
Hands off, he's mine! Grrrr!!!  <-- I learned this from my dog. I am vicious and bitey.

Haha love that

Any chance u can share? ;)

I saw a post on social media that was relatable to me and others in the comments it said, "M/M book fans and BL fans will ignore almost anything except cheating and violence/abuse between the couple." This made me stop and think and I realised it was somewhat true of me not on the moral side but because it challenges my ideas of romance however if romance is not the focus then I don't have an issue. Maybe that is why my moral compass does not play into my watching and rating of series because the themes I love to read about such as Mafia is rife with the gore, violence and the morally grey in order for the story to progress, remain realistic and to allow for a happy ending and the fact that it all exist in the realm of fiction. Does anybody else relate to this?

I think this is partly true for me all. My enjoyment of reading about and watching some gore (can't be too gory, no brains please) in Samurai  & crime shows is so different from what I can tolerate IRL. For romance, if there's violence or abuse between the couple, that typically escalates and doesn't get better so it's not something I want to watch. I was surprised at myself about the cheating though, because I watched Together with Me: The Next Chapter. I thought it was something I would absolutely not tolerate. Instead, I really was curious how they would handle it and build up the trust between the couple and if the couple would get their HEA.

Agreed. Let's march on Change2561 with big picket signs "WE WANT NUT, WE DEMAND NUT!"

Time to send the protest trucks lol 

No, but seriously, I liked him so much after Boy's Journey, and then I went to watch Oxygen and I was sold on him


Oh same here, I'm not big on any of the side couples, but Win & Team are in 80% of the scenes so I can ignore anyone  I don't love lol

Typo on my part but you got the gist: I wasn't keen on the side couple...

 Sruthipriya mahesh:

Hi fellow taikan yoho fan;) 

Which is your favourite scene in taikan yoho?? 

Hello! It's so hard to pick just one :) I really liked when Manju shows up at Yoh's house to check on him because Mizuki made Yoh cancel his plans with her. The way that played out with Manju being in awe of her idol and Yoh getting upset because he felt Mizuki never smiled at him the way he smiled at Manju was just a wonderfully directed and acted scene.


Time to send the protest trucks lol 

No, but seriously, I liked him so much after Boy's Journey, and then I went to watch Oxygen and I was sold on him

I really need to start a rewatch of Oxygen.

This is honestly one of the main reasons I am glad I found this club. Before I had no where or no one to vent to or get excited over a series because my friends either don't watch as much BLs or only watch K-dramas, so this is like my safe space to just voice my opinions.

This club is truly a blessing. 

Aww, I'm so glad you feel that way about this space. I do too and I'm glad you are here! 

Fiction policed by morality leads to censorship.

You are stroking my mind (that sounded weird). Agree 100% with this quote. I might even steal it for future arguments in my debates; I will make sure to reference and say a member of my online club once said this :)

Sorry my reply is like a quarter of how much u wrote, I’m just not very good with words :\

Hey don't watch my long post I just talk way too damn much lol

Star In My Mind

I love this series so much. I swear every series with the leads I find so much chemistry and romance between the two.

They just have a very special place in my heart <3


I watched Together with Me: The Next Chapter. I thought it was something I would absolutely not tolerate. Instead, I really was curious how they would handle it and build up the trust between the couple and if the couple would get their HEA.

AHHHHH I love this series, both seasons. It is not mentioned often so I am glad to see someone mentioning it. I feel like it has been buried in the sands of time. To be honest I may or may not have ignored the whole cheating thing because the MaxTul visuals were serving (Don't judge me). You cannot give me that makeup scene *insert wink emoji* and expect me to focus on plot lolll

 American Fan:
Aww, I'm so glad you feel that way about this space. I do too and I'm glad you are here! 

I am glad you are here too!


You are stroking my mind (that sounded weird). Agree 100% with this quote. I might even steal it for future arguments in my debates; I will make sure to reference and say a member of my online club once said this :)

*dead* you're welcome ? lol

AHHHHH I love this series, both seasons. I

RE: Together With Me - OMG both series are on my PTW, but for some reason I thought I did watch them. Oh, I know what happened. I saw Bad Romance, which imo was very very bad, so I ignored the Together series. Is it a much better watch?

 American Fan:
I saw Bad Romance, which imo was very very bad, so I ignored the Together series. Is it a much better watch?

You should have ignored Bad Romance instead, which is what I did.

 American Fan:
I saw Bad Romance, which imo was very very bad, so I ignored the Together series. Is it a much better watch?

Yes still watch the series. Bad Romance is.........how can I say this in a respectful manner............lets just pretend it doesn't exist.