hi, im joining this! <3


Hiii, I would like to join ^^


I want to join the club! :D

Yay! Thanks for joining use!

On the front page of the club you'll find lots of resources/rec lists for GLs, but you're always welcome to ask for recs here in the pages. ^-^

We also have some ongoing voting lists of favorite couple and characters. Feel free to go over there and put in/rearrange your votes at any time.

We also have an optional weekly coordinated watch, which you can read about here. I'm just about to announce this week's watch right now. :D

Other than that, just make yourself at home and gush about the GLs/GL couples you've watched, are watching, or look forward to. You are welcome to go outside of the scope of what is on MyDramaList, but if we get too far off track (which we havent so far), one of us might reign it back in. ;)


hi, im joining this! <3

By all means! Happy to have you! ^-^

On the front page of the club you'll find lots of resources/rec lists for GLs, but you're always welcome to ask for recs here in the pages. ^-^

We also have some ongoing voting lists of favorite couple and characters. Feel free to go over there and put in/rearrange your votes at any time.

We also have an optional weekly coordinated watch, which you can read about here. I'm just about to announce this week's watch right now. :D

Other than that, just make yourself at home and gush about the GLs/GL couples you've watched, are watching, or look forward to. You are welcome to go outside of the scope of what is on MyDramaList, but if we get too far off track (which we havent so far), one of us might reign it back in. ;)

I know i've been away, but I've been happy to see all the discussions in my notifications!

I still haven't watched the Be Mine Prologue yet, I'm catching up on all my watchlist items right now and over the weekend lol. I'll come back and read everything afterwards ;)


Don't forget to post your reactions to our Group Watch!

I will be announcing our next short film watch tomorrow, as well as creating the voting list for our next feature-length film.

How have y'all been liking this club activity? Any thoughts, suggestions, concerns?

Well today/yesterday someone introduced us to some Indian GLs:

Oh thanks for the recs! I've watched 2 Sapphic Indian movies before, Badhaai Do and Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, and loved them both a lot!

Everytime these gls air, or even under the cs of Gap, there are so many "love from Brazil" sort of comments. The lesbian revolution is underway there it seems xD

LMAOO brazil is a very enthusiasticaly gay country

Lmao. I see it all over the youtube comments for a variety of GLs. It's lovely to see!

we're everywhere lol

Isn't this based on a Camren fanfiction?

I will never escape the horrors that was being a 5H stan, a Harmonizer (derogatory). 

IT IS LOL but it's good, i swear. it totally stands as it's own story

and i understand, i had a 5h fan account on twitter when i was 12. the stereotypical sapphic experience

Really? I already saw season 1, so it is great news. S1 was very good

yes, season 2 is out on May 18th! here's the teaser :D

hi, im joining this! <3

hellooo <3

How have y'all been liking this club activity? Any thoughts, suggestions, concerns?

yes!! i've been enjoying it a lot. not only i watched a movie i'd been meaning to see for a long time (the cheese sisters), i've also found out about films i didn't now about before (the greatest love, even if, until rainbow dawn). and i had fun with my girlfriend project day 1 rewatch, it made me more excited for the 2nd part!

we're everywhere lol

Are you from Brazil?

and i understand, i had a 5h fan account on twitter when i was 12. the stereotypical sapphic experience

I actually forgot this was a thing... I always ran for the hills whenever people start shipping real people, let alone writing fanfiction for them. I didn't like it before I was shipped with people, and now I lowkey hate it after having been shipped with people.

Like, I'm totally fine with wanting to see people together more because of their dynamic, chemistry, or complementary aesthetics. But going any further than that and I am out.

Are you from Brazil?

i am!! :D

I actually forgot this was a thing... I always ran for the hills whenever people start shipping real people, let alone writing fanfiction for them.

it was messed up. i personally never engaged with the shipping thing, but saw it up close since i was in the fandom. it's even more messed up because one of the girls actually came out as queer later on, and talked about how bad it made her feel.

i believe that what's happening with freen and becky right now is kinda similar. some people go too far, and i fear it might affect their relationship with each other

i am!! :D


Wow, we've got quite an array of nationalities being represented in this club! I love it! Ah, the power of media and the internet. I'm all soft for no real reason at all.

it was messed up. i personally never engaged with the shipping thing, but saw it up close since i was in the fandom. it's even more messed up because one of the girls actually came out as queer later on, and talked about how bad it made her feel.

Yea, I remember hearing about one of them coming out (don't remember who). But I didn't hear about her response to the shipping. But it doesn't surprise. A ginormous number of celebrities worldwide have talked about how they hate when shipping extends to themselves (instead of being limited to the characters). That it makes them uncomfortable - even more so when shippers get insistent about it. It really makes me think that most (if not all) of these shippers are not genuine fans - because if they were, shouldn't they be concerned with how their idol feels? Where their boundaries are? Instead, it's a whole bunch of people calling it harmless fun or them knowing better than their idol as an objective viewer. 

Anyway, that's my two-cents. So to anyone here, feel free to ignore.

i believe that what's happening with freen and becky right now is kinda similar. some people go too far, and i fear it might affect their relationship with each other

It's looking quite simiar indeed. And then there's the fact that whenever a Thai GL is announced, FreenBecky and MilkLove are hassled on Twitter about auditioning. Let the girls breathe some! If they wanna do it, they'll audition. No need to put peer/fan pressure on them.

Wow, we've got quite an array of nationalities being represented in this club! I love it! Ah, the power of media and the internet. I'm all soft for no real reason at all.

right?? it always blows my mind to think to think that i'm talking to people from all over the world, and that we are united by the power of GL. makes me soft too, dont worry <3

It really makes me think that most (if not all) of these shippers are not genuine fans - because if they were, shouldn't they be concerned with how their idol feels? Where their boundaries are?

you are absolutely right. i'm also against any type of invasion of privacy. i believe we should enjoy artists works, interviews, photoshoots, events, social media presence, and that's about it. their private life should concern them and them only. it's also not healthy to be this invested in the life of someone you don't even know, to the point of being mad if they interact with someone you don't ship them with. it isn't good for anyone

It's looking quite simiar indeed. And then there's the fact that whenever a Thai GL is announced, FreenBecky and MilkLove are hassled on Twitter about auditioning. Let the girls breathe some! If they wanna do it, they'll audition. No need to put peer/fan pressure on them.

yes, it's so sad... they're just people, some fans seem to forget that. they're not characters who exist solely for entertainment and they don't owe anyone anything. i really hope this behavior doesn't affect the girls too much, but it's difficult not to be affected :(


Oh thanks for the recs! I've watched 2 Sapphic Indian movies before, Badhaai Do and Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, and loved them both a lot!

LMAOO brazil is a very enthusiasticaly gay country

we're everywhere lol

IT IS LOL but it's good, i swear. it totally stands as it's own story

and i understand, i had a 5h fan account on twitter when i was 12. the stereotypical sapphic experience

Actually the actors in badhai do—bhumi pednekar and rajkumar rao (who has if you notice also played a role in ek ladki ko dekha to aisa laga)+ plus another actor ayushmann khurrana (who has played in a gay movie) have taken quite a few "odd roles". lgbt movies in India are only ever famous if there's comedy but these actors have made sure to speak about lgbt so i’m not surprised you like it ^^

i have a ao3 account where i used to write ff on girls groups (i look back on my teenage self and want to slap some sense into her). 


Are you from Brazil?

I actually forgot this was a thing... I always ran for the hills whenever people start shipping real people, let alone writing fanfiction for them. I didn't like it before I was shipped with people, and now I lowkey hate it after having been shipped with people.

Like, I'm totally fine with wanting to see people together more because of their dynamic, chemistry, or complementary aesthetics. But going any further than that and I am out.

There's some real hot tea here ?


I know i've been away, but I've been happy to see all the discussions in my notifications!

I still haven't watched the Be Mine Prologue yet, I'm catching up on all my watchlist items right now and over the weekend lol. I'll come back and read everything afterwards ;)


Don't forget to post your reactions to our Group Watch!

I will be announcing our next short film watch tomorrow, as well as creating the voting list for our next feature-length film.

How have y'all been liking this club activity? Any thoughts, suggestions, concerns?

yeah, i’m watching the film today so will engage with the discussion tomorrow! thanks Athena

I’m liking it, i mean we don't have a lot of arguments and we are all genuinely enthusiastic about gl in our own way so it's fun. and i hope this doesn't die out like the bl club, we have few active members but that place is dead (nobody responds to anybody haha)

let us know when you get to the prologue :p


hi, im joining this! <3

hi :)

i am!! :D

It is wonderful, that Brazil is so open-minded about lgbt. If only more countries are like that, especially asian. :)

Btw, do you know other Brazilian GL dramas on youtube with english subs? I only found PINK season 3 and that Stupid Wife. Both were good.

i believe that what's happening with freen and becky right now is kinda similar. some people go too far, and i fear it might affect their relationship with each other

Yeah, people go too far. But I think, that Freen and Becky quite contribute to it with all those shows they do now, together with Nam as the captain of their ship, who stimulates such thoughts with new "revelations" from their relationship. When Becky many times says, that she loves Freen as her girlfriend in those shows, it is hard to not ship them. :D They try to promote themselves as couple and it works. Imo if they want fans to not talk about them so much, they should slow down too. :)

lgbt movies in India are only ever famous if there's comedy but these actors have made sure to speak about lgbt so i’m not surprised you like it

that made me like the movie even more!! it's good to know we're supporting people who support the community <3

i have a ao3 account where i used to write ff on girls groups (i look back on my teenage self and want to slap some sense into her). 

you were a kid though. it's a different thing entirely from full grown adults who go out of their way to harass artists, in my opinion

It is wonderful, that Brazil is so open-minded about lgbt. If only more countries are like that, especially asian. :)

well, it's far from being a safe haven either. we have a large out and proud community (the pride parade in São Paulo is the largest in the world!!), but there's also a huge conservative christian population. our last president was openly homophobic (and racist, mysoginistic, fascist, etc. just the trashiest trash to ever trash), and was almost reelected (thankfully that didn't happen, but it was close). i believe things are changing for the better though

Btw, do you know other Brazilian GL dramas on youtube with english subs? I only found PINK season 3 and that Stupid Wife. Both were good.

This channel has a couple webseries, though I have not watched them yet! with the success and visibility that Stupid Wife has gotten, i hope we see more brazilian webseries soon :D

Yeah, people go too far. But I think, that Freen and Becky quite contribute to it with all those shows they do now, together with Nam as the captain of their ship, who stimulates such thoughts with new "revelations" from their relationship.

i get that too, and i really enjoy seeing them together!! if they eventually reveal that they're actually in a relationship, i will be over the moon! but there are lines that should not be crossed. people are out there sending hate messages and death threats to anyone who interacts with the girls, and that's deeply disturbing. low-key, casual, respectful "shipping", is diferent in my opinion, as long as we don't invade their privacy or make them feel uncomfortable. we can just follow people and root for their happiness, regardless of who they end up dating

Be still my GL loving heart:



Lol, in the past 2 days, I've had 2 random MDL users ask me about my profile picture, thinking/hoping it was a GL. I am captaining a ship I aint even watched myself. XD