American Fan:
RE: This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans (but sure has a long title)

I haven't yet started this series (I will soon), but I rather like the fact that it has an original and thought-provoking title, not just the usual BL title "Protagist x Protagist". (And compared to some of the crazy long titles here in Germany, six words isn't that long!)

Sunset x Vibes - Episode 6


The editing of this episode made things confusing. I honestly think they added those scenes from their date in the last episode to fill in time. The majority of this episode felt like a filler to me. I do not see how editing this episode to take the story back one day had any significant impact in revealing any of the characters. I think they could have just continued down the timeline. I would have preferred if the party was thrown in celebration of Salin's design winning the competition and then we would be introduced to his dad and see the interaction between his dad and Sun, who would be his boyfriend at that time. It would have also been better if towards the end of that party everyone started getting social media notifications on their phones breaking the news of the alleged plagiarism of the design. This way the plot could have been pushed forward in them investigating things which would have made a healthy episode. This is just my humble suggestion/opinion.

"Because we can" Attitude

I am a bit weary of how this series is starting to progress having watched this episode. In my last review for episode 5 I had expressed how I would be looking forward to see how they would tie in the paranormal element of the series because at that point it seemed disjointed from the rest of the series, and having watched its further introduction in this episode it still seems disjointed. I am starting to fear that this series will fall into the footsteps of "The Sign the series".  The major reason why I did not rate The Sign much higher is because they did too much at the same time and neglected the romance in the series. What is happening here is that they are trying to give two series/stories in one. I call it the "Because we can Attitude"; meaning when production companies have a big budget they can sometimes try to do too much because they can. It is obvious that this series has a good enough budget to allow for waste. The cinematography of this series is very aesthetically pleasing and the settings compliment the themes (wealthy, privileged) well so the money is there; it was the same thing for The Sign; CGI was good. When production companies have these size budgets they sometimes do too much and end up accomplishing nothing or cause one part of the story to be neglected or become retarded. I see two series here:

  1.  One where a rich boy pursues his own dreams away from his dad and has to battle challenges in the workplace while having a relationship with the president of the company.
  2. Another one where a rich boy helps to run his family's hotel chain  has strange dreams that turn into nightmares and manifest into paranormal encounters. He becomes entangled with a rich president of a company through mutual business dealings and the two must face and battle the paranormal together while falling for each other.

I think it is unfair to say that "they are just following the novel" because a series and a novel are woefully different. Sometimes to get the best out of a series you have to bend the original material to fit the making of the series. A series will never be able to achieve what a novel/book can and I think this is echoed by every bibliophile, myself included, when after watching anything adopted from a book/novel they say these customary words, "The book was better." - biased thinking? Maybe so, but my point still stands.  I hope they are able to pull off both stories and make them into a cohesive series. I would hate for this series to fall into the "Because we can Attitude". I am a strong believer that the bigger budget does not always make the better series. A budget is intrinsic for the production of a series but it is the script and delivery of said script that captivates audiences. I think KinnPorshe did an excellent job of not allowing their budget to lead them into doing too much.

Halfway mark in a series

On a more positive note, they did satisfy my preference for a solid foundation by the halfway mark of a series. Nothing I hate more than when a BL series is halfway through and there is neither a confession of feelings at the very least or a relationship. This is not a 30+ episode KDrama. What are we doing if halfway through there is not at the very least a confession of feelings/ an acknowledgement of feelings. When this does not happen oftentimes the last few episodes are either rushed or the finale is so packed with couple scenes that it is too much and these scenes are like fresh water - no flavour. I am happy that this series has avoided this because when we have an established couple at this point there is room for them to tackle the conflicts together without additional romantic drama and they are allowed to grow in their relationship and we as the audience get to witness the maturation of their story; and with how much this plot promises they will need the time without added romantic drama.

Second Couple

They did not get much screen time today but I am hoping that will change in the next episode. I would hate for their story to drag throughout only to be rushed near the finale, so I am rooting for them in the next episode. 

Wow that was long. I did not intend to be so long, I mean it is 3:30 am, but I guess this means my mind is sharp at any hour of the day lol. Well, with the working hours of my future career it will need to be, but I love it so why the heck not.

Well I am off to bed - more like YouTube lol. Talk to you guys when I wake up at around noon - ah the Sunday life. Oh! and enjoy these, your CSO signing out:

 American Fan:
Hi there! My telepathic message yesterday must have found it's way to you! Honest, I almost DM'd you to see how you are doing! :-)

Awww :-* thank you for giving me this special feeling! (*blush) That must have been the reason. Thought and feeling transference. I love that! :-) 

 American Fan:
I would love to know more!! Is Glen Check the name of the band? 

Yes, it is. I used google to find out. :D The intro song is "Dazed & Confused". So far I've listened to the other songs "Sins", "4ever" and "60s Cardin" and I can recommend them all. At least I like them very much. :-)

Welcome back and I hope you are doing well.

Thank you! :-) Sending hugs! 

I woke up so late. I went to bed at 4:30 am because I stayed up all night watching The Boyfriend (Shun)

Ohh, I am so happy, there is someone else watching it at the moment! :D I don't know if anyone else here is watching... I am looking forward to the  relationship between Dai and Shun. How will it develop, what will happen, lol....? I can empathize with Shun so well. But I felt sorry for Dai when he said that he didn't understand Shun. That made my heart hurt. Awww sigh. And the moment at the picnic when Dai had taken a drink (?) and looked at Shun for a brief but special moment.... oh my god! I melted away! That look was worth a thousand words.... I do understand Shun. But this short glance from Dai made me feel sympathetic for him. I can hardly wait for the new episodes. I don't even know if it will be over next week? What are your thoughts about the show or do you want to wait until its finished? :-)

I’m back now that it’s finally the summer hols for me 

I’m trying to fix the notification thing so could someone pls reply to this message to see if it works for me again? 

Great to be back :) I’m gonna try and catch up on the airing dramas (so many lol) 

hi guys, an interesting question and im curious about your choices

Which BL actor in a fixed ship would you love to see play love interests with another actor (not their current partner), and what type of series would that be?  

i pick Gun and Tay, i want them to be in a bl serie as mls, the serie something a bit dark and have a good plot and twists

I’m trying to fix the notification thing so could someone pls reply to this message to see if it works for me again? 

i hope its working for you

 Mignon toi:
Which BL actor in a fixed ship would you love to see play love interests with another actor (not their current partner), and what type of series would that be?

My answer is: Thai BL shipping is a highly profitable industry, and I admit I enjoy it as much as anyone, but I don't think it's particularly good for the art or the artists. I would like any BL actor who feels contrained in their ship to have the freedom to do the acting that they love and would excel in, with whoever they would like to act with - BL or otherwise.

 Mignon toi:

hi guys, an interesting question and im curious about your choices

Which BL actor in a fixed ship would you love to see play love interests with another actor (not their current partner), and what type of series would that be?  

i pick Gun and Tay, i want them to be in a bl serie as mls, the serie something a bit dark and have a good plot and twists

:D MEWTUL plz <3 lol. I wanna see them in a series together(any type of series) so badly. Or OffNew would be a good one too  

but I don't think it's particularly good for the art or the artists.

yes i agree with you, it is harmful for the artists and i believe it limit their talent as well, they dont have to keep acting with the same person all the time but yeah the industry look at it as profit and it also make some shippers believe that those actors are dating each others and then harass their partners when they date

I don't know if anyone else here is watching...

I am! Here's what I wrote five days ago:

“The Boyfriend” (Netflix 6/10): I’m generally not so keen on reality TV, and I have mixed feelings about this series, but I’m watching it even though I’m not particularly in love with any of the contestants so far, so I guess the series can’t be too bad, right? I’m also not sure what I think of the five commentators – gimmicky but, on the other hand, the short cut-outs help to focus my attention and thoughts, so I guess it’s not a bad thing.

I find myself really looking forward to Tuesday's two new episodes, so I guess I've been enjoying it more than I realise.


:D MEWTUL plz <3 lol. I wanna see them in a series together(any type of series) so badly. Or OffNew would be a good one too  

great choice <3 

 Mignon toi:

i hope its working for you


Oh god I never would’ve thought I’d miss notifications this much lol 

Although it has changed (DJ told me about this so I’m not surprised) as I only get one notification if there’s a post on the forum and I also get a notification if my post gets quoted

Anyways, is there anything on here that I may have missed while I was gone? I was told about the group watch for Meet You At The Blossom and HIStory 3: Trapped but is there anything else? 

What are your thoughts about the show or do you want to wait until its finished? :-)

I agree with your thoughts. I am still trying to figure out mine as this is my first reality BL show so I keep having to remind myself that this is reality and not a series lol. Shun obviously has all my attention from day 1 so I am definitely looking forward to seeing how it concludes for him.

I find myself really looking forward to Tuesday's two new episodes


Here's what I wrote five days ago:

“The Boyfriend” (Netflix 6/10): I’m generally not so keen on reality TV, and I have mixed feelings about this series, but I’m watching it even though I’m not particularly in love with any of the contestants so far, so I guess the series can’t be too bad, right? I’m also not sure what I think of the five commentators – gimmicky but, on the other hand, the short cut-outs help to focus my attention and thoughts, so I guess it’s not a bad thing.
I find myself really looking forward to Tuesday's two new episodes, so I guess I've been enjoying it more than I realise.

Thanks for sharing it with me again! Concerning the commentators.. , I like them. They are funny and I like their analysis of the actions and how they view a situation. For example as one of the commentators said, that it's all about a different energy level everyone has. I think that was so right and important.