
Don't forget:


I would like to join :)


I would like to join :)

Welcome!! Make yourself at home ^-^

My favorite is the one where they are holding hands and looking at each other.

Definitely joining in! <3 


Definitely joining in! <3 

Welcome, welcome! Make yourself at home ^-^


I would like to join :)


Definitely joining in! <3 

welcome everyone!! <3

Yes, I know. I'm a bad admin. I blame the ADHD. Imma put a notification for this from now on. Anyway, here's your Belated #SapphicSaturdaySpotlight

In honor of Put Our Heart On The Paper ending this weekend, I wanna spotlight one of our leads from that cute H'Our Channel minidrama.

Cake (Put Our Heart on the Paper)

Cake is, well, ditzy. How else would you explain the complete disregard for all the signs her favorite author and roommate are one in the same?

But she's such a sweetheart. She's always making sure her author-roommate is well-fed even while she's in the middle of working. She's also very straightforward (which might be the reason why she doesn't catch on to people not being straight-forward with her).

Of course, this drama has that amateur indie feel that all H'our channel productions have, so don't be expecting a grand acting performance that keeps you immersed. But regardless, I think this one's my favorite from the Channel so far. 

Lucky My Love’s behind the scenes

Everyone, the Reverse 4 You update was a casting call announcement for the character Four! i honestly believed they would announce the new actress already, BUT im just glad that the project is moving!! do you guys have any actresses in mind who you wish would get the role??