively to Neil's behavior. Imagine being a musician facing an idol who played a significant role in introducing you to music during a tough period in your life. Now imagine this person evaluating your talent based on your age and professionalism. I interpret Sea's aggression not as hatred, but as disappointment in his idol's conduct.

It's his introverted side, not wanting to admit that maybe he did want the job and was upset that things didn't work out. Remember, his friend signed up for the job interview. At first, he didn't want to go, as he mentioned that he made music for himself and not for anyone else.

Their interactions are simply a tug-of-war between what they want and what they fear. Neil is at a point where he's questioning what's happening to him and why this new stranger is eliciting emotions from him when he's probably been closed off for a while.


They are not O.O

I also know how to and have slaughtered pigs. (okay I feel like I am giving someone a heart attack)

hello, that's me *waves* 

I remember someone asked for the OST info from First Note of Love, but I'm too lazy to go back and try and find who it was ;;

Anyway-- the song is:

碎日 by 涂善存 (Charles Tu)

If you have access to Spotify, there's a playlist with the four currently released OSTs.

My God this man can hit such high notes, I'm floored right now <3

I love Daou so so so much! <3

Think I can hear the soft opening of Hall of the Mountain King preparing for tomorrow's challenge question lol 

I remember someone asked for the OST info from First Note of Love,

I Believe  - Xiao Yu  (Opening), Shatter of The Sun - Charles Tu (Ending)


I Believe  - Xiao Yu  (Opening), Shatter of The Sun - Charles Tu (Ending)

Awesome! I couldn't find it on YT ^^

Here are the pics:




June Plum:


Jamaican Apple:

Juici Patty:

Also Jackfruit:


Here are the pics:




June Plum:


Jamaican Apple:

Juici Patty:

Also Jackfruit:

All look super yummy <3 


All look super yummy <3 

Yessss they look so good :o I feel robbed because I had never seen these ;;


It sounds amazing now I am hungry lol 

I am too, just by reading through these posts! :P


Yessss they look so good :o I feel robbed because I had never seen these ;;

XD Lol ikr :(