American Fan:

I love his (Jane's) expression in the second photo!

I haven't seen The Trainee yet, but rn I'll have to get past Off's character being called "Jane".  It was actually off-putting for me the first time I heard it. It's such a traditional American name for a female. *sigh*.  Why am I so picky.

The random names being used in Thai dramas is sm I've had to adjust to over time. I'm fine most of the time. 

Lol I'm used to Thai nicknames now but when I first started watching BL dramas, names like Barcode and Book had me so confused lol. I was like, what kind of parent names their child Barcode?! lmao XD

 American Fan:
I'm still planning on rewatching HIStory 3: Trapped!! I'm thinking of starting Sept.1, a weekend day. For those of you still interested does that sound like a good start date?

So excited for this XD I miss my Shao Fei and Tang Yi <3

Today is Jamaica's Independence Day so music is blasting throughout the country and it is a national holiday so I have no work yayyyyy. (My waistline may have gotten into action when one particular song drifted through my room window lol)

A bit late but hope u enjoyed the day! 

(My waistline may have gotten into action when one particular song drifted through my room window lol)

(STOP ur killing me XD)

August Challenege Day 7- Do you like to read and what was the last thing you read?

Yes I like to read but have not been able to much lately cause been super busy and the last thing I read was I reread "The House Of Night series" by Kristin Cast and P. C. Cast

August Challenge Day 8 ~ What is your guilty pleasure? Any vices? We're all friends here, don't hold back!

Lmao I would say Cheesecake XD and/or Playing Video Games

Forgot to do the challenge lol I'm back now

Day 6 of August Challenge: Pick your NUMBER ONE BL drama for 2024 so far! If you could give n award, who's the winner?

This is too hard TT 

I think...HIStory 3: Trapped is definitely one, I really enjoyed it and Ive rewatched so many of the scenes so many times lol

I also loved the friendship in We Are, it was one of the things that stood out to me the most! 

And definitely the Taiwanese drama I watched recently, Kiseki: Dear To Me- such a beautiful and deep story, everything about it made me just want to continue watching despite it being 3am lol- I finished the whole thing in one night XD

The winner is...all three of them lol, it's too hard to choose one

Day 7 of August Challenge: Books. Do you read them? What genre do you enjoy most? What are you reading right now?

I can't live without books lol. Before I found dramas, I used to read all the time- Harry Potter, The Adventure Series, Nancy Drew, The Power Of Five, Murder Most Unladylike, One Of Us Is Lying  and tons more (I have a thing for murder mystery books lol)

Now, I still do read but not as often, although I read more romance books as well now, like They Both Die At The End (one of my favourite books of all time) and Sixteen Souls (a horror BL- literally made for me lol) 

I also enjoy graphic novels, such as Hooky and Heartstopper, and I used to read Wattpad books (mostly BL) and my favourite WP book was Falling For Him by cosmicastrovert (cliche but adorable and feel-good)

I'm currently reading Babel by R.F.Kuang, which was recommended to me by one of my friends- I borrowed the book from him like 2 months ago but I'm only 2 chapters in cuz I'm busy watching dramas instead lol (I'm a slow reader although I love reading)

Day 8 of August Challenge: What is your guilty pleasure? Any vices? 

Honestly I'm not sure....I guess my guilty pleasure is gore- I like reading about murder and blood (lol I sounds psychotic- I swear I'm not a psychopath guys!) 

I like coffee a lot- does that count? 

PS. I'm sooo excited for Monster Next Door!!!

PS. I'm sooo excited for Monster Next Door!!!

Newsflash: First two three episodes now posted on Gagaoolala! Yay!

P.S. For those not familiar with the four-letter codes for the various characters, these are personality types based on the Myers-Briggs test. It's mainly the first one (extrovert/introvert) that's relevant here.

PS. I'm sooo excited for Monster Next Door!!!

same but it seems messy. 

Hmm should I wait Monster Next Door or watch with you guys and if it crashes it crashes LOL

Day 8: What is your guilty pleasure? Any vices? We're all friends here, don't hold back! I don't have sweets everyday, but when eating out, I do have dessert. And when I can't decide between two desserts, I order both. This is still a huge improvement from my college days when I would order dessert first. A friend gave me a keychain that read, "Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first."

August Challenge

Day 6:

I have watched so many good BLs these last couple months (that's when I started watching BLs). My favorites are:

Between Us

Love in the Air

Light on Me

Kinn Porsche

Day 7:

The reading I do is mainly Manga. I mostly read Romance, mostly BLs, but there are others I read such as Parasyte and Jujutsu Kaisen. I used to read a lot of fiction when I was younger but as I got older I completely stopped reading. Sometimes I would read graphic novels though like Marvel, DC, etc.. After starting to watch BLs though, I became interested in the Manga, seeing as so many dramas are adapted from a manga. And I fell in love. It's been about a month since I started reading Manga and I've read atleast 20 books.

Day 8:

My guilty pleasure. I would have to say the first thing that comes to mind when I think of guilty pleasure is watching BLs. I absolutely love them and they have really opened up my mind to the gay lifestyle. However, honestly because of how racy some are I feel like some people might judge me if they knew how much I watched them. And then of course my other big guilty pleasure I guess would be smoking marijuana lol. Weed makes the BLs so much more enjoyable lol.


Hmm should I wait Monster Next Door or watch with you guys and if it crashes it crashes LOL

I'm watching!!! I can't help myself. It looks so cute and I'm a sucker for that. 


Hmm should I wait Monster Next Door or watch with you guys and if it crashes it crashes LOL

after you posted this comment i watched all three eps in a row 

its like  fluffy and innocent till now despite it being 18+

P.S. For those not familiar with the four-letter codes for the various characters, these are personality types based on the Myers-Briggs test. It's mainly the first one (extrovert/introvert) that's relevant here.

You've got me distracted this morning to the point where I took my first personality test. haha

I went to 16Personalities for a fairly short free test. I like their site and the results seem to be pretty in depth.  I've wondered what my "label" was, but not to the point of doing anything about it.

It was pretty right on with the description and characteristics. Then I went to the Myers Briggs site to learn more about my label and it was also very close to my real self. Really interesting!

I hope I have time to watch Monster Next Door today!! I've been waiting for ages!! 

I'm watching!!! I can't help myself. It looks so cute and I'm a sucker for that. 

its like  fluffy and innocent till now despite it being 18+

That sounds so good!! 

I'll come back later to post my pleasure's & vices (sounds kinky put like that). 

And reply to few posts here... :-)

 American Fan:
I'll come back later to post my pleasure's & vices (sounds kinky put like that).

@American Fan, I can't imagine anything kinky coming from you. As for me ... erm ... there's a good reason that I'm not answering today's question. (I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, eat sweets ... erm ... so what's left?)