Ooh, that's nice!


Share a quote/poem/haiku that best reflects the inner "YOU"

Two great choices!! I can imagine Dolly saying that, hehe.

"I'll be a moon's breath from your side,"

What a special phrase. I'm imagining what a "moon's breath" might feel like and how far or close it might be.

I love Celtic music so much. 

“This too shall pass” is not exactly a quote, but a Persian proverb.

I didn't know this phrase originated in Persia! How about that. 

nothing is permanent. Not happiness. Not suffering. It reminds you to appreciate what you do have and to live in the moment, but also to look forward to a time when the things that aggrieve you, will no longer torment you. 

Words to live by. Life is constantly in a state of change, as we are, and whatever one is experiencing in the moment will be all but forgotten in a short time.  Or at least diminished by time. 

This is about to be a whole life story:

Thank you for your amazing Ted Talk story and inspiring quotes sprinkled throughout! You are the cheerleader we all need in our lives, Lol.  

 American Fan:
What a special phrase. I'm imagining what a "moon's breath" might feel like and how far or close it might be.

My interpretation has always been 'just because the sun isn't shining on it doesn't mean it's not there. It never leaves/has left your side' 

Reading all these quotes and poems from you guys I am feeling quite inspired. 

Unfortunately nothing spicy yet but I'm still expecting to see ur reaction in future eps lol

My smutty girl *wink emoji* lol I love having a partner in crime.

Lol I love this song XD


Wow I was not expecting that lmao 

I like to keep them guessing lol. Truth be told I was just typing out my random thoughts in the moment.

Dark Blue Kiss ep 1

Glad you are enjoying!

 American Fan:

Online Friends forever *wink*

 American Fan:
My little quote notebook has a few new pages filled. A great memory to look back on.

This got me thinking about when you asked what we should do for hitting our 1000th page and I realised that this challenge right here is a great way to lead up to it so I guess we already started lol.

 American Fan:
What is the demon that he is referring to? 

Knowing Poe, it might refer to the mind.

It is now time for me to inflict torture upon @American Fan *cough* I mean give updates :)

There is some very exciting news at the end!


Source: X (Twitter)

Some wonderful news for us fans of The Boyfriend



I'm so happy for Dai and Shun

I'm so happy for Dai and Shun

Right! I am glad the got each other for real in the end!


My interpretation has always been 'just because the sun isn't shining on it doesn't mean it's not there. It never leaves/has left your side' 

Thank you, I like that!

Online Friends forever *wink*

Aw, I'm smiling :-) *wink, wink*

This got me thinking about when you asked what we should do for hitting our 1000th page and I realised that this challenge right here is a great way to lead up to it so I guess we already started lol.

Yes, perfect! Good call. 

Knowing Poe, it might refer to the mind.

Ohoooo, totally! 

It is now time for me to inflict torture upon @American Fan *cough* I mean give updates :)

I'm not normally a screamer, my voice can't go that high, but you got me screaming over here! Cuz I TOTALLY forgot to start THE BOYFRIEND and your update reminded me!! We good this time!! LOL

She is?!


No no. I did a live reaction thing. So I don't go back and edit, you just get a free flow of my thoughts. It's chaotic.

August Day 2 - Because I forgot
S just stands for Sam (my name) and egos because I like the word ego. I know, I'm weird.

August Day 3 - Quote
This is a hard one for me. I have a few and often they vary based on where I'm at in my life or sometimes even day.

“i carry 
the stories
the sadness 
the victories
of people before me
i'm both a monument 
and a future skyscraper 
rising from the same skeleton” 
― Noor Unnahar, Yesterday I Was the Moon

And then this.

And finally:

“She wears strength and darkness equally well,
The girl has always been half goddess, half hell”
― Nikita Gill, Fierce Fairytales: Poems and Stories to Stir Your Soul


I'm so happy for Dai and Shun

:D Same <3

Why does each episode of 4 minutes leave you with more questions than answers. I can't wait for the next one.

Someone on twitter posted the subbed DaiShun cut for today’s The Boyfriend Live if anyone wants to watch! Link.

I have a few and often they vary based on where I'm at in my life or sometimes even day.

I love the name Sam! And your choice of quotes is fabulous. I feel a connection to all three. Starting another page in my notebook. :-) :-)

ETA:  Your first quote is very powerful. I looked up the author/book and it sounds like something I would like to have on my bookshelf. 

I'm here after watching EP 1 of The Boyfriend.

Better later than never...

Sooo, it's very interesting and different to watch a reality dating show knowing the outcome. It feels more stressful somehow.

On the bright side: Shun is cute, CUTE, the CUTEST ever!!

Not so bright:  I could have done without the scene of the fish's head being cut off, up close, in living color.

I'm wondering though... Is Dai a player or just looks like one?