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There's this Taiwan romance anthology series that was just released and episode 9 features a GL couple. Setting is about 2 girls reconnecting when they're adults. Currently halfway through and its worth a watch!


Recently, we've been getting so many projects announced and I'm kind of curious what are you guys looking most forward to in gl ? I really want a fantasy historical series with main sapphic leads or maybe a series with sapphic lawyers would be cool. 

I would like to see chinese wuxia/xianxia uncensored GL, but that not gonna happen (probably) :/ Then something with straight girls (or one straight, one lesbian), lost somewhere alone - lone survivors of some accident for example, working together and helping each other to escape from the place... and while doing so, they would start to have some feelings for each other, which would turn into love in the end. And so they would find out, that they are not 100% straight. :) 

Some fantasy or scifi would be good too. I like time travel and space, so an android alien girl coming from future to fall in love with terrestrial girl would be surely great (at least for me). :)


There's this Taiwan romance anthology series that was just released and episode 9 features a GL couple. Setting is about 2 girls reconnecting when they're adults. Currently halfway through and its worth a watch!

is it called 'at the moment' ? my friend recommended that to me recently because of the gl episode and it looked really good!

also, butch lesbians!

i cannot stress my agreement enough.


Recently, we've been getting so many projects announced and I'm kind of curious what are you guys looking most forward to in gl ? I really want a fantasy historical series with main sapphic leads or maybe a series with sapphic lawyers would be cool. 

I would love to see an army lesbian/queer drama with an army-civilian love story. When someone is in a  relationship with an army, duties come first, so it could be hard for most people. The story may go into the fun, interesting, and challenging parts of the relationship. It can also explore the topic of military spouse benefits. Just so you know, if you're not the spouse, you can’t get on base, into the commissary, or generally do anything about your military partner.

I've read a fanfiction with the same concept, and I'm silently hopeful it could turn into a drama.

I would love to see an army lesbian/queer drama with an army-civilian love story.

This sounds interesting - I'd watch something with that!

It can also explore the topic of military spouse benefits. Just so you know, if you're not the spouse, you can’t get on base, into the commissary, or generally do anything about your military partner.

I feel this could set up for a highly angsty drama! I definitely would want to see the effects of this because apart from GAP which kinda mentions it, I've yet to personally see any sapphic media discussing how legal spouses can do much more than a partner who isn't legally recognised!

I'm definitely echoing the sentiments above - everything I've read above seems like I'd love it, although I'll take any sapphic rep as long as the plot or characters seem interesting! The trope twists and evolutions will definitely be something I'll look out for as I didn't consider them - the "caring on period" one especially warms me just thinking of it!


Ok just searched but lovers to enemies might not be a real trope but it will be interesting to see it.I agree  that the supernatural genre hasn't been done right  with romance in it mostly but in theory it feels like a nice way to introduce character development.

@chiha I guess what drama  in gls means to me  is basically going past the characters stereotypical image and understanding  them at a depth through various "dramatic" scenarios and the characters getting closer through that, dunno if it makes sense but I feel the drama we are talking about is different? 

I need recs for butch /butch too  and if you are interested in reading a comic(it makes it kinda visual ig) you can check out a refreshing summer(gl) on webtoons (caution - it's so cute and funny that you might end up wanting more but it's really short )

I meant "drama" in a more trope-y sense but yes, full of "dramatic scenarios" haha

Will definitely check it out, thanks for the rec!

 kiyois back scrubber:

is it called 'at the moment' ? my friend recommended that to me recently because of the gl episode and it looked really good!

yes! sorry in my haste i didn't put the name haha

I feel this could set up for a highly angsty drama! I definitely would want to see the effects of this because apart from GAP which kinda mentions it, I've yet to personally see any sapphic media discussing how legal spouses can do much more than a partner who isn't legally recognised!

As far as I know, the spouse benefits apply to both hetero & homosexual marriages in the military. But I think it's a bit tricky for gay/lesbian couples since some countries, especially in Asia don't legalize same-sex marriage. So it's good if this issue can be explored in a drama. And yes, it'll be a hell of an angsty drama!

I think 1448 Love Among Us (2014) addressed the subject of domestic partnership recognition & protections, but imo, the movie was badly executed. 


I am a full supporter of the "take care of her on her period" trope that's popping up in the stead of "take care of his injury" or "take care of him while sick." 

haha that's a good one!! i love this part in She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat!


@mermysteries I agree, we definitely need more diverse tropes in gls still, like I did want to see a bit older couples already in a relationship navigating through life and stuff  and more supernatural plots like time travel , body swaps perhaps. I actually like the body swap plots because the characters truly see each others perspective.

I would love some dark comedy as well and more of the university set gls. 

Also I would like to see butch characters and just women  who are masc representing and this might be unpopular opinion but i want to see more butch and butch pairing ! 

 and just more enemies to lovers tropes pls :)

Also Happy Diwali to anyone who celebrates !


Happy Diwali!!! :D


This is even pretty hard to find in BL, so it might be a while before we get that in GL dramas. But 100% I love these stories.

We appear to be opposites on these matters lol.

Definitely agree on these points. I love my masc women. 

I would also love to see some darker GLs. Assassins. Vampires (I prefer a vampire GL over BL). Etc.

  • Let's be real, sapphic vampires are just superior!! Other couples just don't hit as hard

Jumping in here, I would love drama irl if I knew i'd eventually get a "we ran into each other in the rain and kissed because the atmosPhEre was romantic enough to blow out all the bs we did to each other" 

But irl we don't get second chances usually so I hate drama irl too

As for butch/butch, I find the idea so hot but ive read just one book like that and as for visual media, none... Do you have recs?


i dont think I've read/watched anything with a butch/butch couple wither, which os devastating...


Thank you @mermysteries for exhaustive answer :)
@AthenaTheStorierX Yes! Take care of her during her period would be such a dope trope. Cuddling with a hot-water bottle instead of sponge baths is what I long to see.
I'm actually glad that BL dramas paved the way for GL, that way we may be able to avoid some of the tropes I don't want to ever see again [can you imagine "I don't like girls, I only like her"? - that would be horrible]. I know some people are already tired with high school/university/engineering set-up in BLs, but I would totally watch it in GL. I'd watch anything in GL, let's be honest. Fantasy, sci-fi, horror, slice of life, fluff, smut - I'll take anything :)

not exhausting at all!! i love talking lmao

im enjoying especially the university setting in GL!! Can't wait for Be Mine and the couple of Tawan and Winnie, who are college roommates!! I wouldn't mind more of these




*imagine there's confetti here* Hooray!!! *imagine there's confetti here* 

I'd like to thank everyone here for helping make this place the safe space it is for us to discuss all things GL!!! *imagine more confetti here*


*imagine there's confetti here* Hooray!!! *imagine there's confetti here* 

I'd like to thank everyone here for helping make this place the safe space it is for us to discuss all things GL!!! *imagine more confetti here*


really, ive been having so much fun here for the last few months!! you are all amazing!!

correction, gay confetti.


correction, gay confetti.

apologies - i stand corrected

*gay confetti everywhere!!!*