American Fan:

Ops, I totally forgot about watching We Are!! Prolly would have forgotten all day long if you hadn't mentioned it.  Good luck with your exams!! You got it!!

All the talk about kiss scenes and rewatching fav dramas is making me restless.  All GREAT kiss picks! 

Is it good or bad that no one is talking about We Are today? 

I just think everyone is busy so we haven’t watched it yet lol I’ll be back to discuss it as soon as I watch it!

I'm back after watching EP 3 of We Are

Phum & Pheem are a fun couple to watch. Pheem is like half cutie and half savage. I love it.

I'm enjoying the build up of Q & Toey. The look on Q's face when the guy at the bar came over to talk to Toey.  

This week's episode was an improvement, imo.  :-)


I just think everyone is busy so we haven’t watched it yet lol I’ll be back to discuss it as soon as I watch it!

Yes, it does seem like everyone is busy, myself included, haha. What do you think of the show?

April BL Drama Challenge

Day 17 - Favorite Kiss

I will pick PeteKaos underwater kiss from Dark Blue Kiss. <3

 American Fan:

Yes, it does seem like everyone is busy, myself included, haha. What do you think of the show?

Just finished! Oh man, I really do like this show. It makes me feel all fluttery or whatever. There’s so much chemistry to go around with all these couples. 

Q & Toey this episode was *chefs kiss* Q might not get it yet but his posesiveness for Toey is showing. I love all the little things he does for Toey. 

Pheem is probably going down as one of my favorite characters ever, if the show pulls through to the end. He’s caring and lovable, but also impulsive and emotional. Plus, like I’ve said before, Phuwins face card is working hard. No decline. 

Phum apologizing was unexpected, but It was so good to watch. I’m starting to see the potential in him. He CAN be the man Pheem deserves lol

When Phum told Pheem not to paint so fast /heart eyes/ he’s down, he doesn’t know it yet, but we’ve lost him

That last shot with Pheem and Phum framed in between the building columns with the painting in the background was #Art.

Just finished! Oh man, I really do like this show. It makes me feel all fluttery or whatever. There’s so much chemistry to go around with all these couples. 

Yes, all the same feelings here. Pheem is just irresistible. It's fun to watch Phum fall first, but I can see the stirrings of Pheem's heart too.

Toey is a cutie pie, especially in the sculpture scene with Q. 

I'm looking forward to next week and more of Pheem's top tail. haha

Day 18 Challenge: "BL drama that was a major letdown"

I can answer this one right away: "Middleman's Love". Although it got much better from Episode 3, and although the final two episodes (uncut version *cough cough*) were actually pretty satisfying, I think we were all expecting so much more - firstly because we had to wait so very long, secondly because the semi-prequel "Bed Friend" created a certain expectation, and thirdly, how could they make such a mess of our beloved Tutor and Yim? That being said, I still enjoyed the overall series, and Tong/Gus were a great side couple (especially Episode 7 of the uncut version, be still my beating heart).

"Middleman's Love".

I had read so many bad reviews that I ended up watching just episodes 1, 7 and 8. The NC scenes were great.


I finished ep 5 last night. I had forgotten that Daonuea meant North Star and the Kluen meant waves. They drew and exchanged t-shirts on the group beach vacation of a star and the beach. Sooo cute.

i almost wanted to change my name to dao when i first saw it 

Guys, the official trailer for wandee goodday is out!!!???

 Sruthipriya mahesh:

Guys, the official trailer for wandee goodday is out!!!???

"How can I be vanilla?" LOL

  1. "How can I be vanilla?" LOL

Lmao I could not stop laughing at that. I rewatched the trailer like 10 times. It was so freaking hilarious.  XD


"How can I be vanilla?" LOL

I think that rejection changed the course of his life lol

 Sruthipriya mahesh:
Guys, the official trailer for wandee goodday is out!!!???

Looks good. Can't wait till May 4th!
(Gosh, Inn is so cute. I still need to watch "Miracle of Teddy Bear".)

DAY 18  Challenge - BL Drama That Was A Major Letdown

I think this question was made just for The Middleman's Love, which is also my answer. This is the first time I had certain expectations for a series, following Bed Friend, and experienced such shock disappointment right from the start. 

The first EP had me dumbfounded. By EP 3 I couldn't continue to watch what I saw as a disaster and total embarrassment for Tutor & Yim.  Other viewers said it gets better later so I waited for more episodes to air and went back. It didn't change my mind or make me want to watch more. I didn't have much interest in Tong/Gus, so this was, sadly, a drop for me, since I didn't watch every single episode.

I sincerely hope their upcoming series Battle of the Writers does justice for Tutor & Yim.