Raining Sunshine:

Yes, I used to watch it with so much excitement like waiting every week for next episode to air as I love food dramas a lot. But things took turn drastically that I thought to drop but later finished all episodes just to see what exactly happened.

So you don't like peanuts

I was really looking forward to seeing Mark in a BL role that wasn't the toxic waste like Kengkla or sad like Jack, but I don't know if it was the directing or not, but his acting seemed really stunted.

It's not that I don't like them... I'm allergic ;;


I'm 40 and i feel your pain about running out of shows. I only started watching BL last year and i have already watched 172 with 10 in progress. Feel like i have run out of all the good shows that have already finished airing. 

Me too.

Sometimes it feels like i've watched all the good ones and the rest are the bad ones.

But i'm waiting for KinnPorsche, My secret Love, Sky in your Heart, To my Star2,

Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! and Triage to finish ( so i can bingewatch XD)


Me too.

Sometimes it feels like i've watched all the good ones and the rest are the bad ones.

But i'm waiting for KinnPorsche, My secret Love, Sky in your Heart, To my Star2,

Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! and Triage to finish ( so i can bingewatch XD)

I am also waiting for KinnPorsche.  It's all I can do not to start watching it before it is complete but I know I will be very glad I waited so I can keep the vibe from start to finish.  I finished  Be Loved in House: I Do and added Aaron Lai (Jin Yu Zhen) to my "need to see more of you" list!  I truly hope they both get more roles that encourage their range and growth as actors.  Really, really lovely to see so much amazing talent from all the different countries.  It makes me feel like the NA entertainment is lacking something essential for me to truly be pulled in fully.


I have a weakness for Korean and Chinese Dramas if i run out of BL.

I'm "only " XD 40 :D

I have the same weakness and when I am not devoring LGBTQ content from SOuth Asia or any Cdramas and Kdramas I am writing LGBTQ novels. *I am 31*  XD

Just gotta say that I Told Sunset About You is a masterpiece.  A freakin utter gem of human complexity, courage and heart.  I wish I could make my entire family watch this series because I swear it deserves EVERYONE taking the time to watch it.  Quality speaks for itself.  So I will shut up now! :D


Just gotta say that I Told Sunset About You is a masterpiece.  A freakin utter gem of human complexity, courage and heart.  I wish I could make my entire family watch this series because I swear it deserves EVERYONE taking the time to watch it.  Quality speaks for itself.  So I will shut up now! :D

Wish there was a like button here. Totally agree with you. ITSAY and "I Promised You the Moon" are top-notch series (not just BL series, but series in general).  Great quality, acting, story, soundtrack. 


Just gotta say that I Told Sunset About You is a masterpiece.  A freakin utter gem of human complexity, courage and heart.  I wish I could make my entire family watch this series because I swear it deserves EVERYONE taking the time to watch it.  Quality speaks for itself.  So I will shut up now! :D

Really want to watch this but I'm terrified of the whole infedelity plot in the 2nd season :(


Really want to watch this but I'm terrified of the whole infedelity plot in the 2nd season :(

You can only watch S1 and ignore S2 if you feel S2 is not for you. 


Really want to watch this but I'm terrified of the whole infedelity plot in the 2nd season :(

You dont have to watch S2 but i do think it is a good depiction of what happens to high school couples who then go off to college. How easy it is to drift apart even if you truly love someone.


I am also waiting for KinnPorsche.  It's all I can do not to start watching it before it is complete but I know I will be very glad I waited so I can keep the vibe from start to finish.  I finished  Be Loved in House: I Do and added Aaron Lai (Jin Yu Zhen) to my "need to see more of you" list!  I truly hope they both get more roles that encourage their range and growth as actors.  Really, really lovely to see so much amazing talent from all the different countries.  It makes me feel like the NA entertainment is lacking something essential for me to truly be pulled in fully.

Oh yes. I loved him too. I was so glad to see him doing a Cameo in Plus and Minus.

I don't know if you watched it yet but " DNA says i love you" is really good and Erek Lin took my heart <3

Is your Completed List up to date?


Oh yes. I loved him too. I was so glad to see him doing a Cameo in Plus and Minus.

I don't know if you watched it yet but " DNA says i love you" is really good and Erek Lin took my heart <3

Is your Completed List up to date?

It is!  Just adding on there I Promised You the Moon.  Still sniffling a little from the ending and my heart aches from the journey of those two brave souls.

Have you guys ever been watching a bl drama and thought someone was so flipping beautiful. But then spaz and run to look up their age (cause you are scared) because you can never tell their ages from the shows. And then you let out a sigh of relief cause thank peanuts they are above 20...

Just me.
Okay, bye.


Have you guys ever been watching a bl drama and thought someone was so flipping beautiful. But then spaz and run to look up their age (cause you are scared) because you can never tell their ages from the shows. And then you let out a sigh of relief cause thank peanuts they are above 20...

Just me.
Okay, bye.

Omg you are too funny!!!  I'm not saying a word for fear it will incriminate me!! :D

Thanks. I wasn't trying. I just get overwhelmed now that I am 30. I think I feel like so freaking old and past my prime.
And then I wwatch these shows and when I tell you my heart skips a beat and I get stressed. Going like my god he looks 17. Please for the love of poptarts be born before the 2000 so I don't have to cry myself to sleep that I thought someone ten years younger than me was beautiful.


Have you guys ever been watching a bl drama and thought someone was so flipping beautiful. But then spaz and run to look up their age (cause you are scared) because you can never tell their ages from the shows. And then you let out a sigh of relief cause thank peanuts they are above 20...

Just me.
Okay, bye.

All the frigging time!  Even 20 makes me feel uncomfortable like I am still looking at a kid.