
I'll talk to you about Book because omg he's usually handsome, but why is he even more good looking in this show, it's like he glows

Shone absolutely cannot have Kang- but like someone get him a different boyfriend

Ikrrr he’s literally an angle in this drama for some reason lmao XD


I am finally binge watching Dead Friend Forever and I am at episode 7 and I have a permanent smile on my face. Hopefully it remains throughout the entire episode.

Lmao pls do let us know how it goes with that XD I’d love to see ur reaction to it lol


I continue to love love love this series. Fluff doesn't get any sweeter.

I'm wondering where Payos and Potae are heading. And what about Jang, who is listed as "supporting role" rather than just "guest role"? Why did Payos get picked in the audition but not Moo or Potae? Is it possible that Jang likes Payos?  

Yeah I considered that Jang may like Yos but then it’s so random, so maybe he doesn’t like him like that but then Tae gets jealous or smth?

Yeah I considered

(re "Only Boo!") That is indeed a very plausible alternative, but in any case, I presume that Jang (= supporting role) will become a fairly significant character, at least as important as Shone (= guest role).

If my theory turns out to be correct, I think I deserve some kind of award, OK? (Did I just jinx myself?)

It is minutes to 3 am where I live but I stayed up because I had to finish Dead Friend Forever it was an experience. I will give my review tomorrow when I wake up; for now let me just drop my rating:

Production 2/2

Writing - Excellent/2

Acting - Excellent/2

Intimacy 2/2

Music 1/1

Special 10 scene - the whole damn series 1/1

Total rating score 10/10

@axdxex idk why I can't quote you but thank you for the recommendations! I'll definitely check them out 



P.S who else forgot that OMG! Vampire started airing today?

I did too but I think I'm going to wait until some of the airing shows I'm watching ends, I don't have time to add one more (even tho I said that before adding My Stand-In but there were too many TikToks about it I had to check it out)

who else forgot that OMG! Vampire started airing today?

I've been accumulating WeTV titles so that I can subscribe for just a month or two. "OMG! Vampire” will have to wait till then. Although WeTV has been getting some BL titles, it's not really enough for me to regularly subscribe, not to mention certain irritating technical deficiencies, especially the lack of my own list(s). Besides, I already subscribe to six streaming services, so a seventh seems just a bit over-the-top.

In addition to  “OMG! Vampire”, I have “Love Mechanics”, “We Best Love”,  "My Engineer”, “Lovely Writer”, "The Promise",  “Memory in the Letter”, "Knock Knock Boys” and “609 Bedtime Story” in the WeTV queue. (Yeah, I know that "609" is awful, but I'm deeply in love with Fluke Natouch, so I have to see it anyways.)

The Pilot is here !!!
Your Sky looks too cute.
Your Sky looks too cute.

I liked what I saw

This sent me lol

I'd love to join as well!


I'd love to join as well!

Welcome to the club :). Someone else will be here later to offically welcome you.  <3



I am super excited about SunsetxVibes <3 I have missed MosBank dearly. <3

Only Boo! EP 7


Only half way through and I just had to come here to say Moo was so fricking cute when he said "oh my god" very softly and almost in shock, after Kang licked his know which scene I mean, hehe. 

And when Kang cradled Moo's face with his hands (when Moo said he was disappointed with his performance), the expression Moo had was a-dor-a-ble!! Like a little pup that found heaven.

Back to the show now.

Dead Friend Forever - Review

Rating - 10 stars

Warning this is most likely going to be long :)

First of all, many fans were disappointed with the ending but I think it is important to note that the director did state this is not a romance BL and is made solely for the purpose of a thriller and horror BL. While there are romantic story-lines included it is by no means a romantic series, it is not cute and therefore I see it as unfair to judge it on the merits of the average BL series we are used to. This is the new age of the BL industry where the genre is being diversified from the average romantic comedy. That being said the ending was very much consistent with your average horror movie/series ending. For those who watch the horror genre or dabble in it (such as myself) you know that the endings normally leave you questioning the whole damn story as well as scare the hell out of you as well as leave the opportunity for a sequel.  That being said let's get into this review, (see you at the end of this post...well if you manage to reach that far, I can be rather long winded lol)

The writing in the series was excellent in my humble opinion. The use of flashback was expertly done to tell the story in an engaging and holistic way. It was captivating to watch each piece of the story fall into place to reveal the mysteries surrounding Non's disappearance (or death). I appreciate how each character is introduced to us in such a way that makes the audience loath each and every one of them that contributed to Non and his family's demise, only for the story to unravel further on in the series to reveal the background of some of the characters namely Tee. While Tee is woefully wrong and should be chastised for getting Non involved in illicit gang activities that eventually led to his downfall, the background on Tee is so deftly crafted that the audience cannot but help to understand his predicament and find explanations for his actions and perhaps even find empathy for him while still holding him accountable and regarding his actions unjustifiable and cruel. The fact that the audience is able to hold the entire group of friends (Tee, Por, Jin, Top, and Fluke) in such contempt as vile actors of the human population speaks rather highly of the writing. This series brought out so many crucial topics one being bullying, which was at the very centre of the whole story. To witness its devastating and far reaching repercussions highlights reaffirms the fight against it in high schools. To see Non be forced into such a state that he becomes suicidal and pliant to the morsels of attention and inclusion he receives from a group of wastrels all due to his low self-esteem and low self confidence attributed to his mother's lack of care towards him in favour of his older brother as well as him being neglected as a result of his parents failing marriage, truly was heartbreaking as well as aggravating to watch, again speaking to the deft writing of the writers which by no means surprises me since the production company is Be On Cloud, which has its issues but its talents cannot be ignored.

A resounding sound of applause is due to Barcode (Non) because he stepped up and stood out with his stellar performance. Son jeu était magnifique!! The pain, the emotional and physical struggle, the hurt, the shame and the psychological break, were so artistically produced in his face and body that it left a lasting impression. What is even more commendable is that his acting was consistent from beginning to end. In one particular scene where he was writing the script for the short film in a psychotic state, you could feel his pain and the point of his psyche shattering was palpable. Another scene is where he went back to the tutoring school after the sex tape with him and the exploitative teacher leaked, and he fell on the floor and screamed in agony and frustration; this scene was wrenching to watch. A huge shout out to Barcode he is a phenomenally emotive actor. I wish for him to continue receiving roles that challenges his acting abilities. The rest of the cast's acting was also wonderful, well obviously, because any actor that can draw such hate from the audience did a damn good job.

Now lets talk about those NC scenes. They were wonderfully done. Before I get to the episode 9 NC scenes let me talk about the affectionate scenes between Phee and Non. Their scenes were so cute and loving. It is hard not to love them as a couple and their kisses were not shy or lewd just sweet. I am definitely hoping for Barcode and Ta to have another series together as leads because their chemistry is on fire!! Okay now, lawd have mercy, that NC scene in episode 9. That was HOTTTTT. When Phee got behind Jin and started thrusting, oh it was salivating to watch, BUT then he goes on to slap Jin on the ass mid thrust. Sir calm down, then to make matters more sizzling, he goes on to press Jin against the glass bedroom window, and f*ck him, and the curtains were not drawn so anybody passing could have looked up and seen Jin pressed up against the window getting railed. Oh but it didn't stop there, the morning after was round 2. Oh and they did not hide the BUTTS. Yes I am being very unfiltered, apologies.

The production is excellent not that I expect any less from Be On Cloud. The props and the setting were well used as they truly brought out the eerie and soul jumping atmosphere of a horror series. The music and sound effects complemented the setting well. The fact that a huge chunk of the series took place in one location and did not hinder the creative process is commendable. This series is by far the scariest attempt at a horror BL, well done to the Dead Friend Forever team.

I did not have a single 10 star scene because the whole series was a 10 in my opinion. All in all to say that I fully enjoyed watching this series and I am glad I binged it. I am hoping for a season 2.

Well if you read through all of that, here is a virtual fist bump.

P.S regarding OMG! Vampire, save your damn time it is another LeeFrank disaster ready to draw the ire of fans, but if you want to join the clown caravan with me and watch please feel welcome. I will definitely be living for the comments, they are about to be lit lol nothing like mutual dislike to unite a fandom lmao.

If there are grammatical mistakes, I apologise in advance; I did not proof re-read this :)

I'm back and just finished the first ep of Wandee Goodday. 

I need to come up for air before watching EP 2. I'm overwhelmed by all the hotness and eye candy in every scene. 

It's been a long time since I've laughed so much as I did when Dr. Dee was acting up in the minimart trying to seduce Yak. Then I lost it at the condom scene. I'm sure neighbors heard me a mile away.

This is by far my most favorite currently airing show and I'm only on EP 1.