I wish I had this type of self discipline because I don't even look at the rating. Once I see the BL tag I am a goner, and then I end up suffering through the most absurd bs and then ranting in some comment section and recently here lol

Same, except instead of the ranting, I usually try to rationalise about why I liked it anyways. (Example: "Despite the considerable flaws, I really liked this series, especially blah blah blah and blah blah blah.) I guess I'm a glass-half-full kind of guy.

My exams start Monday and heat is being felt to the core.

For me , this year is vvip. If i don't do well I'll prolly end up on the streets, so i'm trying to like stop Bl , for a while atleast but thats turning out to be hard (I think we all know how much a rabbit hole bl really is )

I get to be the baby of the group (at least I think.

I do think I'm younger (there, its out.)

 American Fan:

RE: We Are 

Yay, we can watch it together again, on the same day. Oh wait, I'm traveling this week and don't know when I'll get to watch ANY BLs. I may have to wait a whole week before I have ANY private time for my guilty pleasure. Boo Whoo!! :-(

:( I wanna watch with u TT

lol old is wonderful, plus I get to be the baby of the group (at least I think.

 American Fan:

Lmao I'm younger than anyone on this group who's age I know so I'm probably the baby of the group (there's the clue lol)

It's crazy tho right? We all have such big age gaps and r at different points in life and yet we all connect with each other through this one thing *sighs* I love BL...

Safe travels to you both.

My exams start Monday and heat is being felt to the core.

Good luck! I can imagine the stress, just finished my exams a few days ago lol

omg I tried to figure out what it reminded me off and I think this is it! Do you know of other BL dramas with this trope?

Lol the NuerSyn scene was the one that immediately popped up in my head coz it was one of my favourite scenes in Cutie Pie and I was laughing so much I had to pause the ep to collect myself lmao

I can't think of any BLs with a similar trope, but u might get something if u ask one of the more experienced fans on here lol 

For me , this year is vvip. If i don't do well I'll prolly end up on the streets, so i'm trying to like stop Bl , for a while atleast but thats turning out to be hard (I think we all know how much a rabbit hole bl really is )

Lol I know the feeling, I struggled a lot to stop BL for a bit so I can focus on studies but managed to stop watching for almost 3 weeks and it was absolute torture

But I gotta say, once u finish what u need to finish and then ur finally able to get back to watching BL again, the feeling of happiness u get is just indescribable 

I do think I'm younger (there, its out.)

Curious now to know who's the younger one lmao

It's crazy tho right? We all have such big age gaps and r at different points in life and yet we all connect with each other through this one thing *sighs* I love BL...

I can't agree more


Yes !!! He made me so angryyy

omg I tried to figure out what it reminded me off and I think this is it! Do you know of other BL dramas with this trope?

I think Long Time No See (mini series) has the same trope.

understandable. Honestly , i find Chinese History interesting , and I do admire you trying to keep up with the different sects and people, I'm very bad at remembering names so I didn't even try now. But if you can get through the beginning , it's nice. But I do admire you for trying. Thank you *sending virtual hugs*  

RE: Word of Honor

I agree, the Chinese stories and history is interesting. I'm far from an intellectual or history buff, so I struggle too. If the struggle overtakes the joy then it's no longer entertaining, and for me, that's the main purpose of a drama to begin with. I don't need to understand every detail or remember every name, of course. 

But yeah, I tried!! Haha. Thanks for your kind words in response to my not so great "review" .

:( I wanna watch with u TT

We can get back on track the week after this. There are MANY more eps of WE ARE to watch, haha!  :-)

It's crazy tho right? We all have such big age gaps and r at different points in life and yet we all connect with each other through this one thing *sighs* I love BL...

So cool right? And different parts of the world, different cultures & languages....I love it. 

EVERYONE here having exams or other challenges right now - I wish you all the BEST!! You can do it!! And then there's BL to comfort you afterward and a safe, fun place here to come back to. 

Moo from Only Boo is just so cute!!!<3

So Chalarm, who plays Ken in Deep Night, just posted this on instagram. The comments think the scene might belong to a special episode hopefully it wasn’t cut from the actual show. My thing with the throuple was that it didn’t feel like all three of them were attracted to each other/liked each other. This scene alone would solve that for me tbh <3

Lmao I'm younger than anyone on this group who's age I know so I'm probably the baby of the group (there's the clue lol)

I do think I'm younger (there, its out.)

I am starting to feel old now lol. Guys give me a hint how close are you to two decades?

It's crazy tho right? We all have such big age gaps and r at different points in life and yet we all connect with each other through this one thing *sighs* I love BL...


This is so true. I found out in a comment section once that my friend who I talk to about BLs was actually a mother of grown children and we were just discussing about socio-economic disparities because the BL dealt with relating issues, but she thought I was a grown man lol. Maybe due to me always being surrounded by elders I never really felt like I acted my age hence my peers in high school thought  I was a teacher's pet but really I just connected with adults better and loved to debate (ok maybe I was somewhat a teacher's pet but that is besides the point).

So Chalarm, who plays Ken in Deep Night, just posted this on instagram. The comments think the scene might belong to a special episode

I hope this is from the special episode because share your sentiments about the throuple but its nothing a threesome can't fix lol.

I hope this is from the special episode because share your sentiments about the throuple

I like your solution too lol


I can so relate to Moo not being interested in or focusing on school. I was the same. It was sooo hard. And the lectures from teachers and parents (plus being grounded to my room x 1000) ....I shiver just remembering those years. It's safe to say I was NOT the teacher's pet.

I really liked how Kang put his foot down with Moo to get serious about his studies and that Moo responded the way he did. The locker scene was cute. Moo never skips a beat.  I like the school director. He's a hoot.

Ahhh, my heart fluttered when Moo said to Kang,  "Wait for me to win your heart".  I was holding my breath waiting for Kang's reaction. It did not disappoint. 

I wonder what Shone's part in all this is exactly....  

ETA:  I was looking through the cast and see that the assistant director plays one of the teachers. And Book's guest role (Shone) only goes as far as the next ep.