
Can I join this club, please?

Welcome welcome! Yes please do ^_^

Zhou Shen is returning with another hit! :D 

I love his new song for Back from the Brink, Floating. Also, it is the opening theme of BFTB and ever since I heard it fell in love. ?His voice alongside the music is stunning! like always 

ever since I heard it fell in love. ?His voice alongside the music is stunning!

Ohhh this is the first time I heard the full version. This is beautiful! Love that it started with a solemn mood and ended with a bang!!! Thank you so much for sharing. ♥  

Can I join this club? I've never joined one before so I'm not completely sure how it works, lol! I love so many OSTs it's hard to pick only three but Are You Human Too, Extraordinary You, and Legend of the Blue Sea are probably my all-time favorites in terms of the songs and the scores! They all feature some amazing artists and have some gorgeous instrumental tracks as well.

Can I join this club?

yup! Welcome ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )


hi, I'm a new one here, and I'm a big musiclover so want to join the club!! recently I didn't listen much of soundtracks, but my latest gem is “Hello” from 18 Again!!

also here is the list of some my all-time favorites, that keep making my heart skip a beat and making my eyes wet (left youtube links in):

please, I cried out my eyes while doing this table...  (┬┬﹏┬┬)

Hi, I'm new here and I'm a few months late but I just had to say the table looks amazing! I love so many of these, like Here We are, Rain or Shine, Horizon, Somewhere, and We All Lie. They're beautiful songs :)

This song SLAPS

Whenever I so much as think of Demi-gods and the Semi-devils, this song comes to mind. Sometimes I let the intro play just to hear it (mind you, I usually skip intros. I have endured all the spoilers for this tune!!!!). So good. Curious what it's like for people who watched this show when it came out. What will they think if they heard it all these years later? ^_^ such a good track

Q:   Have you ever listened to an OST for a drama you did not watch? If so, which one(s)?

 zen violet:
Q: Have you ever listened to an OST for a drama you did not watch? If so, which one(s)?

Yes~! I've done it for Cho Young Wuk, Tan Xuan, and Zhou Shen and a few others. Two Guys of the Underworld by Cho Young Wuk comes to mind from his movie the Drug King. Of course, it's made with his best friends the Soundtrack Kings (they collaborate a lot).

What about you? Any that stand out in particular?

 zen violet:

Q:   Have you ever listened to an OST for a drama you did not watch? If so, which one(s)? 

For you by BTOB from that Cinderella and four knights drama, never watched it, but that song would pop up on my queue whether in Spotify or YT somehow so ya

Hi, everyone, I would like to join the club.:)

Since I'm quite a big (not only but mostly) Thai BL Drama fan, I collect my soundtracks from here and they managed take up to half of my main/favorite music playlist by now and the collection is still growing.

Among my favorites are soundtracks from Love in the Air, Cutie Pie/Cutie Pie 2 You, Vice Versa, My School President and I Told Sunset About You/I Promised You the Moon.

Feel free to add me as a friend. Nice to meet you all!

So today I came across the JJBA soundtrack by chance and I think I need to finally watch it. i've heard such good things and I even watched the live action spin off (before watching the main show??? Listen I'm a sucker for Takahashi Issei). Maybe that'll be what I do tomorrow. 

Ahhh bummer I realized I started watching the wrong version of Jojo's Bizarre adventure. The soundtrack is from the 2012 version. And so I'll be dropping the 2021 version and starting the 2012 soon ^_^ Well the 2021 version isn't bad, but I'm really anticipating hearing this OP!!! :D I think I read somewhere that the song is the second opening so I'll have to at least get to the halfway point. A great incentive to keep watching right? lololol

Hi, everyone, I would like to join the club.:)

Sorry I missed the change to greet you before! Welcome ^_^

Hi, how do I join?


Hi, how do I join?

Welcome! Let us know your top three tracks! Also I just realized I need to update the member list haha. Will try to do that next week ?