Dunk is out here posing a danger to healthy relationships because:

 American Fan:
Yeah, I wondered too about Peem's reaction after Phum's comment about how "demanding" Peem was. I couldn't tell if it was a positive or negative reaction.

Right-- like it left me confused. Is this foreshadowing something ???

Also, I just listened to to a TikTok review of EP 5, and the person (BLchef) mentioned that there was now a pattern of Peem waiting on Phoom. Peem waited for Phoom at the mall, and Peem waited for Phoom's friends to leave in this episode. It's always Peem waiting-- this might be a theme of the show and maybe future cause for conflict?

 One more! I just realized that the two shows I love re-watching Star in My Mind and Between Us were both directed by New :o maybe We Are will join the club 

I just realized that the two shows I love re-watching Star in My Mind and Between Us were both directed by New :o

He also directed/wrote my all-time favourite BL "Until We Meet Again", earning him a place in my hall of eternal glory, not to mention "Love By Chance", "Make It Right", and lots more.

One of the many things I like about this group is that there are others who validate my love for flawed but adorably sweet, feel-good BLs like "Oxygen" and "Secret Crush on You". ("Tin Tem Jai" also falls into this category, among others - although I don't recall anyone here yet validating me on that one.)

Anyways, here's the question: Did anyone else besides me watch and love "1000 Years Old"? (Yes, I admit it. I didn't  like it at first, but after 3-4 episodes it totally captured my heart - and for a BL that's mostly a goofy, low-budget comedy, yesterday's final episode was quite deeply touching in a specific way I've not seen in any other BL.)

Tin Tem Jai

Even though the MDL comments were bashing this show, I really enjoyed it. I loved the early episodes where the neighborhood came together because that's the vibe I grew up in (early childhood in Asia). It was quite nostalgic for me.  Tin and Park were abandoned as kids; Tin by by Mom and Park by his Dad. Even though Park is in the caring older brother role, I wasn't surprised that he came to be Tin's first love. Of course, ignorant viewers automatically called this grooming because there's an age difference - I really wish they would educate themselves.  To me, it's like the Boy Who Cried Wolf -- if you call everything "grooming," when there's actual grooming going on, no one is even going to blink an eye because the term has been so overused. MDL rating is only 6.2 but I rated it 9/10.

1000 Years Old

Still on my PTW list. Thanks for letting us know you liked it.

Did anyone else besides me watch and love "1000 Years Old"?

I have it on hold (not because I dislike it ,but I just got sidetracked with other shows) but I'll go back to it soon and get back to you on it!

One of the many things I like about this group is that there are others who validate my love for flawed but adorably sweet, feel-good BLs

Right! Here's the thing most people out there don't get, I can objectively think a show is flawed, while simultaneously loving it. 

He also directed/wrote my all-time favourite BL "Until We Meet Again", earning him a place in my hall of eternal glory, not to mention "Love By Chance", "Make It Right", and lots more.

I've watched UMWA but I should probably go on a New binge, and see if there's any other drama's from him I really like :)

cute and spicy (depending on your personal definitions of cuteness and spiciness) could be "Make It Right", the 2016 high school BL classic (and second season in 2017) which marked Ohm Tawat's amazing acting debut when he was basically still a kid (16yo). The first season is a bit of a pain to watch because one has to exactly follow the instructions on World of BL (there was never an official international release of either season, nor of the 2019 sequel "Make It Live: On The Beach"), and some people get very triggered because of certain sexual themes as well as the youth of the actors (content warning!) - but I love it, even though it's a bit of a "gem in the rough".

@angeliviki (re "Tin Tem Jai"): Thanks for the validation! 

@axdxex: In case you decide to watch New's "Make It Right", here's something I posted a while back which may be useful.

Sounds like my type of family.

I now dub thee an honorary member of my family. Ta Da!! A secret member but still, it's the thought that counts right?   :-)  :-)

Is this foreshadowing something ???

That's what I'm thinking so far.

One of the many things I like about this group is that there are others who validate my love for flawed but adorably sweet, feel-good BLs like "Oxygen" and "Secret Crush on You". ("Tin Tem Jai" also falls into this category, among others - although I don't recall anyone here yet validating me on that one.)

Aw sweet. But sorry...Tin Tem Jai has a spot on my dropped list. I managed to finish Make It Right but gave it one of my lowest scores 5/10. BUT there's Secret Crush. We both like that one!! I guess we can't match up 100% of the time, haha.

Did anyone else besides me watch and love "1000 Years Old"?

Hoping to start it soon now that it's over! Whatever I start I want to finish before next week begins cuz I'll be traveling and time for dramas gets very sporadic. If I really like a drama then it's hard to wait for the next chance to continue watching it!

In case you decide to watch New's "Make It Right", here's something I posted a while back which may be useful.

I've seen you re-post past posts and wonder how on earth you find them again?!?! Are you a magician? 


"...In my soundless world, I can hear the voice of your love"

My heart is already beating fast at this storyline...or maybe it's cuz of  Lin Chia Yo's pics!! And the "Mafia" tag I spotted...I can't wait for this one. 

 American Fan:
Are you a magician?

The magic of Google Search!

As to our overlap (or not), no worries. You're more selective than I am, and with so many BLs to watch these days, that's not necessarily a bad thing.


The magic of Google Search!

Oh. haha

 American Fan:


"...In my soundless world, I can hear the voice of your love"

My heart is already beating fast at this storyline...or maybe it's cuz of  Lin Chia Yo's pics!! And the "Mafia" tag I spotted...I can't wait for this one. 

oh its definitely the pics and Mafia tag for me lol