American Fan:
Many Thai names are so long I can understand the convenience of using nicknames.

Yes - and something I've also learned that has helped me make sense of certain Thai storylines is that they don't use the family names so much, plus family names (for historical reasons) are unique - and thus in Thai storylines, it can be an "aha" moment when the family name is revealed.

Day 5 August Challenge: What is essential for a drama to be worth your time to watch? Or re-watch, over & over?

  1. The actors. If my favorites are the ones acting in a series, I would definitely give it some time to watch. 
  2. The actor's chemistry and acting. 
  3. The storyline and plot of the series. 
  4. It shouldn't be cringy (i.e., SCOY).  
  5. The emotional impact. I rewatch series that had an impact on me (i.e., uwma, semantic error, tms). These series gave me different emotions, like crying, blushing, joy, surprise, and more >_<
It shouldn't be cringy (i.e., SCOY).  

Yeah, "Secret Crush" was cringy, and I can totally understand those who didn't like it - but I loved it.

Yeah, "Secret Crush" was cringy, and I can totally understand those who didn't like it - but I loved it.

Same - I also re-watch scenes from it lol

Day 6. Pick your NUMBER ONE BL drama for 2024 so far! If you could give an award, who's the winner?

I haven't seen many 2024 BLs so I'll just go ahead and award Best BL of 2024 to Hidamari ga Kikoeru, even if it's not finished airing yet. I think this BL will get a 10 from me after it ends, I can just feel it.

At this point, I don't remember what I watched this year. Not much and what I watched was mostly comprised of BLs from past years.

Hidamari ga Kikoeru for Best BL 2024 (so far).


Just go to Feeds, and then select the Friends tab. You can post there and only your friends can see.

ohhhh, so that's what that feature is lol

Day 6:  Pick your NUMBER ONE BL drama for 2024 so far! If you could give an award, who's the winner?

I Think, this is a pretty obvious one for me , Meet You At The Blossom, im loving this so far, a def 10/10 (depends a bit on the ending ) , dont want them to pull a WOH here. 

Hidamari ga Kikoeru,

Is this actually really good? I remember reading the manga a while back, and it was really soft, nothing much happens, like sweet romance ( very fluffy ), thats it. I also remember the story. Do yall think I should watch it ?

August Challenge Day 6 ~

Pick your NUMBER ONE BL drama for 2024 so far

It would have to be the Untamed which I think is my favourite BL so far. 

I was a casual watcher of asian film up until March of this year so I don't have as many BL's under my belt as what seems like most in this thread. I've also just learned that I'm demisexual, which gives me a lot more understanding of why I can't enjoy sexy shows as much as everyone else LOL I thought I was just being weird and boring. so thank LGBTQ community, I have a word for my emotionless little state now. 

I avoided Untamed deliberately because it was everywhere when it initially peaked on the internet, and after my disaster buying into the hype with KP I was even vehemently against it when I seen it on netflix. But my grandmother sadly passed away in February of this year and with not much else in my head, decided I was empty enough to give it a chance without prejudice. So as karma will have it, I fell in love with that opening scene, binged watched it, watched it on repeat a few times, and then decided that Cdramas were not what I thought they were and I had to discover more. 

My grandmother was my only real source of encouragement growing up and it's somewhat comforting that even in death, she smacked me across the head and told me to go live my life LOL

Also a repost of Day 2 ~

Anything you would like to share about your username and profile picture?

Interesting that I should be on this site, answering these questions at the exact time I'm turning the page in my life into something new LOL I'm having a hard time answering these questions because I dont even know myself at the minute LOL 

I was Elfy if anyone is confused but have decided that's a little too small for me now. I've moved on. May be subject to change again but right now I'm in two separate pieces, represented by the two lovely twins in my profile picture. Another AI generated I wanted to use as a reference pose for my ambition to draw again. The username is a little personal so I dont want to share that, but I wanted two distinct names to go with the girls and they fit the twins I think. 

Do yall think I should watch it ?

I've not read the manga, but the series is promising. I like the series so far, enough to give it a high score.

It depends though, I don't know what you like, so you might not enjoy this one.

Maybe you could still give it a try, though remember it's slow paced so, as you said, nothing much happens.

I just didn't know what series I should add for this day's challenge. Maybe that new one called Meet You At The Blossom? I haven't seen it yet though.

Maybe you could still give it a try, though remember it's slow paced so, as you said, nothing much happens.

i will watch :)

Maybe that new one called Meet You At The Blossom? I haven't seen it yet though.

you should its so good (a bit red tho)

I've also just learned that I'm demisexual,

you don't know how glad i am,, i thought i was demi too , but i just figured im asexual pretty recently. I don't watch NC scenes at all , even if it is a heated make out, i can't.  im so happy to see people from the same spectrum :)

August Challenge Day 6 ~

Pick your NUMBER ONE BL drama for 2024 so far

My Stand-In hands down!! Closely followed by Wandee Goodday. I loved the #AouBoom story in We Are a lot!

Day 6. Pick your NUMBER ONE BL drama for 2024 so far! If you could give an award, who's the winner?

I haven't seen many 2024 BLs so I'll just go ahead and award Best BL of 2024 to Hidamari ga Kikoeru,

Good choice. In addition to this one, my other nominees (of the 2024 BLs I've seen or am now watching) would be "Perfect Propose", "Only Boo!", "Takara no Vidro" and "Love for Love's Sake" (and possibly also "Century of Love", depending on how I feel about this week's final two episodes).

Tough choice. But my winner (based on visceral feelings rather than any sort of rational rating scheme) is: "Takara no Vidro" (sorry, American Fan, don't hit me!). I adore country mouse/city mouse stories, the slow blossoming of young first love, and the interplay between Taishin's shy naiveté and Takara's confident coolness, not to mention the group-of-friends dynamic in the hiking club.

Disclaimer: There are also some very highly rated 2024 releases still lingering on my PTW list, e.g. "We Are" and "My Stand-In".

it was really soft, nothing much happens, like sweet romance ( very fluffy )

With those words, you've just described a kind of BL that I especially like. (I also really enjoy good "slice of life" series that others might find dreadfully boring.)

In the case of "Hidamari ga Kikoeru", I wouldn't exactly say "nothing happens", but it's gentle and very much about the development of the relationship between the protagonists and the challenges they each face. If you like action, high-intensity drama, heavy snogging and steamy sex-in-the-shower scenes, this series may not be for you.

you don't know how glad i am,, i thought i was demi too , but i just figured im asexual pretty recently. I don't watch NC scenes at all , even if it is a heated make out, i can't.  im so happy to see people from the same spectrum :)

Hello *big wave or a hug across cyber space* Yeaaah!

You've just given that feeling back to me LOL  I've heard of asexual before but demisexual is a new term for me. I've known I was bisexual since my teens so I just thought my libido was broken. It's a very validating feeling isnt it? LOL 

I can watch the NC scenes but I feel nothing. It's why the romance is so important to me, I need to be emotionally involved otherwise I'm just watching two people groan and roll around on a bed, and I usually skip as well LOL

Day 6. Pick your NUMBER ONE BL drama for 2024 so far! If you could give an award, who's the winner?

I am gonna choose between ones that has already finished airing and It is a tossup between, South Koreas- Love For Love's SakeTaiwansUnknown and Thailands- My Stand-In.  <3 

And as for Gmmtv I loved Only Boo alot.