You know, reading American Fan's bias post, it's just occurred to me that I don't like to get to close to knowing an actor because I'm always then left to feel like I'm walking on a line, waiting for a scandal, a dating rumor, stalkers etc etc so I've learned to just enjoy someone's work. 

I agree for the most part. This instance was an exception for me. :-)

I do follow a few on IG, but tbh my main focus is on Stray Kids, their music & productions. I prefer to enjoy the dramas and the actors roles more than I do their real lives. Not to say that in a neg way.

I only catch sm going down if I happen across it on YT or IG when I'm doing sm else. So I guess I'm saying I'll rarely see their accounts again, lol.

Day 12. List 5 things you love. Or more if you want. (Beyond family, friends, pets, and so on).

Books, Dramas, Hikes, Food/Desserts, Travel/Vacations, and my Phone.

August Challenge Day 13 - What 5 things you dislike

Snakes (they just freak me out lol)

People who refuse to understand the concept of personal time - I just need to be left alone sometimes!

Cigarettes and the smell (I HATE HATE the smell of them. They smell so nasty to me)

Ill-mannered/rude/spoilt people

Seriously Delusional and cringe people

Very noisy places - it stresses me out if it's too noisy (except concerts)

Day 14. Your favorite foods. Do you cook yourself, dine out, have it delivered? Recipe links? Share pics!

Pasta (I LOVE pasta. I almost all kinds of pasta, EXCEPT orzo (it just feels like I’m eating cheesy rice). Ramen and noodles - I really love them, it doesn't matter if it’s instant or fresh. I thoroughly enjoy a simple flavored instant ramen with a soft egg or an amazing Japanese restaurant ramen with all the right ingredients. Desserts - I have a really sweet tooth, so I enjoy desserts, but not the cloying and overly sweet ones. I’ve tried my hand at baking stuff like banana bread, brownies, cupcakes, etc. Asian food - I love how flavorful Asian foods are. I like Indian, Korean, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese food (EXCEPT octopus and chicken feet). However, I also want to try other Asian cuisines (like Filipino, Sri Lankan, Malaysian, and Mongolian food too. I can make some Indian food at home, but I haven’t tried making the others at home yet, so I mostly dine out/pick up for those. Fruits - mango, watermelon, cherries, lychees, longans, peaches, mandarins, jackfruits, red bananas, and grapes.

Day 15. Who is your ULT BL bias & bias wrecker? (The actor, not the character). Why? Share a fav pic.

Damn, this is kinda hard. My first and ULT BL bias is Mix. I became a fan of him after watching ATOTS (my first BL). My other favs are Honda Kyoya from Jack O’ Frost (he’s just too adorable!! And I like his other works too), Gun (brilliant actor), and Inukai Atsuhiro (again, an amazing actor).

 American Fan:

I agree for the most part. This instance was an exception for me. :-)

I do follow a few on IG, but tbh my main focus is on Stray Kids, their music & productions. I prefer to enjoy the dramas and the actors roles more than I do their real lives. Not to say that in a neg way.

I only catch sm going down if I happen across it on YT or IG when I'm doing sm else. So I guess I'm saying I'll rarely see their accounts again, lol.

I honestly forget I have an instagram account most of the time LOL

 American Fan:
I prefer to enjoy the dramas and the actors roles more than I do their real lives. Not to say that in a neg way.


I also like fantasizing about my faves (see my "dibs" list above) but I can't write about this here without risking a lifetime MDL ban.

I can't write about this here without risking a lifetime MDL ban.



4 Minutes episode 3 review - Part Two

Just to add in some Asian cultures the number 4 is considered bad luck because the word "four" is close to the word "death".

Also the heart can only be stopped for approximately 4 -5 minutes before significant brain damage occurs and remember the heart being stopped was mentioned in this episode. Which reminds me of an episode from Doctor X where Diamond stopped a patient's heart mid surgery and with only seconds left on the clock manage to repair the broken vessel and stop the bleeding it was EPIC.

Hello ur long post completely reflected my thoughts, i'm clawing at the walls waiting for the next ep >: (.

In regards to Kla and Korn, you can see how he really wanted to get more intimate and involved with Korn's life when he asked how his job was going, but Korn swiftly dropped the subject and just went forth with sex. Yes it's erotic but heart breaking! Let this man be in LOVE PLS! Nod to Tyme too with how he's able to seem caring while at the same tyme (hehe) portraying his alterior motive. the cast overall in this show is flawless. 

Also can we talk about the WARDROBE they got for Great. The outfit in episode one in the hospital, the one he wore when meeting Tyme for the first time, the drop V-nect shirt and black pants. I had to pause- he looked way too good.

Pls keep reviewing this show as it goes haaha!

I also like fantasizing about my faves (see my "dibs" list above) but I can't write about this here without risking a lifetime MDL ban.

You are a wise old man indeed.

My roaming thoughts watching Star in my Mind ep 4

ohhhh honey

ohhhhhhhhhh honey hahaha .....

oooffff ouch 

Moment Killer Gia coming with the truth 

so this is this a beauty pageant? LOL Nice answers but now I want to put a crown in their heads too LOL

LMAO oh sweet baby jeebus.....not him getting jealous over his brother!!! LOL OH that was awkward for me LOL

uh oh.... I sense drama ahead

Enter Moment Killer Fah 

spoken like a true artist <3

here come the misunderstandings lol

ohhh the classic. why are you shouting at me? 

yes. lets get gay at this fish market ......ohh, and honey, buy me an ice cream *cherub cheeked smile*

ok stawwwwp... that was really fkn cute LOL

the artist must art. it is a cosmic rule.

awwwwwwwww....boyfriends bonding over painting tshirts......OK this is right up my alley and my little heart is doki doki ~ing this like the 4th proposal and I'm only half way LOL Cherub baby, get a clue LOL

everybody wants the cherub baby while he blissfully enjoys his crab LOL 

LMAO the first time I welcome the Moment Killer Fah as there are like 4 people at this table after cherub baby's cheeks and he's just wants to eat some seafood LOL

round of applause for the girl willing to get hurt first *clap clap* her outfit here is super cute btw but as fellow bi......I can feel the awkwardness right now

ohhh cool, it gets worse LOL

evil cackle......deserved......

Well, that was actually a really super cute episode, I really enjoyed this one. The plot is picking up speed now, misunderstandings are flying in for both gays and heteros. Yeaah, cant wait LOL This show has come for my bi ass though, I wasn't expecting that LOL

I want to see more Ting though. The girls seem emotionally mature and I really love their styling. It's got that pretty but cool look. I love that kind of vibe. I'm crushing a little on Ting every time I see her lol

I very rarely ever go on new series impression rants, but this just irked me. I just watched the trailer for the Addicted Heroin Thai adaptation and I do not like this — at all. I'm not sure why a studio would adapt this story with a goofy, comedic, silly style with the comedic sound effects. I mean that style can work for some adaptations ...sometimes. GMMTV does this well with things like My Love Mix Up for example, but it just doesn't work for everything.

Just looking at the 4-minute trailer alone you can also easily visibly see that the actors are bland and forgettable already, painfully obvious forced moments of seriousness, no visible chemistry between the actors, the music is also very forgettable and uninteresting. So much of it translates on camera as very visibly forced and lacks genuineness; the entire thing looks like it's just all endless awkwardness. It concerns me about the current state of production in which some studios are just pumping out as much stuff as they can and that the general quality in BL productions is not considered as heavily — quantity over quality.

For comparison, with a shorter trailer for Bad Buddy which is also in a somewhat similar styling direction, you can see that the chemistry between Pat & Pran is palpable, everyone's acting is visibly so good, all of the silly and serious moments are well executed and not awkward, the music is really good and memorable. It all visually translates fantastically in the trailer and draws you in to want to watch it; you can see it's going to be genuinely good.

This should have been adapted in the hands of Studio Wabi Sabi with different actors. This story would have been a Thai adaptation masterpiece in thier hands. When you look at their previous BL productions, this would have been a great match for them to make as the Thai version.


I’d like to join! 

Welcome to the club :)

My roaming thoughts watching Star in my Mind ep 5

It's like those pictures that cut off at certain angles so you think the victim is the instigator. That's what this whole scenario is and why you shouldn't eavesdrop on people's conversations lol

oooooohhhhh, delayed reaction moment.....Mr eyebrow's name means wave and Cherub baby's means Star, and they were enjoying the night sky....Ohhhhh, I get it LOL Man, I'm dumb LOL

yyeaaah ,.,,,but I know you won't LOL 

oooofff, I felt that one. Deserved but damn, that hit a nerve LOL truly wicked side is coming out at the pier. I'm actually laughing. I havent had my heart broken by an emotionless pit in human skin before. Nope. Not totally laughing at the karma right now. 

and it burns burns burns, the ring of fire hehehehee OK I ll stop now LOL

ahhhh yes. the HS artist classic. OH SH!T I've been spotted. Grab the supplies and run!! LOL

ohhhh Ting. Hi Girl! You look so cute <3

BL Thai mums are always so nice =) 

Haha. Spoken like a big bro lol

Ok this sweater is really nice on Cherub baby. 

uh oh. big bro got a past?

ahh yes a club. perfect place to settle an argument LOL

oooooooo, shots fired LOL

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....OK Phoon totally out to stir the pot LOL

ooooooooo, that kiss was cold dead heart may have fluttered.......

I'm sorry but are they playing church organ music LMAO 

hahahahah they are!!! hahahaha Gotta put my hands in the air and praise Jesus Hallelujah LOL

yeah. the friend sees right through the BS. this is like locking them in a room and forcing them to deal 

I was honestly waiting for mr eyebrows to say NO. I'm not even joking. I was waiting for some last minute bs because I trust him just as much as cherub baby LOL

OK this one was actually really funny for all the wrong reasons and reminds me that I'm not a good person LOL Also would like to add that Joong has got some serious sex eyes. My cold dead heart may have skipped a beat in that episode. I didnt like his character but oooff, the boy is pulling it off very well. 


I’d like to join! 

Hello *waves*


I’d like to join! 

welcome :)