:D I cannot wait to start the series when it is done airing. <3

Oh yeah! I'm sure you'll love it! :-* Waiting together! :D 


Oh yeah! I'm sure you'll love it! :-* Waiting together! :D 



Okay, so I've made a very brave decision... 

I will wait with watching  the last episodes (for me 7-10) of "The Boyfriend" untill the final episodes will be released on next Tuesday. 

Ahhhrgh, sigh... I can't wait, but I will be strong and endure it. I want to watch everything in one go. :D Strangely enough I now see images and video clips everywhere of it. 

Of. Course. LOL.  :D

Yeah I've been debating watching and/or if I was going to wait and binge it.

 American Fan:
his very long sleeve, that btw, Xiao Bao likes to hang onto. That is the cutest thing. 

Right! I do not even like cute all that much but I have to admit this series has me liking the idea a lot.

 American Fan:
I can be a "dark romance" fan too. hehe

Another point *smug emoji*

 American Fan:

I recommend; @segos

Okay, so I've made a very brave decision... 

A brave decision indeed.

Strangely enough I now see images and video clips everywhere of it. 

Of. Course. LOL.  :D

Right! Everywhere I went Tuesday there it was so by the time I watched the episodes I was just waiting in anticipation for it and they did not disappoint.

Thank you for the updates @RXinw! :-) 

I've watched the trailer of the Four Ever You Project and this looks very promising and interesting to me! It gave me butterflies in the stomach and I bookmarked this drama! 

You are welcome.

The trailer has my attention. I will be watching while it airs. I think I will be able to fit it in my already packed BL schedule since most likely by then Love Sea and Century of Love would have concluded opening up two spots, but this is me assuming that it will be released in the near future. Given how I am just adding to my currently watching list lately I could have a dilemma in the very near future.

 American Fan:

Being called "Baby" with a special look and tone would be romantic heaven. *sigh*. 

In my imagination anyway.

Immediately thought of Alex calling Henry 'baby' in Red, White and Royal Blue TT

@OnyxTheHedgehog a gif of the clip I mentioned :)

Thx XD (Saw this on my phone while I was in the same room as my parents and I struggled not to smile lmao-)

Yeah, as others have said, "Love Sea" has dragged a bit in the past few episodes, and Prin in this latest episode is badly overdone - but I don't mind because Fort is so good in it: the perfect combination of "green flag boyfriend" and "lust-inducing sex muffin". *slobber slobber* (I personally like him much better in this than in "Love In The Air".)

Most others seem to hate the girl couple, but I'm OK with them and actually find Mook quite funny.

Yeah, the story is sorta boring me icl :(

lmao 'sex muffin', perfect description! 

Don't be put off by the opening part of "Until We Meet Again", which is horrifically tragic.

Oh yeah, I remember watching that and debating whether I should continue lol

I was in the hospital A&E waiting room and started watching UWMA to pass time and I teared up and nearly cried in front of a bunch of strangers lol

Filming has begun! In case you guys haven't see these, here are some pictures of Joong, First, and Kaoh on set <3 (Dunk will join them at the end of the week.)

All 3 of them really r heart killers in all these pictures lol

re: The Trainee

I've caught up with The Trainee cuz I didn't really want to watch Love Sea or SunsetxVibes and I am loving this series so much
OffGun have become another one of my favourites now, I just love them so much
And TT is srsly HILARIOUS, sometimes I forget that it's even a BL cuz it's just so damn funny, I can't stop laughing lmao
The Trainee is honestly a breath of fresh air after all the serious emotional 'complicated' BL romances I've been watching lately and I'm so glad I started watching it, and now I absolutely can't wait for the next ep on Sunday XD

I've caught up with The Trainee cuz I didn't really want to watch Love Sea or SunsetxVibes and I am loving this series so much

Yay! Honestly this is  one of the series I am most excited for every week! 

assuming that it will be released in the near future.

(re "Fourever You Project") It's a "pilot" rather than "trailer", so it'll probably be a while yet.


Yeah I've been debating watching and/or if I was going to wait and binge it.

I honestly could not wait, so I watched it, but I really can't wait to watch episode 9 and 10. I literally shaking, and I can't get Dai Shun out of my mind nah. But at least I have 4 minutes coming out tomorrow to satisfy my heart. 

Yeah I've been debating watching and/or if I was going to wait and binge it.

Hello! :-) I can understand that very well.  If I may say so, I would be in favor of waiting and binge it then. I did not wait and now I am in the dilemma! :D The good thing is, it won't be long before all episodes have been released. :-*

This experience has shown me once again, binge watching dramas is the right choice for me. Another lesson.^^

A brave decision indeed.

Ahh, thank you so much for your recognition! (* heart eyes*)

and they did not disappoint.

You make it exciting! :D

The trailer has my attention. I will be watching while it airs. I think I will be able to fit it in my already packed BL schedule since most likely by then Love Sea and Century of Love would have concluded opening up two spots, but this is me assuming that it will be released in the near future. Given how I am just adding to my currently watching list lately I could have a dilemma in the very near future.

I feel with you. :-* 

re: The Trainee

I've caught up with The Trainee cuz I didn't really want to watch Love Sea or SunsetxVibes and I am loving this series so much

Yay! Honestly this is  one of the series I am most excited for every week! 

Here is another Trainee! :D I like this, too! 

The moment when the backup flew through the air (in the last episode).... woah LOL I laughed so much! In the last episode there were too few moments between Ryan and Jane. In one of the previous episodes I liked the moment of tying shoelaces, that was so sweet. :-) I have to think about wearing shoes with laces more often. You never know....It's all about being prepared! :D :D :D

Hello! :-) I can understand that very well.  If I may say so, I would be in favor of waiting and binge it then. I did not wait and now I am in the dilemma! :D The good thing is, it won't be long before all episodes have been released. :-*

This experience has shown me once again, binge watching dramas is the right choice for me. Another lesson.^^

Thanks for the heads up. 

I was going to post this earlier but got busy and I was trying to avoid not posting my review on I Saw You In My Dream early because I did not want my thoughts to get lost in the day's activities but alas the people's business must come first. Anyways here are some updates first:


Source: X (Twitter)

Where do I even get to watch this?

Uncut version on VIU

Re: I Saw You In My Dream - Episodes 1 & 2

The premise of the series by itself is intriguing and the portrayal of it did not disappoint as it was substantiated by good cinematography that complemented the dream element of the series. 

The second couple has good chemistry and their impending story has me interested. Their trope of friends to lovers will be fun to watch as well as heartwarming. 

The main couple has good chemistry. While  their chemistry is not overwhelming that it instantly has you imagining them as a couple, it is good enough and will only be built on as the story progresses and the tension builds.

I like how the series did not waste too much time. From the first episode after the normal introductions are made they just get right into the plot so there is no beating around the bush or slow start. I like this because it tells me that they have a healthy body of a story to tell that will utilise all the episodes well, so hopefully no drag. I also like how the immature prank dynamic is addressed early on in the series to fit the age group of the characters and this being done through an apology and conversation between the two leads was good.

There is also the religious aspect. In the first episode it is revealed that the two leads who are neighbours go to church together. The family is catholic. This kind of took me off guard as I cannot remember ever seeing a Christians in Thai BL much less as the lead family in the series. When this was revealed I became apprehensive as I wondered if this religious element will be in conflict with the couples' relationship in the future. I normally tend to avoid MM related content that involves religion matter of fact I tend to avoid the whole religious conversation (says the person who has regional certification in the subject - my nerd won in that decision lol) when I can, sometimes I am not so lucky-debates. Anyways, my fears were dispelled though after watching the family interactions and seeing how loving they are so even if there will be religious conflict it will not be major and I highly doubt there will be any.

I hopefully it only gets better and does not decline in quality like some currently airing BLs; Love Sea and Sunset x Vibes. Yes, names are being called. I have another meeting right after this so I am already in serious mode, blunt and a little annoyed to be honest

I would also like to say that after watching both episodes I would not declare it a must watch while it is airing. It gave me the feeling of a lovely binge watch on a nice Sunday evening. I am not saying it does not make for a nice watch while it is airing I am just saying personally for me I would have binged it.

These are my thoughts  or at least the ones I remembered. If you are wondering about the religious ratio in Thailand like me, here are some statistics and an article from Britannica; seeing this series made me intrigued since BLs do not normally stray from the mainstream religious practices:

92.5 percent Buddhist, 5.4 percent Muslim, and 1.2 percent Christian.

Waiting for my flight and not enough time to bother watching a drama...

With all the talk about The Boyfriend I can't wait to binge watch!! I almost never watch reality shows while they are airing, but this one has made the wait hard. 

Hmmm, more of you are talking about The Trainee...wondering if I should check it out or keep to my original decision to wait. I've always loved OffGun (specially Gun!!), but I don't know....hmmm, what to do.