April Drama Challenge

I like this idea of a challenge!

Day 1: Cherry Magic (Thailand)

Day 2: I think Cherry Magic and Semantic Error. I haven't seen many BL dramas yet. So I don't have much choice to choose from at the moment. :-)

@RiqueXinw I actually started Playboyy a few weeks back and stopped after the first 10 mins but it’s still on my PTW list

After seeing ur rant maybe I should just not watch it at all?

Sorry for the late response. After checking out your profile I realise that I can give you my advice and personal watch maxim. I never not recommend a series to someone no matter how much I loathe the series. The only person I do not recommend a series to is a beginner; reason being I believe a person's first BL experiences are special and somewhat shapes them as a BL fan as well as shapes their preferences, so I always try to recommend to them popular series which are loved by the wide majority. Hence the reason I checked your profile was to get an idea of your watch history and you are no beginner in my opinion, so when you do have the time watch it because even though I did not like  it you may find something special in it because there are some  hated series which I love. Hence my maxim is, "Watch any and everything"; series wise of course. I feel like I was so disappointed with Playboyy that I only give one good aspect and ignored the points in the series that just need support but were not awful in my rant.  However if I had done that my post would have been a hell of a lot longer. Anyways, I am saying don't throw it out just yet.

April BL Drama Challenge

Day 2 - Favorite BL Drama

Not thinking about this one too much because I don't want to second guess. Between Us. That's it. 

There's a lot of dramas I love and have rated higher (I'm talking about Bokura No Shokutaku, the best show ever, ok), but there is something about Between Us that just makes me want to watch it again and again. That something is Boun as Win, but we're not talking about that right now, I'm saving that for another day of the challenge. 

So point #2: MDL ratings may be skewed by factors like moral disapproval or "triggers" that usually aren't relevant to me.

Thank you for posting this, my thoughts were jumbled but you gave me the perfect jump off point for my post. First let me say I agree with you about the ratings being skewed due individual moral compasses across the fandom. Personally morals or triggers play no role in my rating or whether or not I watch a series; not that I don't have a moral compass but I am good at separating the subjective from the objective, my personal beliefs aside, hence persons will say I rate generously but it is just that my rating is not based on how much I enjoyed the series only but also objectively good things about the series hence Playboyy got the rating it did and not a 2 (I am still pissed lol). 

Now for my original point:

I saw a post on social media that was relatable to me and others in the comments it said, "M/M book fans and BL fans will ignore almost anything except cheating and violence/abuse between the couple." This made me stop and think and I realised it was somewhat true of me not on the moral side but because it challenges my ideas of romance however if romance is not the focus then I don't have an issue. Maybe that is why my moral compass does not play into my watching and rating of series because the themes I love to read about such as Mafia is rife with the gore, violence and the morally grey in order for the story to progress, remain realistic and to allow for a happy ending and the fact that it all exist in the realm of fiction. Does anybody else relate to this?

April Challenge

Day 2 - Favourite BL drama

The reason for this pick will take another post I meant to talk about, but I will do so later. For now the pick is, "Cause You're My Boy". I will talk about this when I figure out how to articulate my thoughts because this is solely based on emotions.

To my other favourites, I promise I am not cheating on you *sobs*  


Okay I promise I am done now :)

Let me go sit down somewhere I talk too damn much lol

"M/M book fans and BL fans will ignore almost anything except cheating and violence/abuse between the couple."

Does anybody else relate to this?

Let me just say, I will even tolerate violence/abuse between the couples, and by that I don't mean I enjoy it or condone it, but that I'll keep watching the show and rate it appropriately towards the story and not only on how I felt about it (ex. KinnPorsche - Kinn is an ah and I don't even like Vegas bleh, I even watched Love Syndrom 3 and rated that a 6 for the overall delivery even though I truly think both leads are the most disgusting characters I've ever come upon). It's fiction. Fiction policed by morality leads to censorship. Of course, I have my own personal hard line I draw the line at, but for the most part, everything can be an interesting story if done right. I don't have to agree with a character to find the show entertaining, because they aren't real people. 


I LOVE the idea of everyone on the club (by choice of course) watching the We Are eps together 

That would be really fun!



Okay I promise I am done now :)

Let me go sit down somewhere I talk too damn much lol

I hope the rumor about Pavel and Pooh doing that ghost/crime thriller drama is true because I would so eat that up. I also need Nut to get a new drama as lead yesterday, now, asap.

 American Fan:

Day 2 - Fav BL drama

Taikan Yoho  and Semantic Error.

These are both 10+ for me and I can rewatch them multiple times (I'm not normally a big rewatcher of series).

@Onyx  I am glad to find you too ;) 

And yeah obviously, we are watching “We are” tomorrow ;)  I know myself too much to tell people otherwise :P

@Magnoliee I actually see your point… it’s very easy to forget the emotions and the storyline during the week… it actually happened with me with taikan yoho… I had to watch it a couple of times, to get the hang of the story ;) 


Yeah I love that. I am happy you enjoy it! :-)

Aww thx :) 


I hope the rumor about Pavel and Pooh doing that ghost/crime thriller drama is true because I would so eat that up. I also need Nut to get a new drama as lead yesterday, now, asap.



 Sruthipriya mahesh:

@Onyx  I am glad to find you too ;) 

And yeah obviously, we are watching “We are” tomorrow ;)  I know myself too much to tell people otherwise :P

@Magnoliee I actually see your point… it’s very easy to forget the emotions and the storyline during the week… it actually happened with me with taikan yoho… I had to watch it a couple of times, to get the hang of the story ;) 

Yesss excited to watch it together! :)



I LOVE the idea of everyone on the club (by choice of course) watching the We Are eps together 

That would be really fun!

I second this! 

So point #2: MDL ratings may be skewed by factors like moral disapproval or "triggers" that usually aren't relevant to me. (PS: Not sayin' I don't have morals, but they're my own, not someone else's.)

This is such an important point and one that always bothers me when I'm reading reviews or comments. I understand we all have our own set of moral codes and things that bother us but people need to remember these our are own feeling and choices. Too many times I see this taken to an extreme by people attacking others who disagree and are enjoying the series by telling them only bad lacking in morals people would enjoy it. It should be a discussion for what we like and dislike, not a soap box to judge others for their choices.