Boo & Moo Forever

My favorite ep of all. 

Moo's cute list of things to do. Kang's romantic side. **sigh** 

The romantic love talk and touching moments during their dance was perfect. (I almost cried!)

They're going to uni together!! 

The kiss was everything a first kiss should be.

Suspenseful ending scene for Potae & Payos...

I'm watching We are the series . Anyone watching that??

A bunch of us are enjoying it. So many cute couples.

 American Fan:

Really? What was the comment? Something similar?

Hands up!

Hi! Many here are watching Only Boo! (Sundays), We Are (Wednesdays) & Wandee Goodday (Saturdays, I think). We come here after to drop our comments about the dramas.

Is there a way to partially quote something on the phone?

Anyway, it’s linked on there, but Inn basically said that this is a story that starts humorous like a romcom and progresess into a romance. So what you noticed was right.

So I went off on Dr. Ter in a comment section. I was just expressing my thoughts and I found my people lol, so do you guys agree or disagree with my assessment:

Who says you can't dress down a character in proper English. Anyways enough about my insulting ways lol. 


Not sure if it is a BL or Bromance yet.

So there was a GMMTV Outing and well there are some pics I would like to share and bowy Joss needs to calm down with those visuals. This is why I have to watch My Golden Blood when it starts airing

*Go take a cold shower right now, all of you lol*


So I went off on Dr. Ter in a comment section. I was just expressing my thoughts and I found my people lol, so do you guys agree or disagree with my assessment:

Who says you can't dress down a character in proper English. Anyways enough about my insulting ways lol. 


Not sure if it is a BL or Bromance yet.

So there was a GMMTV Outing and well there are some pics I would like to share and bowy Joss needs to calm down with those visuals. This is why I have to watch My Golden Blood when it starts airing

*Go take a cold shower right now, all of you lol*

Lmao <3 hotties alert!!! :D


So I went off on Dr. Ter in a comment section. I was just expressing my thoughts and I found my people lol, so do you guys agree or disagree with my assessment:

Who says you can't dress down a character in proper English. Anyways enough about my insulting ways lol. 


Not sure if it is a BL or Bromance yet.

So there was a GMMTV Outing and well there are some pics I would like to share and bowy Joss needs to calm down with those visuals. This is why I have to watch My Golden Blood when it starts airing

*Go take a cold shower right now, all of you lol*

I confess I had already saved some of those pictures. Guilty as charged lmao that force, joss, ohm trifecta should be illegal omg

On the WGD Dr.Ter post. I freaking snorted. I keep trying to figure him out but I keep going back and fourth on who I think he is and his motives. That being said, he is, undeniably, an a** h*** lol

Who says you can't dress down a character in proper English. Anyways enough about my insulting ways lol. 

I noticed that 666 apartment number too. And I agree Dr. Ter is scum!

OK, so I'm watching something old. Is it just me, or is there a resemblance between Fandy Fan (Hsia Yu Hao in HIStory2: Crossing the Line) and Hsiao Hung (Yao Shun Yu in You Are Mine)? 

 American Fan:

Really? What was the comment? Something similar?

Hands up!

Hi! Many here are watching Only Boo! (Sundays), We Are (Wednesdays) & Wandee Goodday (Saturdays, I think). We come here after to drop our comments about the dramas.

I can't watch too many together but i will try Wandee Goodday as We are is in airing,😁


I confess I had already saved some of those pictures. Guilty as charged lmao that force, joss, ohm trifecta should be illegal omg

On the WGD Dr.Ter post. I freaking snorted. I keep trying to figure him out but I keep going back and fourth on who I think he is and his motives. That being said, he is, undeniably, an a** h*** lol

ohh , Ohm  he is so freaking hot . It's like Gmmtvouting less and Gmmtv boys body show off more🤣


A bunch of us are enjoying it. So many cute couples.

Yes , I'm waiting for WinnySatang to have more xute moments tbh

I won't say Anti reset is bad, but for me it was kind of boring...

 American Fan:

It was so cute, their first kiss was so sweet and innocent, I loved it! 

And I'm honestly dying to know what happened with Yos and Tae, how dare they leave us at such an illegal cliffhanger TT

So I went off on Dr. Ter in a comment section. I was just expressing my thoughts and I found my people lol, so do you guys agree or disagree with my assessment:

Who says you can't dress down a character in proper English. Anyways enough about my insulting ways lol. 

Oh damnn, that was hella good Hia

Everything u said described him so perfectly, one of the most beautiful paragraphs I've ever read TT


Yes , I'm waiting for WinnySatang to have more xute moments tbh

Same here, they're my fav couple out of the lot and I can't wait to see them in their dating era xD

City of Stars ep 3


How the hell did Krom fall for Fueang so quickly? That was so unexpected and random

Like, we never saw him start to fall for Fueang but then all of a sudden he just admits he likes him?

This drama is going a LOT quicker than I expected :0

And they were being so overdramatic about the whole "bomb" thing, literally an AMBULANCE came just becoz he got a small cut? I laughed my head off at how much they were exaggerating the whole thing lmao


I won't say Anti reset is bad, but for me it was kind of boring...

I can see that it might be boring for some. I had low expectations from the start so that prob helped me out. But then again, I can do slow and less dramatic stories if I'm into the MLs character's and chemistry.