Chun Mo Rionnag:

I watched it because I enjoyed the original very much. This series didn't disappoint either.

They’re just so sweet!! I love the 25 minute episodes and I’ve really been able to sit down and watch each episode without any skips because I don’t feel like it’s dragging on forever


If you scroll back to when it was airing, a lot of us talked about it - and loved it, too (myself included).

Do you know how far back that is? Sometimes I’ll log in and the chat has jumped ahead eight pages (・・;) I think this aired earlier in the year but I don’t know what month 

Do you know how far back that is?

(re "Sunspot") There were quite a few comments over the weeks, but the comments/discussion after the final episode (of me and others) were mainly around pages 1203-1205. 


Has anyone seen Hidamari ga Kikoeru (I Hear the Sunspot)? I’m currently on episode six and it’s becoming one of my favorites but I don’t think I’ve heard anyone talk about it ;-;

Oh oh am planning to watch it soon! Have heard great things<2

Oh, I'm so excited: Domundi/Mandee are doing a new round of "DMD Friendship the Reality". This is for "Gen 4", and they're tagging it "It Takes Two". Trailer:

Last winter's "DMD Friendship the Reality" was great and got me really invested in the "Gen 3" artists, so I hope this doesn't disappoint.

I just finished episode seven

They'll be fine, don't worry about it. They might drift apart but they won't be apart for long.


I gave the exact same rating. We are aligned on this one lol

Lol great minds think alike ;)

I just watched ep 1 of the Our Skyy 2 NLMG special and it's hilarious lmao

I love the time-travelling and different universes trope a lot (like IFYLITA and Vice Versa) so I'm enjoying this so much!! Also, the servants and everything reminds me of IFYLITA and now I wanna rewatch it cuz I miss YaiJom TT


1. JimmySea

2. OffGun

3. EarthMix

4. GeminiFourth

5. KristSingto

6.  TayNew

7.  SeaKeen

9. JoongDunk

10. GreatInn

11. BoumPrem

12. FirstKhao

13.  PondPhuwin

14. ForceBook

15. MilkLove

and lets see how many more they add to the line up next year.

15 pairings already!!!! that's a lot. I maintain they need to cool it because this is way too many. Even with just ensemble shows I don't know if this can work. Guess we have to see. 

I'm with you...honestly, I don't believe it does any of them justice. It really makes it seem like at this point, none of them are serious about being actors. The one thing I've always respected about Ohm (currently leading Kidnap the series) is that he has not been tied down to one acting partner for a long time, no matter how hard management tries. I am glad that he and Nanon separated. I really wish fans would show some maturity and stop tying these actors to each other, as if they are real life couples. It's bad for their careers, and that's why you get week actors that many have pointed out in these pairings...someone is always pulling and doing all of the work in the drama and the other is resting. And then you get the same cliche' dramas that you've seen over and over coming out of GMMTV. 

So I agree with you...pairings like Boun x  Prem, definitely need to be broken up...they couldn't act good before joining GMMTV, and I doubt they'll show any improvement now that they are signed to GMMTV.  Pond x Phuwin, it's been past time for them to break up their pairing...did you see their last drama. The same goes for Joong x Dunk. I see they placed Dunk x Phuwin in a drama together to see if Dunk's acting improved (after much online criticism about his acting next to Joong). I've watched some of Summer Nights, he's decent but still has far to go. 

Anyways, I hope you understand me.

 Dawn W:
I hope you understand me.

I partly agree with you. Actors like Ohm who don't want to be stuck in a ship (or typecast because of doing only BLs) shouldn't be stuck in a ship (or forced to only do BLs).

On the other hand, there can be benefits to the Thai ship system - not only for fandom but also for those actors who want it. (1) It's a door into acting roles and eventual stardom. (2) Some actors clearly enjoy the closeness with a partner - whether as "super best friend" or (as obvious or at least suggestive in at least a few cases) something more. (3) Although I personally would hate doing ship-based fan service, I think some actors bask in the attention and evidently enjoy it. (4) The confidence of doing intimate scenes with someone one trusts and is comfortable with. And last but not least: (5) The money (also from all the ads, merchandise and product promotions together) - kaching!

So in sum, my position is that, while the Thai studio/ship system is mostly not good for the art or the artists, actors should have the right to determine their own lives, careers and projects.


you said it better than I could. IA. I do feel like a lot of these pairings are together because they want to be. You can tell how close they are in real life: OG, JS, FB and EM for example. And I think these four have said that they only want to work together because they are extremely comfortable with each other. One thing I do agree is that the companies need to cool down the fanservice that's not beneficial for anyone in the end. I also feel like the ones I mentioned are the ships that do less fs. Their relationships seem more genuine. 

So in sum, my position is that, while the Thai studio/ship system is mostly not good for the art or the artists, actors should have the right to determine their own lives, careers and projects.

I tend to pay closer attention to the actors as individuals whether they are in a ship or not. To me, the bottom line is whether the actor him/herself is happy with the direction his/her career is going.

I did have a thought...Does the Thai BL ship system also carry over to GL actors and straight actors? I don't watch either type of these Thai dramas so I wondered if this "couple" shipping is exclusive to BL? 

I'm questioning it since each acting couple, regardless of genre, would also want to attain a certain level of comfort together as p43425 mentions below.

(1) Some actors clearly enjoy the closeness with a partner - whether as "super best friend" or (as obvious or at least suggestive in at least a few cases) something more. (2) Although I would hate doing ship-based fan service, I think some actors bask in the attention and obviously enjoy it. (3) The confidence of doing intimate scenes with someone one trusts and is comfortable with.

Oh, I'm so excited: Domundi/Mandee are doing a new round of "DMD Friendship the Reality". This is for "Gen 4", and they're tagging it "It Takes Two". Trailer:

Thanks for posting this. I don't see an MDL page yet, so making a note in my little BL drama notebook! I enjoyed the first season. I'm surprised there are only 617 MDL watchers...maybe cuz it's a reality series.

I see Nguyễn Bá Vinh is back with the drama he wrote, "Teenager Judge".