Meanwhile on Project Alpha Special ... ???

Daisy in "Secret Crush on You" -

Right!! I knew I was missing something from a fav series!

Joong fans gather here!

I gathered...

watched first episode of sparks camp.

What do you think of it so far?

Meanwhile on Project Alpha Special

Added to my PTW list. Where did you watch it?

Random Group Watch comments

I almost had a heart attack. I thought Love Sea was on today, but it's Sunday. I had to look it up. I wanna watch it now. *whine*

And 4 more eps of Wandee Goodday. Why does that feel like forever...? *sigh*

I haven't heard much talk about My Love Mix-Up! Including myself here. Actually I haven't watched last week's ep.  Is everyone waiting to see how they feel about it?  ?

 American Fan:
Where did you watch it?

Yes ... Here! The best thing there is English subtitles.

 American Fan:
I wanna watch it now. *whine*

Same and this also how I feel about My Stand-in; I am dying for it to finish so I can binge and give it the obvious 10 (if reviews and clips are to be trusted).

Since it is midnight where I live.....Midnight Updates:

Source: X (Twitter)

she  *he. I had to translate the post.


Thank you for keeping us in the know!!!

 American Fan:

I don't see an MDL page for Soulmate...and is it THE Ok Taec Yeon, I wonder?? (Rapper in 2PM)

It is! It is! Front page news on MDL!


And this, I copied from an "X" post by Netflix:

"Traversing the cities of Berlin, Seoul, and Tokyo, the series tells a 10-year-long love story between two young men."

Netflixs says "Between" two young men. 

Taecyeon says "There are a lot of genres and characters that I haven't tried yet and I wanted to expand my spectrum and that's when I received the offer to star in Soulmate."

There we have it!!

But wait...10 years? I wonder what that means. Hmm, now my mind is thinking about the ending and it hasn't even started yet.  :-(

 American Fan:
I haven't heard much talk about My Love Mix-Up! Including myself here. Actually I haven't watched last week's ep.  Is everyone waiting to see how they feel about it?

I've posted a few times about it. Although I'm usually a harsh critic of remakes of great originals that don't need remaking (e.g. "Kieta Hatsukoi"), my love for Fourth and Gemini is stronger than my inner critic. So ... my opinions might not be entirely objective.


I've posted a few times about it. Although I'm usually a harsh critic of remakes of great originals that don't need remaking (e.g. "Kieta Hatsukoi), my love for Fourth and Gemini is stronger than my inner critic. So ... my opinions might not be entirely objective.

Yes you have! I'm on the fence for now. The MLs are just ok for me, but I like the story. I'm just not feeling as excited as I thought I would be. But I'll catch up on eps soon.

Someone, not here, mentioned it would be nicer if the MLs were Sea & Keen. So now I can't get that out of my head. 

 American Fan:
. I'm just not feeling as excited as I thought I would be.

Same feeling here. i'm sceptical about starting it , ive tried multiple times (only got past the into every. single. time. )

Off into nature for a couple of weeks, fewer opportunities for BL watching. Sigh.

 American Fan:

Yes you have! I'm on the fence for now. The MLs are just ok for me, but I like the story. I'm just not feeling as excited as I thought I would be. But I'll catch up on eps soon.

Someone, not here, mentioned it would be nicer if the MLs were Sea & Keen. So now I can't get that out of my head. 

I love GemFourth, but I wasn’t convinced with the production until ep3 (the music and sound effects and editing felt off to me?) After ep3 I’m sold. I beleive the show has found its footing, and I’m super excited for the episodes ahead! 

 American Fan:
it would be nicer if the MLs were Sea & Keen

I hope it will not diminish my love for Gem and Fourth if I agree with you: Yes, Keen and Sea would be ideally suited as Atom and Kongthap (respectively).  
Addendum: I just want to be very clear that I am not suggesting that Fourth and Gem are not fantastic and generally wonderful as Atom and Kongthap, only that Keen and Sea might also be wonderful in their own special fluffy way.

By the way, now watching "Project Alpha Special" thanks to the above nudge. Although it would probably more useful to have watched it before the fact, it's stil fun to see the origins of Keen, Ashi, Aungpao, etc. now in retrospect.


Rock Kwanlada Rungrojampa is stunning!! I ended up following her on Instagram because of your post !!