
I would like to congratulate the makers of "Love Is Like A Cat" on creating the worst Korean full-length BL series I've seen to date. This is a particularly impressive achievement in that I am a dog-lover with a Pavlovian reflex to automatically like it.

Lmao. I still wonder why Mew signed on in the first place.


Lmao. I still wonder why Mew signed on in the first place.

Lmao the "Love is like a cat" comment section is more entertaining than the series itself XD


Lmao. I still wonder why Mew signed on in the first place.

I'm glad it's finally over that was a horrible 6 weeks lol


I would like to congratulate the makers of "Love Is Like A Cat" on creating the worst Korean full-length BL series I've seen to date. This is a particularly impressive achievement in that I am a dog-lover with a Pavlovian reflex to automatically like it.

And this is my last PTW drama rated under a 7 that I haven't checked out yet. Maybe I should go straight to the comments.

 American Fan:

And this is my last PTW drama rated under a 7 that I haven't checked out yet. Maybe I should go straight to the comments.

Lol the comments are hilarious XD


Lol the comments are hilarious XD

After watching the first ep of Love Like A Cat I don't need to continue. I can take it off my PTW list without guilt. The comment section reminds me of the time when Middleman's Love was airing and I would visit the comments just for the laughs.  

 American Fan:

After watching the first ep of Love Like A Cat I don't need to continue. I can take it off my PTW list without guilt. The comment section reminds me of the time when Middleman's Love was airing and I would visit the comments just for the laughs.  

Lmao it does XD

Happy birthday Pavel!!! <3

Started watching One Room Angel and I'm glad this is only bromance because the age gap is quite obvious in this one. I like the story line though and the actors are doing a great job bringing these characters to life. Sometimes it's awkward but overall it's a well meaning series. I believe it will have a somewhat sad ending but I don't mind it. Will come back here to talk about it more after I finish it.

Started watching One Room Angel 

I have a growing list of drama's that I know are going to make me cry-- therefore I'm putting them off, and this is on it lmao

Last Twilight, Cupids Last Wish, Moonlight Chicken, and Unknown are on there too

Like I want to watch them so bad because I know they are super good, but I'm not readyyy


I have a growing list of drama's that I know are going to make me cry-- therefore I'm putting them off, and this is on it lmao

Last Twilight, Cupids Last Wish, Moonlight Chicken, and Unknown are on there too

Like I want to watch them so bad because I know they are super good, but I'm not readyyy

I know what you mean and these series are really good indeed. I'd say you should seize the day and watch them asap. You never know what might happen in the future, maybe you'll stop watching dramas altogether but having seen these, you will have the memories. <3


I know what you mean and these series are really good indeed. I'd say you should seize the day and watch them asap. You never know what might happen in the future, maybe you'll stop watching dramas altogether but having seen these, you will have the memories. <3

*clutches heart* idk ;; it's going to hurt

I do want to watch them though, so I think I'll start with Moonlight Chicken, because I've had that one on hold after watching only 1 episode lol

I think I'll start with Moonlight Chicken

I love this series. I hope you get as deeply invested into it as I was. (Now I'm tearing up just thinking about it.)

therefore I'm putting them off, and this is on it

Although I basically liked "One Room Angel", it's not much of a love story, and it's weird (especially the ending) - or maybe "original" is a nicer word than "weird".

I love this series. I hope you get as deeply invested into it as I was. (Now I'm tearing up just thinking about it.)

I'm such a crier when it comes to emotional dramas ;; I'm scared lol

Anyway-- I'll start it tonight!


I have a growing list of drama's that I know are going to make me cry-- therefore I'm putting them off, and this is on it lmao

Last Twilight, Cupids Last Wish, Moonlight Chicken, and Unknown are on there too

Like I want to watch them so bad because I know they are super good, but I'm not readyyy

Are you worried they have a sad ending or just that the story has sad parts to it? I don't want to spoil anything but two of the titles you mention may have a sad theme,  but they also have plenty of moments of joy and happiness with positive and good endings.

I love it when difficult stories or issues turn into something warm and special by the end. As long as they aren't too dark or traumatizing, and I don't believe any of the above dramas are like that.