
Source - X (Twitter)

Oooooh 4minutes is here... but idk if I'm ready for 4minutes ;;

also-- where is it streaming ?


Oooooh 4minutes is here... but idk if I'm ready for 4minutes ;;

also-- where is it streaming ?

I believe it will releasing on One31 and VIU. Not sure about other platforms. Does anybody else know?

Question, is there an uncut version of City of Stars?

Looking at my list I may have to push back City of Stars and drop by some series from 2020, 2021 and 2022 and a movie from 1998. These should take about a week or less. Depends on how good they are lol.

Question, is there an uncut version of City of Stars?

There isn't!

 I went into your profile to see your icon/gif because Poom <3, but then I saw your favorite BL/GL actor list, and I'm probably going to copy that idea lol

oops i didnt include Poom there yet i need to update it asap :D im looking forward to your list lol

I just unsubscribed, refreshed, then subscribed again. Could someone do a test post and I can see if my notifications got turned back on?


 American Fan:
f my notifications got turned back on?

I did it, and it worked for me!  But I did the same thing last night, and it only worked briefly. I guess we will see what happens today 

 American Fan:

I just unsubscribed, refreshed, then subscribed again. Could someone do a test post and I can see if my notifications got turned back on?


 its working briefly to me, for now sometimes i get notifications and sometimes not

Anyone experience the MDL server completely crush ??

Yes, yesterday morning.


I did it, and it worked for me!  But I did the same thing last night, and it only worked briefly. I guess we will see what happens today 

 Light L:

 its working briefly to me, for now sometimes i get notifications and sometimes not

I'm consistently NOT getting any notifications. :-(

I have to manually visit this thread and check for new posts. I know I know, it's not that hard...but there are several threads to keep up with.

ETA: Prolly means I'm not getting notices when others leave a comment for me on the drama pages or feeds. Whaaaa!!!

Re: 25 Ji, Akasaka de

Total rating score - 7/10

In addition to my previous post regarding my thoughts on this series there are mainly three things I want to add. Firstly, how the writers used Shirasaki character did not frustrate but rather confused me. It is established that Shirasaki is an awkward character who is very impulsive and candid about his thoughts and feelings regardless of the social atmosphere. We see this in many instances; one example is how back in college he voiced is objections to script changes regardless of who is in charge. Therefore what confused me is how this same individual did a complete 180 turn and became so hesitant in voicing his feelings openly. At first I summed it up to him being in love and its effects but later on I found that I was just making an excuse for this contradicting characterisation by the writers. If I am to stick to characterisation of Shirasaki in the beginning of the series as well as every other instance in the series that does not include romance, I expect him to just blurt out his feelings unabashed. Him being candid and awkward is his whole personality so could liking someone be that substantial that he becomes a reluctant personality? Yes, he thought that Hayama had long lasting feelings for someone else and yes, he is inexperienced in love but again with his demeanour one would expect him to blurt out something of the effect to, "I think I am starting to like you!", the moment he had an inkling that he liked Hayama. Could it be that JBL writers are so dedicated to the penchant of making characters stubborn, hesitant and frustrating that charactersation is bound to bend to its will? 

Secondly, while I understood the reason for Hayama being aloof, I felt that its justification could have been explored a little more. His mother's failing modelling career, if I remember correctly, caused her to become depressed which affected how he was socialised. She told him to  smile and not show his teeth and how she placed such great emphasis that he was a pretty face that he internalised that he was a pretty face to everyone and no one cared to see beyond his attractiveness. We see where in his adult life in college and even after becoming a celebrity he was adulated to the point that he became a cynosure. However this had an adverse effect on Hayama as it solidified what his mother ingrained causing him to become an eccedentesiast. Now ,what I would have liked to see is an interaction between his mother and him during high school to see how her words on him just being an attractive face affected him. This is his teenage years, a very critical time in one's development into adulthood where a lot of socailisation takes place so I would have loved to see how his mother's influence further ingrained the belief that he is just a pretty face. I also would have loved to see an in person interaction or phone call between his mother and him during the shooting of the series starring Shirasaki and himself  to see how her words still affect him.

This all brings me to my major point, (this is why I had to wait until today to post my thoughts because I needed to formulate them in a straight argument lol), which is that Shirasaki's personality being the opposite to Hayama's should have been the push towards Hayama defrosting. This patent antithesis was the reason why Hayama fell for Shirasaki in the first place, and the fact that this was established should have been built on to show how Shirasaki broke down Hayama's walls gradually instead of them just showing these walls shaking in reaction to jealousy, but lo and behold in true Japanese fashion Shirasaki had to become this stubborn and reluctant character right up until the very end.

Anyways, onto some minor points (I am rapping it up I promise lol), I did not like the theme song because I thought it did not fit the atmosphere of the series. However what I did like most about the series is that it was original in story-line in how it intertwined the romantic development of the characters with the characters they were acting as in the series they where filming. I also liked how they explored the effects and experiences of becoming an actor and celebrity through Shirasaki, and the fact that it was not only his first big role but he was also paired with a celebrity provided for a unique perspective of things; especially since right now Net is paired with a new actor due to the split of NetJames (Bed Friend) and his new acting partner has been receiving some unwarranted backlash.

Oh before I forget (don't worry I am not discussing anything else lol)

@p43425 I see what you meant by sex bomb because this needs deep anatomisation 

The things I want to say.

I may have to push back City of Stars

"City of Stars" is sweet but I wouldn't call it a "must see":

I just watched a newly posted 42-minute BL on Youtube (Wayufilm channel) called "One Day Miracle". It's the story of the love that develops between two handicapped boys, one of them in a wheelchair. It's a simple story, but sweet and uplifting. It's ultra-low-budget (in fact, just filmed in Wayufilm's office in Chiang Mai). There's an uncut version with three steamy scenes behind a paywall, but I only watched the free version. (Wayufilm tends to be overly aggressive about asking for donations and subscriptions, although I also recognise that it's not easy for them.) Wayufilm stuff is a mixed bag, some of it better than others (and some of their BLs a bit overboard with the lurid appeal), but I thought this one was really nice.

@p43425 I see what you meant by sex bomb because this needs deep anatomisation 


At first I summed it up to him being in love and its effects but later on I found that I was just making an excuse for this contradicting characterisation by the writers. If I am to stick to characterisation of Shirasaki in the beginning of the series as well as every other instance in the series that does not include romance, I expect him to just blurt out his feelings unabashed. Him being candid and awkward is his whole personality so could liking someone be that substantial that he becomes a reluctant personality?

Totally respect your take but--- let me just add my two cents...

I do not think Shirasaki's personality shifted because he was in love. His personality shifted because :

1) He left the ideal world of college and entered the real world, and found out things didn't work as he expected, he couldn't land jobs as an actor (it's been years), he was serving tables, he was disillusioned, and he lost confidence in his craft and as person (there's something about finishing college and not being able to find a job that is really sad and depressing) 

2) When Shirasaki and Hayama where in college, Shirasaki saw him as an equal, that's why he could voice his thoughts, but now he sees him as someone who has accomplished much more than he has, and he therefore feels unworthy.


Indeed my friend, indeed *sips juice while looking at pic again* the thirst is real *insert wink emoji*