I don't remember any specific triggers but I will just list some things

DEATH OF LEAD? Woah now I get why everyone said it has the most heart breaking ending :0

graphic NC scene (this sounds like an invitation to me but that is my mind lol)

Well, that is tempting ;)

I hate anything romantic, affectionate or couply in a personal sense. Like love watching others fall in love but heck no stay away from me with those disgusting feelings. My friends think I am joking when I say I want to die a virgin bachelor. Funny enough, I am a huge flirt and give dating advice to my dating friends but then again the coach doesn't play lol. 

Lmao same! I'm more invested in other's love lives than my own XD

 American Fan:
Drum roll........   Thailand!

Yesss I guessed it :D

Hmm, as much as I would have liked to have dated during my lost teen years, I don't think I would have wanted my mom to set me up with another boy. *cringe*

Right!?! I wasn't even close to ready or willing. The teenage years are a passage through hell for some and glory days for others.

I don't know if this was mentioned here but check it out 


short film (about 20 mins ) starring Bible (yes the one from KP)

short film (about 20 mins ) starring Bible (yes the one from KP)

= "Spaceless". Warning: Sad ending. Even though it was reasonably well done, it didn't really do much for me.

June Challenge

Day 8 - Favourite Washcloth scene

Why R U the series episode 12

Where Fighter takes care of Tutor - By far my most re-watched scene

Good day fellow BL fans (probably should have said this in my first post)

Updates: Source Twitter (X)

JoongDunk fans gather:

June BL Challenge

Day 8 - Your Favorite washcloth scene?

 I'm trying to remember a washcloth scene. OH the one in Love in the Air between Prapai and Sky


JoongDunk fans gather:

*hyperventilates* I’ve been seeing the pictures all morning, they really do look like wedding pics lol

Wandee Goodday episode 6

I am in love with both couples. I love that the intimacy and comfort between Yak and Wandee goes beyond the bedroom. When two people can connect on such a level they have something truly special. Every time Yak kisses the necklace he gave Wandee I view as the most intimate action between the two.

The preview for the next episode looks very exciting; I cannot wait!

P.S I hate Dr. Ter

Wandee Goodday Ep6

I love this show. This and We Are live in my mind rent free, I  rewatch these episodes all week!

I love how every episode of Wandee Goodday has a mix of sweetness, bitternes, romance, and sexual tension. It’s an all in one!

The way I freaking died at the scene where Wandee goes to the camp to see Yak, and then all thise kisses! So close and yet not there. I like how everyone is trying to help Yak and Dee sort their feelings, but it makes things difficult when the love rivals keep lurking! I’m so tired of Ter and I’m getting tired of Taem (not that Taem has done anything wrong lol). 

I can’t wait for next week’s episode ;;

Day 8: Favourite washcloth scene

Mine is when Team is taking care of his Win when he is sick with a fever.    

JoongDunk fans gather:

Present sir! :D

Wandee Goodday episode 6

Loved it! I'm so hyped for the next ep after seeing that preview XD

P.S I hate Dr. Ter

Honestly speaking, who doesn't? XD

Oh man, if I hadn't come here I would have forgotten to watch Wandee Goodday today.  So much for the drama chart I made earlier. *sigh*

I actually popped in to say I'm watching Kare no Iru Seikatsu in my downtime (while family is busy) and falling in love with cutie Sakai!! I just wanna squeeze him tight. 

The washcloths scenes in Why R U & Love in the Air are both excellent choices! *Thumbs up!*

Love, LOVE the Joong/Dunk photos. They are totally styling with the hair and fits. 


Day 8: Favourite washcloth scene

Mine is when Team is taking care of his Win when he is sick with a fever.    

This is my favorite washcloth scene toooooo *heart eyes*

Since we’re on the topic, can I share my favorite sick scene even though I don’t think there’s a washcloth in sight ?

It’s the scene in Be Loved In House : I Do where Yu Zhen is stressed ans accidently eats something that sets off his allergy, and Shi Lei takes care of him ;;