

Honesty is a very good trait. I value honesty above all else. An honest friend is a good friend in my book.





I always love taking personality tests like these but I can never really remember what the letters stand for. I thought the description for mine was pretty accurate tbh. I would say I kind of swing between introvert and extrovert,, but otherwise it was pretty much spot on. 

An honest friend is a good friend in my book.

I've been dealing with a recurring issue where people initially seem to be fine with my supportive nature, but then suddenly change their attitude. It starts with them being okay with me being the caring and responsible person who guides them, but then they accuse me of being judgmental, holding them back, or triggering them. This really caught me off guard recently because I make an effort not to make others feel that way due to my own challenging experiences. It's confusing for me because I've always been held to high standards by others, so I don't understand how that could be a negative thing. However, now I've reached a point where I refuse to compromise my values or hold myself to a lower standard, as it's what drives me forward. I don't see it as a negative thing, but everyone has different levels of tolerance.

I always love taking personality tests

Every now and then, under the right circumstances, my extroverted side comes out to play. It usually happens after I've enjoyed a good glass of wine or a shot of Jager. Even in those moments, I still maintain a sense of reservation and catch myself holding back a bit. It might sound strange, but that's just how my personality works. Offer me a shot or two, and you'll witness this surprising extroverted side of me coming to life. It's quite humorous, to be honest!

I still maintain a sense of reservation and catch myself holding back a bit.

I'm on the shy side too, especially before the alcohol hits. I feel like it's something I've been trying to "work on" for my whole life. Most of the time I feel like I've gotten to the point where it doesn't really impair my social life anymore. I still can't network for shit though. 

I've been dealing with a recurring issue where people initially seem to be fine with my supportive nature, but then suddenly change their attitude.

Sometimes in these situations what happens is that persons will genuinely want help and seek it but when things get real they feel trapped by their own decisions to get help and get frustrated or scared or start second guessing themselves, so they feel the easiest way to escape is to lash out at those who were helping them because they find it easier on themselves to blame others so that the focus it off them, at least for the time being. What happens next is after they have isolated themselves from the help they start to panic internally or possibly even regret their actions but are too ashamed or prideful to go back to seek help again. I am no expert nor do I have experience in this regard; I am just analysing the situation from a neutral standpoint. 

Personally I am very reluctant to give advice to someone if they are not very close to me like family. The main reason being I AM NOT THE ONE OR THE TWO. When persons lash out at me I normally take a step back on the first instance and set boundaries of respect and try to resolve the issue respectfully. However on the second instance of disrespect they are going to go low and I am going to go to hell's basement. BUT that is me and I am not encouraging others to do same. 


I've been dealing with a recurring issue where people initially seem to be fine with my supportive nature, but then suddenly change their attitude. It starts with them being okay with me being the caring and responsible person who guides them, but then they accuse me of being judgmental, holding them back, or triggering them. This really caught me off guard recently because I make an effort not to make others feel that way due to my own challenging experiences. It's confusing for me because I've always been held to high standards by others, so I don't understand how that could be a negative thing. However, now I've reached a point where I refuse to compromise my values or hold myself to a lower standard, as it's what drives me forward. I don't see it as a negative thing, but everyone has different levels of tolerance.

You described my experience with people in general lol  it some kind of mental torture to have people love bomb you and then hate you over time.

 It's taken me most of my life to realise it's a them issue but youre the one that triggered it and if they can't handle looking at themselves, they just take it out on you instead. People can only meet you as deeply as they've met themselves. 

This was a long way of saying I feel you lol <3 

Quote~ American fan ~ Yes, well, I was being a little sarcastic.  And thank you for the kind words! And great quote that's going in my book. :-)

On my phone and without my laptop temporarily so I can't quote individually. Please have a laugh at my shoddy attempts to make for this LOL 

Would like to add that if anyone's going to have a pristine rep is probably going to be me! LOL I actually tried to be a bad girl and was so hilariously awkward Im still reeling from the embarrassment. It was just never in me lol last time I killed a fly I cried LOL so I will be RX's counterpart and be the good girl for everyone. You all have my blessings hahaha

they are going to go low and I am going to go to hell's basement

You were 100% serious, but this line sent me over the edge.  LOL

I believe in the importance of offering second chances to people, but I have come to understand that I need to prioritize my emotional well-being. When someone consistently ignores or dismisses my feelings, I know it's time to reevaluate the friendship and consider ending it. 

Instead of investing energy in short-lived connections with unpredictable ups and downs, I am dedicating my efforts to nurturing a select few natural, long-lasting friendships.

This was a long way of saying I feel you lol <3 

It's taking years of therapy for me to understand what love bombing and gaslighting is.

 YAY, for the mental connection, LOL,

anymore. I still can't network for shit though

I really struggle with networking. The idea of having to work a room, strike up conversations with strangers, and make small talk makes me feel incredibly anxious. I much prefer participating in panel discussions, where the interaction is more structured, and the pressure to socialize is minimal.

I often find myself overcome with nervousness during networking events, especially when there are awkward silences in the conversation. I tend to ramble on to fill the void, and when the silence persists, it triggers a sense of panic within me. 

I often step outside briefly to catch my breath and calm my nerves. After such events, I usually can't wait to retreat to the comfort of my apartment or hotel room to recharge.

Everyday social interactions can be exhausting, such as going to the movies with friends or being in a group larger than two or three people. The constant talking, conversations, and noise can leave me feeling drained and overstimulated. I become incredibly vigilant and hyper-aware, and everything starts to blend. 

This is one of the reasons why I enjoy living in New York City. Manhattan, in particular, is such a loud and bustling place that it's easy to lose oneself in the crowd. With so much activity and commotion, blending in and transitioning from one thing to another becomes effortless.

The Monster Next Door Ep1-3

I love this show. It's such a wholesome romance, with two wholesome characters, trying to navigate their own friendships and relationships, and making missteps because of their personalities and the way they perceive the world. 

Things I jotted down while watching:

  • When God asked if they should start seeing each other at the end of episode 1 I was so confused-- like is this the seeing each other as in like romantically talking, or is this like a inaccurate translation-- and then it ended up being that yes, my man is already a goner for Diew. 
  • The way these two first bonded over books-- adorable.
  • The use of the angel and demon on the shoulder, for both Diew and God, was super fun and clever. It's incredible cute because they are both such good people-- that there's literally nothing wrong with the suggestions made by either the angel or demon, like both sides make good points! The only difference is that the Demon  pushes the character to take action, while the Angel is more cautious. Extrovert vs Introvert.
  • I felt really engaged with these characters, specially Diew. As a fellow introvert I couldn't help but identify with some of his behaviors! I think the personality dynamic for this show is well thought of and has a lot of potential.
  • Am I the only one that feels weird about Game-- like are him and Win going to be a problem for God and Diew??? Because Win is jealous of God, and he's apparently Game's new friend?
  • Like I was all concerned for Young Master because Park really sold the acting-- but as an afterthought I'm glad the turtle is (fictionally) sick because this is the first time Diew calls out to God for help.

Also-- I'm glad the ratings for this are going up because the 7.1 I saw earlier was abysmal--

Now I'm off to binge the rest of Century of Love (I left of on ep3)--


I'm looking forward to the weekend when I can finally chill and have some me time. I can't wait to grab a big cup of coffee, catch up on BL, and chat with you guys


Hi guys it's my first time really talking here but I think this is a really fun question!!! what a funny way to introduce myself!!! I'm the type of person to have a lot of hobbies and phases and a slightly addictive personality, so over the years I've had many many  vices. 

Hi woopdy! At first I read your name as "woop-de-do", sorry.  

We might have some things in common. I've been addicted to a lot of stuff, good and bad lol.

Not about driving though. My family says I'm a bad driver. It's a tease trigger for them. I did get some speeding tickets (USA) and parking tickets (CAN) but that's in the past. I do love speed with the music volume on loud. Makes me feel like I am high for a hot minute anyways.

I can tell the difference btw a car and a truck, but that's as far as it goes. 

Oh, and my personality type is ISFP.  Honestly, not really sure what it means but hopefully it's a good one!

Maybe we're similar? I'm INFP.  A mediator, but not sure what that is yet. 

What is your profile gif from? It looks like sm I would like to see!!

I much prefer participating in panel discussions, where the interaction is more structured, and the pressure to socialize is minimal.

yeah its much easier with panels for sure, but still so difficult!

I actually don't dislike small talk at all, I think it's kind of beautiful to be able to connect with strangers about insignificant (or maybe significant) things. What bothers me so much about networking is the expectation of having to do small talk with so many people about the same thing over and over again.  

AUGUST CHALLENGE - DAY 8 - Guilty pleasure's? Vices? 

Hmm.  I don't feel guilt about most things because I've always been such a boring person with these things. I do love a good margarita and traveling... but I travel in a way that is absurd and way too expensive because I like nice places and things. I should feel guilty and sometimes I do, but then  I realize I don't have any kids right now so why not?

Other than that? EDM concerts. I feel the most free and authentic when I'm on the floor moving to the thumpa thumpa. I had one coming up next weekend, actually.

Oh. Shoes, and clothes. I really like clothes. That's kinda bad. My room has not enough space so... clothes... lots of clothes.