I hope people understand me on this

No need to apologise, all serious opinions welcome here. And I also have mixed feelings about MLMU: While there are lots of things  I like about it, I keep questioning whether this is a remake of a great original that didn't need remaking.


No need to apologise, all serious opinions welcome here. And I also have mixed feelings about MLMU: While there are lots of things  I like about it, I keep questioning whether this is a remake of a great original that didn't need remaking.

Ok I'm glad, ty for responding! I have so many BL opinions so I'm glad I can share them haha.


I'm glad that quite a few others share my love of this series. Can't wait till today's final episode!

I just finished watching the final ep, and I'm so emotionally drained. I can't adequately describe in proper words just how incredible this series was. The entire cast was phenomenal, Daou's and Offroad's performances were legendary just like San & Vee's love. Everyone that was part of the entire production team and behind the scenes from start to finish made a masterpiece. This one will hold a special place in my heart. I truly love this series.


Source - X

GagaOOLala has yet to post it on their YouTube channel so until then you have to watch the trailer on their X account.
Ok this is random but I hope people understand me on this

Your opinion is always welcomed even encouraged; matter of fact your post is the final nail in the coffin for my decision. I did not start My Love Mix-Up Thai remake because I had my own scepticism about it so I waited on reviews. The reviews here as well as the views of other BL fans I have spoken to in my DMs had me even more sceptic of this series. Based on this and your post I have decided to strike My Love Mix - Up (Thai) from my watch list making it the only BL, I am aware of, that I have not watched or plan to watch. 

On another note, I have yet to start Jazz for Two but I do plan to start it tonight after watching Century of Love finale, Meet You At The Blossom and Monster Next Door. I have also decided to hold off a little longer on watching My Stand-In reason being there are a few other series I would like to clear off my watch list before summer finishes so that I do not carry them over into 2025 because believe me when October hits I will have little time to be here and watching BLs hence why I am taking on so many currently airing BLs.

@RXinw , ty for your words of support! I actually started My Stand In but dropped it for a bit, not for any big reason besides lost of interest And Up's character being an a-hole, but i want to pick it back up for Up (the actor) I will say, i switched it out for "Lovely Writer" another BL drama Up is in, and he's soooo cute and amazing in that one, just saying if you wanna see him in smtg wholesome!


Ok I'm glad, ty for responding! I have so many BL opinions so I'm glad I can share them haha.

Yes, feel free to share! I promise at least one person here will agree with you lol 

I like to keep my drama watching opinions to this discussion board because I never feel attacked for my opinions, even when people disagree with me. It's all good natured. We like what we like, and engage with the content that interests us. 

August Challenge Day 8

What is your guilty pleasure? Any vices?
My guilty pleasures are cookies. Cookies of just about any kind, but especially any kind of chocolate cookie, dark chocolate, and Chocolate Cookie Quarry frozen yogurt. There really isn't much that I consider a guilty pleasure other than those.

As for vices, I don't have any. I don't like gambling, don't like liquor, I detest cigarette smoke or smoking anything, don't touch any drugs of any kind ever because I never wanted to do it(but also, have lost several friends from/since high school from substance abuse and seeing my gay community continue to suffer from higher rates  of substance abuse also). But, enough of that, not trying to tank the vibes. I guess I'm a bit of a unicorn on this as I have been told.


Newsflash: First two three episodes now posted on Gagaoolala! Yay!

P.S. For those not familiar with the four-letter codes for the various characters, these are personality types based on the Myers-Briggs test. It's mainly the first one (extrovert/introvert) that's relevant here.

:) Speaking of MBTI what is everyones? Mine is INFJ-A 

I've only been away a few hours but I feel overwhelmed by so many posts so quickly... (taking a deep breath) and so many I want to respond to. I couldn't go through your latest update, @RX, not for now anyways.  Arghhhh!!

But the eye candy is Va Va Boom!! A-Okay!!

First I'll do the challenge question for the day then go back through the last few pages...


@RXinw , ty for your words of support! I actually started My Stand In but dropped it for a bit, not for any big reason besides lost of interest And Up's character being an a-hole, but i want to pick it back up for Up (the actor) I will say, i switched it out for "Lovely Writer" another BL drama Up is in, and he's soooo cute and amazing in that one, just saying if you wanna see him in smtg wholesome!

Oh really? Because I was a little interested in that actor but I hated all but the lead in my stand in LOL perhaps I should give Lovely writer a go :)

Also a queer media forum should be the last place you should be scared to share your opinion. I quickly realised I'm the serial dropper and I'm still here so don't worry LOL


August Challenge Day 8

What is your guilty pleasure? Any vices?
My guilty pleasures are cookies. Cookies of just about any kind, but especially any kind of chocolate cookie, dark chocolate, and Chocolate Cookie Quarry frozen yogurt. There really isn't much that I consider a guilty pleasure other than those.

As for vices, I don't have any. I don't like gambling, don't like liquor, I detest cigarette smoke or smoking anything, don't touch any drugs of any kind ever because I never wanted to do it(but also, have lost several friends from/since high school from substance abuse and seeing my gay community continue to suffer from higher rates  of substance abuse also). But, enough of that, not trying to tank the vibes. I guess I'm a bit of a unicorn on this as I have been told.

Now I am hungry for some cookies lol <3


@RXinw , ty for your words of support! I actually started My Stand In but dropped it for a bit, not for any big reason besides lost of interest And Up's character being an a-hole, but i want to pick it back up for Up (the actor) I will say, i switched it out for "Lovely Writer" another BL drama Up is in, and he's soooo cute and amazing in that one, just saying if you wanna see him in smtg wholesome!

Ok, I saw your comment and HAVE to jump in, lol. 

I LOVE LOVE Up in both series, and both series were pretty great. Yeah, he was kinda like an A-hole BUT such a handsome one. And the series itself kept me going to the binging end, which is sm as I can get bored easy.  

Anyways, it's fun to hear other member's opinions and differences! :-)  :-)


:) Speaking of MBTI what is everyones? Mine is INFJ-A 

I always seem to get either INFP or INFJ so I can only assume I'm a mix of the two lol 


I always seem to get either INFP or INFJ so I can only assume I'm a mix of the two lol 

<3 Oh okay :D