Rationally I agree with this 100%. It's raw commercialism, and it's not good for the art or for the actors. But emotionally, I will admit that there are some couples I just love seeing together. Me bad. 

Nope, don't say my bad. I personally love the coupling of actors; it provides certainty and it is what helps to substantiate the romance in the series through fan service and of course the certainty of knowing they will end up together like different reincarnations in different lifetimes destined to be together no matter the story. 

Coupling is heavily commercialised because it is what majority fans love and production companies will cater to the majority because that is what makes them the profit to continue making BL content. They are more willing to take a risk splitting up a couple if the couple is new. 

However there are disadvantages to this such as inflexibility artistically and lacklustre performances overtime. As much as they are a couple the two actors are not the same; one will have the acting ability to branch out in more serious acting such as in the mafia genre while the other may not and because of the constraints of couple they both will be placed in a mafia series which will turn out to be off putting to say the least and unrealistically portrayed; if you know you know. 

Another issue is when a couple has yet to produce a solid series but they keep bringing them back together, i.e LongFrank. There is also the case of having no chemistry but still they put them together, i.e ForceBook (sue me). 

That being said we can't deny that when a coupling is right it will always work and seeing them apart will affect you no matter how objectively you try to watch a series where they are not a couple. There are some solid couples out there who have made incredible series on more than one occasion, i.e OffGun, TayNew, MaxTul (rest in piece this ship) Some recent couple that has the bl community obsessed with their coupling is MosBank, JamFilm, MileApo and the many others. When a couple has actors who compliment each other well, personally I don't mind and look forward to their works. 

The perpetual pairing upsets me most in stories where the best and truly happiest ending would have been letting the main character leave an abusive relationship and move on to a healthier one but that can't happen because it's ship

Cough Teh and Oh-aew Cough IPYTM Cough

In some cases this is so true 

There are some solid couples out there who have made incredible series on more than one occasion

And don't forget my beloved Gemini/Fourth - or is it Fourth/Gemini? (A little MSP joke there, haha!) Although I'm usually skeptical about remakes, I'm really looking forward to "Love Mix-up".

On the general subject of CPs and fan service, you also make some good points. I would add that some of the CPs look like they genuinely have fun with fan service (or else they're just very good actors).


Cough Teh and Oh-aew Cough IPYTM Cough

In some cases this is so true 

That bad, eh? I've heard enough to delay watching it. Think it will be permanent now. Thanks for the warning.


So I just finished I Feel You Linger In The Air

Glad you mentioned it, I was looking for my next watch!  About to settle in with some good snacks and go on a journey!  Thank you!! :D

That bad, eh? I've heard enough to delay watching it. Think it will be permanent now. Thanks for the warning.

You can still watch it if you already watched ITSAY so as to get the full story and experience. I would have preferred if they did go their separate ways but in the end I gave it a ten because in a moment of weakness at the very end Selena Gomez song "The Heart Wants What It Wants" played in my mind and I caved and rated it 10 despite me already deciding it was a damn 8. Hence I never revisit because I will drop that 10 to a 8 so fast cause the emotions behind that 10 was a one time thing; fleeting. Its like the situations were you see a couple and just side eye them but then your inner voice says, "Mind your damn business", lol.

Glad you mentioned it, I was looking for my next watch!  About to settle in with some good snacks and go on a journey!  Thank you!! :D

Happy watching.

Hence I never revisit because I will drop that 10 to a 8 so fast cause the emotions behind that 10 was a one time thing; fleeting

I have similar feelings about ITSAY. I rated it high at the time but what I remember most isn't that. It's the things which made me uncomfortable. Like maybe I got caught up in my own version of Cute boys kissing erases everything and forgave it all or I was just too inclined to see the best in Teh.  Or maybe it was earned and I'm just projecting some of my real life stuff back onto it because of what came later.

Anyway, this has been useful for helping me sort out some of my later feelings about it so thank you.


Now I know what to get you for Christmas next year ...

Hahahaha thanks in advance 


Hey everyone! I made this end of the year questionnaire and would love to hear you guys answers. You don’t have to answer all of the questions below. You could just answer the questions that interest you the most. Can’t wait to see your responses!

1. What was your favorite BL/s?

2. What was your least favorite BL/s?

3. What was your favorite main couple/s of the year?

4. What was your least favorite main couple/s of the year?

5. What was your favorite side couple/s?

6. What was your least favorite side couple/s?

7. What was your favorite character/s?

8. What was your least favorite character/s?

9. What was your favorite kiss or kisses this year?

10. What was your favorite love scene/s this year?

11. Which had your favorite story/screenwriting?

12. Which had the best cinematography for you?

13. Which had the best music?

14. Which made you cry the most?

15. Which made you laugh the most?

16. Name a memorable scene from this year?

17. Name a “WTF” moment that stood out to you?

18. Name a show/s that seemingly everyone loved that you just couldn’t get into?

19. Name a show/s that you thought would be bad but it ended up surprisingly being good and vice versa?

20. Name a hidden gem or underrated show/s that you loved?

Sing in love more like Sing in trauma

Sing in love more like Sing in trauma

It's on my plan to watch list is it worth the watch?


It's on my plan to watch list is it worth the watch?

I personally liked it because I tend to like things that f me up emotionally and are dark, but I'm not sure how others would feel about it.


Hmm, good questions. If only I had good answers.

1. What was your favorite BL/s?

Bed Friend, IFYLITA, Laws of Attraction, Hidden Agenda, My Story

2. What was your least favorite BL/s?

Crazy Handsome Rich - Don't even waste your time.

3. What was your favorite main couple/s of the year?

IFYLITA- Yai & Jom

Bed Friend - King & Uea 

4. What was your least favorite main couple/s of the year?

Love Syndrome III - Day & Itt

5. What was your favorite side couple/s?

My Story - Zeke & Fifth

Kiseki: Dear to Me - Chen Yi & Ai Di

7. What was your favorite character/s?

The Eighth Sense - Yoon Won, Ji Hyun's boss

8. What was your least favorite character/s?

Wedding Plan - Yiwa 

9. What was your favorite kiss or kisses this year?

IFYLITA - Yai & Jom all their kisses

Hidden Agenda - Joke & Zo ep. 10

10. What was your favorite love scene/s this year?

Bed Friend - All of them

IFYLITA - Episode 12

PitBabe - Episode 6

11. Which had your favorite story/screenwriting?


Moonlight Chicken - currently watching predicting a 10/10

The Sign - not finished but damn its good

12. Which had the best cinematography for you?

IFYLITA - They did amazing in transporting the audience to that time period and Jom's out of body scenes were done well.

Moonlight Chicken - the ambience is so rich and unique that it makes the story feel even more emotional especially the setting outside the restaurant with the lantern lights.

The Sign - the scenes speak for themselves

14. Which made you cry the most?

I rarely cry watching series; I can count on one hand the amount of shows that have brought me to tears not just bl; so the series that made my eyes damp (lol) is IFYLITA - episode 11 their dance and Bed Friend the birthday cake scene.

15. Which made you laugh the most?

Cooking Crush - not finished yet so definitely more laughs to come

16. Name a memorable scene from this year?

IFYLITA - episode 11 their dance and Bed Friend the birthday cake scene.

18. Name a show/s that seemingly everyone loved that you just couldn’t get into?

My School President

19. Name a show/s that you thought would be bad but it ended up surprisingly being good and vice versa?

Cooking crush - turning out to be lovable

Twins - awful pacing for the amount of episodes allotted 

20. Name a hidden gem or underrated show/s that you loved?

My Story - mainly the second couple's story.