
Section Under Construction and TBA

Will this section be updated soon with the beginning and ending air dates of dramas posted?


I love the anticipation of waiting and then being able to binge. I couldn’t survive waiting every week like y’all. No way in hell. 

IK it can be very frustrating.  What I do to decide is, I weigh the options what is better for me? A week wait or a month's one. LOL both are hard, but I think in my case the week wait is less esp since I love discussing the episodes with others who are watching it live. Though TBH when I was watching Not Me live it was hell waiting for that weekly episode XD.


I love the anticipation of waiting and then being able to binge. I couldn’t survive waiting every week like y’all. No way in hell. 

SAME! It's a bit ironic in way since I'd rather wait about 2 months for it to finish airing and then binge it all instead of watching it once per week but I absolutely despise cliff hangers which is how most dramas tend to end their episodes. Not to mention dreading the wait for subs when you know an episode has been released lol. I also tend to avoid open/sad endings in romance dramas so waiting for it to end and finding out the ending without wasting my time for months on an ending I know would annoy me is better in my case XD


Exactly. It’s one of those guilty pleasure shows no matter how bad it is, it makes you keep watching LOL. Cutie Pie was the same for me. But at least CP had chemistry and decent acting. Anyhoo can’t wait for ep 6 ?

Same here!


I am definitely going to check this one out, but I was going to wait until it is finished airing. Unless you recommend watching this one week to week. Some dramas are better as a binge and some can really use the gaps between episodes... Let me know what you think and I will stop struggling with this decision. XD

Once, I started watching on-air shows, there is no going back. Binge-watching consumes a lot of time and energy so I prefer watching them weekly.


SAME! It's a bit ironic in way since I'd rather wait about 2 months for it to finish airing and then binge it all instead of watching it once per week but I absolutely despise cliff hangers which is how most dramas tend to end their episodes. Not to mention dreading the wait for subs when you know an episode has been released lol. I also tend to avoid open/sad endings in romance dramas so waiting for it to end and finding out the ending without wasting my time for months on an ending I know would annoy me is better in my case XD

Agreed! Except I’m ok with sad endings, but that’s a smart way to avoid them :).


Agreed! Except I’m ok with sad endings, but that’s a smart way to avoid them :).

Ah, I honestly wish I was because it'd let me watch more dramas but unfortunately I get attached to characters way too easily and I've never felt good after a sad ending XD I wouldn't mind if they left alternate endings with the sad ending as the "true ending" though, I've heard that some dramas have done that before

i also wanna join how can i join??

Y'all btw, about Vice Versa: is it any good? I usually hate either shit with ghosts (He's Coming to Me type deals), or shit like The Shipper where souls go haywire and suddenly this guy is that guy etc etc. But I'm willing to give it a go for obvious reasons hehe


Y'all btw, about Vice Versa: is it any good? I usually hate either shit with ghosts (He's Coming to Me type deals), or shit like The Shipper where souls go haywire and suddenly this guy is that guy etc etc. But I'm willing to give it a go for obvious reasons hehe

Imo yes it’s pretty good. It can be a little confusing especially in episode 1 since there’s so many switches between Sea and Ohm to explain the body switch. It dies down a little in episode 2 once Jimmy’s character arrives on the scene. So far I find the story interesting and I’m loving Jimmy and Sea’s chemistry. 

Though TBH when I was watching Not Me live it was hell waiting for that weekly episode XD.

I never would have survived watching this one weekly! I was a mess at the end of every episode for one reason or another. I have never hit the NEXT button so fast in my life during a binge. 


I never would have survived watching this one weekly! I was a mess at the end of every episode for one reason or another. I have never hit the NEXT button so fast in my life during a binge. 

Tell me about it ! Love how it kept us entranced in the story very episode and the wait was almost unbearable. The worst for me was between episode 10 and 11 because I wanted to see if White would tell Sean the truth after saving him. I must have watched that episode trailer like a thousand times while I was waiting for episode 11 ?.  Luckily the theories and conversation on Not Me’s comment section kept me sane haha. Loved how active it was. 

Luckily the theories and conversation on Not Me’s comment section kept me sane haha. Loved how active it was. 

I know the struggle to avoid spoilers on Feeds was so tough for me. I kept opening the spoiler tags even though I knew better. Thankfully I never opened anything that ruined important details. 

When KinnPorsche started I decided to watch it week to week because I knew the comments, theories, and fan videos would be everywhere! So even though the wait was hard sometimes I didn't have to hide from the KP community and social media for months!

How weird, I literally decided to do a speed run rewatch of Not Me ! Damn Gun's acting is so freaking good in this series. I also stand by my original assessment that this is the best chemistry Off and Gun have had in any series i have watched.  Also best frigging sound track ever. Not just the OST but all the songs through out the series.  Link to a playlist of them for anyone interested.

Can I join? I have been a BL watcher for quite some time now!