August Challenge (DAY 2) - Username & Profile

In cases like this, I'm not very creative. Picking usernames stresses me out, and I always tell myself I will change it when I come up with one I like, but I NEVER do.  

So basically, my username is  my real name but replace the x's with letters.

I think it sucks too but I can't come up with anything better lmao 

As for my profile pick. I changed it a few months back to this because I wanted to be able to look at  my favorite cp every time I posted.  Look at them!!! They are the prettiest ever. 

ON THAT NOTE!!! The fist JoongDunk still from The Heart Killers is HERE!!!

Day 2 August Challenge: Anything you would like to share about your username and profile photo?

My username is random. I just wanted to change it into another name other than my real name, so I searched for names and liked the name "Solana," which means sunshine and strong sun. >_<

As for the photo, it's Hangyeom from Omega X. He's my soc and ox bias, and he recently starred in the series Jazz for Two.

4Minutes is out... now to wait forever for it to be reachable to me. Okay, so it's like a day, but still.


Joong, Pond and Aou fans this one is for you!

I couldn't take my eyes off Joong, so hot <3


So glad you enjoyed it. I like it when people share their enthusiasm!

Yeah, one of the nice things about KBLs is that they're usually tightly focused stories that one can knock off in 2-3 hours.

As to picking something from your PTW list (which has a lot of really good titles), you already have some recommendations above, so instead of adding to this, I'll offer a piece of general advice: Sort your PTW list by "Score" (= average MDL rating) and pick a title near that top (> 8.0) that appeals to you. You can't go far wrong.

How do I sort it by "score"?


talking about indian food ... I had the privilege to eat something called pani puri , we had like a food fest kind of thing and this was in the indian aisle , i had no words to describe except if there was something like mouth orgasm , i probably had that 10/10 recommended. now i'm more open to indian food ...but it rarely comes by.

Pani Puri is amazing! U don't always need to buy it, u can make the pani and stuff from scratch, and buy the shells from a local Indian shop or smth 


My first experience with Indian cuisine was an eye-opening and delightful culinary adventure. I was pleasantly surprised to find a wide array of vegetarian and vegan options. Each dish was impeccably seasoned, boasting perfectly balanced flavors. The desserts, in particular, struck the ideal balance of sweetness, which was ideal for someone like me who prefers less sugary treats. What truly astounded me was that despite indulging in a hearty meal, I didn't experience any post-meal fatigue; the food left me feeling satiated without any sluggishness. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone who hasn't yet savored Indian cuisine to explore its diverse flavors. Even for those who may not enjoy spicy food, there are countless other delightful flavors waiting to be enjoyed.

That is a perfect description of the Indian cuisine XD


To my fellow smutty, nasty, lewd, freaky, salacious and dirty minded people have you ever heard of the South Korean anime called Shutline. Only season 1 has been released and it has five episodes. If you want pornographic, Mafia don x mechanic-street gang men falling in love and going at it, in the parking lot, behind the club, oh baby, I am just naming a few locations, this anime is just for you. It is more graphic than the finale of Mignon (if you know you know). It is simply delicious for your little dirty mind, so if you are tired of being a good boy/girl then get naughty watching this *wink emoji* 

Uhmmm guys lightning just flashed and my entire room lit up and the thunder that followed shook the walls. After typing my paragraph above do you think it is a sign!

Where do I watch it for free? (PS. I was never a good girl lol)


I'm laughing out loud just thinking about how our group would interact if we all met IRL. It's funny because it seems like none of us are into physical contact or mushy talk, so I imagine our conversations would be really interesting and unique.

Lmao I'm actually the opposite, I'm super clingy and love hugging people and hanging onto their arm lol


Good morning. I have the day off from work so I was going through my twitter and-- I feel like some people here would also appreciate these pictures ;;


Appreciate it very much lmao XD

ON THAT NOTE!!! The fist JoongDunk still from The Heart Killers is HERE!!!

I srsly can't wait for my beloved JD and FK in The Heart Killers, all these pics r killing me (and my heart lol XD)

My Love Mix-Up ep 9

Mudmee and Half r FINALLY together, took them long enough! 

Kongthap being flirty and jealous is just so perfect <3

I'm happy for Atom for finally knowing what field he wants to pursue :)

Day 2 of August Challenge: Anything you would like to share about your username and profile photo?

Long story short, the name Onyx comes from this webtoon I love and cherish called Boy Girlfriend, which is a BL where the main couple is Keane and Onyx. It's quite a complicated BL tbh (I've been reading it for almost 2 years now) but it's a very special webtoon for me cuz I started reading it around the time I first found BL (not just dramas but BL in general). And the character Onyx was my favourite, I loved everything about him, especially his name, so I decided to make it my nickname. And then my friend came up with Onyx The Hedgehog because it sounds like "Sonic The Hedgehog" (it was just a joke, I'm not much of a fan of Sonic) and I really loved that name so I just stuck to it

As for my pfp, it one of my favourite scenes from The Shipper- every time First said ehhh? just made me lol XD


So interesting to hear about everyone's pf names/pics. 

My name is obvious, but on second thought, I'd like to mention that I'm using the word "American" as a description of where/what I am, not cuz I feel patriotic pride, although I like the states a lot. My mindset is much more global than maybe the average American Joe. Some Americans wouldn't even like that I said this much, so I'm stopping right here!

My pic is of my ULT, ULT love, Felix of Stray Kids. (They are on my pfp, scroll to the middle, lol). He and Hannie (Felix's bandmate) are forever in my heart and so far there hasn't been anyone else (including BL actors) to replace them.  

But I'll sacrifice and choose an ult BL person for Q#15!  :-)  :-) I don't think it'll be too hard to pick one, even though there are SO many fabulously gorgeous guys.

I think "p43425" is quite self-explanatory.

Wait a minute...not for me. I'd like an explanation, pretty please?

Ooh, sounds nice! What dishes did u make?

I'll DM you later!

Please forgive me mistress, for I have greatly sinned (lol XD)

While you're sinning, I should have mentioned TharnType as well! Get on it, Gurrrl!!

I feel like some people here would also appreciate these pictures ;;

Oh yeah...I'm appreciating!! Who is it, btw?

Boy Girlfriend

I looked it up I hope I can give it a read. Currently I'm reading Are you Addicted

 American Fan:
Stray Kids

I didn't get the chance to have kids, so now I have 8 sons and I'm so proud of them.

I can not escape stray kids no matter where I go lol if we all start talking about hannah I will have to leave this thread lol

Boy Girlfriend

oh my god i lovelovelove that webtoon , when i first saw your username Onyx is whom i thought about (weird..) also i haven't read a couple episodes ever since the appearance of kai. Also keane is such a sweetheart. lets stop right here before i start gushing about them, Also I too have been reading BG from 2020-2021 . 

Pani Puri is amazing! U don't always need to buy it, u can make the pani and stuff from scratch, and buy the shells from a local Indian shop or smth 

Oh really? I'll tell my mum (I cant cook to save my life just can do basic omelette , noodles, rice and salads(lol is that even cooking?) )

August Challenge Day 2

My username is actually just my email address which is taken from scripture. Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Now my profile pic. I've changed it a few times this year already. I just like cool pics. I enjoy the Chinese fantasy dramas and I wanted to go with Chinese mythological creatures and I found the pic on google.