Day 24. Do you play a sport or are you a spectator? What sports do you play or watch?

I don't play any sports and I don't watch any either. Watching sports bores me. The only thing I do is walk 10k steps daily but that isn't counted as a sport, at least I don't think it is. What I'd like is to be able to weight lift and build muscle. But that's probably a distant dream since I don't have access to a proper gym. Maybe one day.

omg guys!! another episode of 4minutes is out!!! This was definitely the best episode we have had so far. I will admit I am almost completely lost, but that's alright. I am a binge-watcher at heart and I'm really struggling with remembering what the hell is going on. 

I  really missed my fav Tonkla but it's okay,, I guess :,(. I do think it was the right choice to not include his side story in this episode, it would have made what was already very confusing episode worse. I do however miss his beautiful face. Not missing the cop tho! LOL! 

The cinematography in this episode was so good! I don't remember if it was this good in all the other episodes but I just noticed it was so beautiful!! The last scene especially with him running down the hall!! omg!!!

I really felt for the brother in this episode (I forgot his name). I really loved the scene with that woman he's fucking and when she asked him to stop fucking Tonkla bc he's a "toy", and all of the inner turmoil he goes before he turns back around and decides to (maybe) agree to marry her. I think it would do him a world of good to marry a woman. Like omg he's gonna marry her to get her dad's influence to get him out of jail and in order to do that he has to leave his boytoy?? love the drama!!!! also she's totally right. Tonkla is just his boytoy; he didn't love him. And if even if he did, Tonkla didn't love him back. While the scene was happening I was thinking in my head like "Noooo!!! choose Tonkla!!!!" but now reflecting on it, it would have been a really stupid decision on his part. I truly adore when a plotline and writing is good enough that the story continues without the characters having to make the most absolutely appalling dumbest stupidest worst decisions to artificially create drama.  Also, that woman, she is absolutely hot as FUCK. If she asked me to marry her I'd be like on my knees in an instant saying "yes please mommy". I am so sincerely incredibly sorry to everyone who just read that. I understand why he decided to leave his boytoy for her omg. Like yes, Tonkla is HOT AS FUCK too, but this girl will get him out of jail and is equally as hot!!! Honestly, this guy has wayyy too much game. He pulled two of the hottest people in this show?? Teach me!!! Me and this guy have the same type I think.

If she looked at me  like that I would be ABSOLUTELY FUCKING WHIPPED. LOOK AT HER!!! THE FACE CARD IS INSANE! Sorry guys this isn't very "BL Drama Lovers" of me, but I just can't hold it back.

I am also like in love with how softly he speaks. Like the juxtaposition between his bad boy online gambling illegal business persona and his cute little twink voice? love. 

Also - good on him for just walking out after his dad unfairly blames him and slaps him. (again, making good decisions and the story still has drama!). I really loved his acting when Great was like "You would never hurt me, right?" and he says nothing!! OMG!! I'm not angry at him though (strangely enough). It must suck to be this guy honestly. I would say he and Nam are  vying for the "who has the hardest life" card in this series. (excluding Nam's friend, RIP, she gets first place)

As a person, I would say I have a lot more empathy for the struggles of the rich than most. Not sure what that says about me... I guess I can relate a lot more to rich problems than the kind of problems that Nam has. I'm not trying to say I'm like filthy rich or anything (I'm not), but I mean I grew up in the suburbs.. I'm very far detached from that kind of struggle, and not very far detached from the Rory Gilmore type of problem. I mean my grandparents are basically the same as Rory's grandparents if you made them a little bit nicer LMAO. I had lunch with them the other day and we basically just discussed our favorite wines. But hey, I may be privileged, but at least I'm aware of  it!

NAM! omg love it when women in BLs have real stories and personalities!!! I thought her story was really interesting and engaging. Still a little foggy on how I feel about her exposing the dad,, but I completely get how in her mind it seemed like a completely obvious correct choice to make. However, I know that her doing that made Thyme's like a whole lot harder, and I love Thyme!!

Speaking of loving Thyme, I actually did not love him in this episode. I was kind of bored with him idk. Didn't really feel chemistry with Great, still iffy on him taking the bribe (at least try to negotiate a little more money, don't be naive). He also didn't get a whole lot of screen time for this episode. I did enjoy his relationship with Nam and learning about that. OH and the beginning it bothered me when he was talking to Great and it went like -- Thyme: "I'm gonna expose your family for the awful things they do all over the media," and Great's like "uhh can you not do that" and Thyme's basically like "fuck you" - had me rolling my eyes. But it's okay, I think next episode we will see a lot more of him being boyfriendy with Great for obvious reasons. Loved the running down the hall scene so I have very high hopes for the future Thyme. ALSO point for him not being completely tone deaf while playing the guitar!!!! YES!!! WE NEED MORE MEN IN BLS WHO CAN ACTUALLY FUCKING SING. WHENEVER THERE IS SINGER IN A BL I ALWAYS BRACE MYSELF FOR THE WORST MOST OUT OF TUNE GOD AWFUL SINGING I HAVE EVER HEARD IN MY WHOLE LIFE, BUT THYME AND THE GUY FROM KINNPORSCHE WHO IS ACTUALLY A SINGER REALLY GIVE ME HOPE FOR THE FUTURE OF THIS GENRE!!!!

I liked Great in this episode. I thought he did the right thing most of the time.  A true feat for a drama to make. I have been pondering who the hell hired the guy who shot him?! I realized it could be from either side! :O! Maybe it was his dad! Maybe it was Nam's side!! Who knows!!! Maybe someone else entirely!! I also really fell in love with the mom in her last moments. Fantastic monologue. 10/10. Everything she does is for him!!! 

About the woman and the temple and the priest (?) religious guy (?) hitman (?) I have no idea. Completely lost. The stick? I don't even know what religion is going on here.  Literally no fucking idea who she is. Whatever, I will probably figure it out by the end of the series.

also, definitely the right choice to not include any sex scenes in this episode. I thought the trend of there being wayyy too many would continue like in that one where they had like 3 or 4 in one episode but I'm very glad it didn't. 


R U watching First Note of Love? Neil can sing! 

(Missed seeing your posts! lol)

PS - I just took 4 Minutes off my drama schedule before you posted, haha. I decided with so many current BLs I didn't need to watch something that I wasn't fully interested in. I did see EP 1. And maybe some of the comments may have had some influence to ditch it for now. :-)

Besides, I'm going to start The On1y One and This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans soon. And before I know it, it'll be time for Kidnap to start!! Waaaah!!

My Love Mix Up was such a lovely watch! I’ll be rating this an 8 or 8.5. There’s a lot I want to say, but I think this show deserves an actual review, so I’ll post it once I have the energy to get to it <3

TMI: I’m back from the second family wake and funeral this week. I’ll see if I have it in me to actually sit down and catch up on the challenge questions tomorrow.

Edit: Are there any cute fluffy healing dramas I haven’t yet watched? I’m open to recs, if not I guess I’ll re-watch something ^^

 American Fan:
R U watching First Note of Love? Neil can sing! 

Yeah he was pretty good but his character atm is bothering me LOL

 American Fan:
I decided with so many current BLs I didn't need to watch something that I wasn't fully interested in.

that's fair yeah

 American Fan:
The On1y One

I heard of this today for the first time browsing Viki! The description was suspiciously like exactly the same story as "Stay With Me" but hey, I loved that show and I love Taiwanese dramas, so I might give it a try.

 American Fan:
t'll be time for Kidnap to start!! Waaaah!!

new show? Whatever it is I haven't heard of it.

 American Fan:
(Missed seeing your posts! lol)

I've been so busy!! I've been moving and preparing for college. People are starting to email me again :,,(

I've even been reading and thinking of maybe replying to some of them!!! (I haven't replied to a single one) but hey, I've thought about it.

 American Fan:
Kidnap to start

I don't know ... kidnap didn't look very interesting to me. Maybe I'll wait till the reviews come out and see

I don't know ... kidnap didn't look very interesting to me.

The story isn't really my thing, but it's Ohm Pawat, so I'll definitely give it a watch.
Same for "Jack and Joker" - anything with Yin & War is bound to be good.

About the woman and the temple and the priest

This is the lady from the first episode who jumps in front of the car. I think her son's death is somehow related.

4 Minutes - episode 5

The plot is plotting. 

There are some things I am side eyeing but I will save my thoughts for now.

This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans - Finale

Production - 2/2

Writing - 1/2

Acting - 2/2

Intimacy - 1.5/2

Music - 1/1

Special 10 scene - 0/1

Total Rating Score = 7.5

The NC scenes throughout the series are,.....yeah let me not. Let me just say some are very hot.

I will watch The On1y One tomorrow. 

Now this is my last post, I promise.

Okay I really promise this time that this is my last post :)

I forgot to watch the damn trailers of Kidnap and Jack and Joker.

Kidnap - I am so buzzed for this. OMG I am screaming internally. That trailer was everything. I love the premise and you guys know I love action mixed with crime/Mafia. Why did it have to be released in September when school starts back *crying emoji* but come hell or high water I am watching while it is airing so my schedule better prepare it damn self.  I hope it lives up to my hopes.

Jack and Joker - I have loved this from the announcement. The trailer has only made me want to watch even more. Come through YinWar. 

Are there any cute fluffy healing dramas I haven’t yet watched?

Looking at your enormous PTW list (mostly non-BL), I see two or possibly three very popular BLs (average MDL rating > 8) that might fit count as "cute and fluffy", although I'm not sure about "healing":
"Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai" (Gaga: "Mr Unlucky ...") - really sweet/cute comedy
"My Only 12%" - sweet school BL which totally changed my opinion about Earth Katsamonnat and also propelled Santa Pongsapak to BL stardom
"This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans" - I haven't watched it yet, but (now that yesterday's final episode is out) I will probably binge-watch it today. Good reviews which sound possibly cute-ish and fluffy-ish.


Looking at your enormous PTW list (mostly non-BL), I see two or possibly three very popular BLs (average MDL rating > 8) that might fit count as "cute and fluffy", although I'm not sure about "healing":
"Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai" (Gaga: "Mr Unlucky ...") - really sweet/cute comedy
"My Only 12%" - sweet school BL which totally changed my opinion about Earth Katsamonnat and also propelled Santa Pongsapak to BL stardom
"This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans" - I haven't watched it yet, but (now that yesterday's final episode is out) I will probably binge-watch it today. Good reviews which sound possibly cute-ish and fluffy-ish.

Omg yes, I absolutely LOVE My Only 12%! It’s so so good @axdxex I’d defo rec it!

Also, Santa looks so hot in it <3